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March 25, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-03-25

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the I. v

4 A A


Reeie IafLDin o WNlVil Be Given April 4 by Rev. W.
ties for Spring Suits ). Mackenzie, of Chicago.
and. TrouseringsAfe consderable negotiation, the
/ oficers of the Stdens' Chritian As-
189 7 iiio(-iationhv eue te Rev.I.
NO. 2 E WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. delve their anunal address. )r.
__________________________________ Ala__ 'ii'kenmie is a feloN townonal int
i S otand o Profesor Wenley and
A. 0 MEO ----- reentily accepted the chir of theology
in the Cicao Theological Seminary.
$that woll wear ix moth is a goodA
one We coo give yu a Comb that llttiorwok there has broght him
iwarrated to wear 12 moth
ordinaaeyuoage. We've got bi quikly ioaprominence as a great
A combo and little combs, oareA
combs and fle comb, good combs p reacher and thinker. Ic is in mch
and cheap combsa A
F Vtmliefd as 1a peaker:itaaccount o
A PALER'S HARMAY. tle oraorical atiliy whichl he addo
46 S.STTEST 5tohis oilher atainiment-, and aas elb-
STATE ST. geil to reirrange his work in order to
___________________________________acept lihe initation to speak before
A Shoe W~ell Fitted ! ! or asociton. Tihis address isgiveni
__________________ .iihiclly in I niveorsiy tall ad is
,Means double the wear and there- ( eade le occasion of a uniio meting
fare a saving of t00 per centnt to o h aiu lucc.'lcll i
mention the comfort and appearance o h aiu hrhs h aeo
whirlh in themselvea are of no asmalt ice meeting tilis year will11e Stnday
importance. We give special atten c oeile" April 4iii. Professor Ma-
tione to this feature of fit-in fact, we
prefer to lose sales rather than allow tenthe's stbject will be 'thristianilo
improperly fittled footwear to leave -liit:
our tore. __abit."_
® ®® Address on the Feeble Minded.
WV. J. PA P I I..L..L... i 'ollisi, of tapieer, the spr
18 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR ii tiiialtitoa the Insittie for 1-ci-
ime nd Epii lliletics, addressed ho
a~~ citiss ini sociology ystrdtyiornig
r Fes io lihe suitjec lf Iihcles aitlidiots.
i jThie miint10111inhis lectare, which
°rStrawberries for iswas listened to wi interest by:i
:large' atdience, are ee gieni
00 -Crushes"hand :$ ieciles ail idols raiisssin
0 eistetci.Iereiiy is the isitciat.'e
Sl 01y" f hirciio niitit ed xsence. btilheir
tonight. nume~~~r i5cisalso increasedl by tie sill.y cnu odiosofve
totsigpat:on.icia cnins ofthiii'ate ilaci
First of the Season. S 101 Baieofti atrtc
there icis *i hnce is derease thei' sit-
atirtot esois ss alliieil ltrure-
eloii in tils resect. Teitinlsae coui-
v LIN'- IA 0 Y,:sitre a difereit class entirely aid
s CLKIS' e- HAR ACY 0it is inhumtan to house the tso classs
0tiptier The fel-mindtd aie weat
_____________________________________anod tiiiidlthlin sant artifeii srog
--AT- andilvsolcnt
Ihericaceatilitrtoctit ll0tt00fetile-
1u 9,rs BOOK1-S OR iifn dlpersons ii ihe'UtitidSats
just rie'O atnother lot of Six per Cclittotf wsvliiara' ittder care.
tha ineU of MMonoowrana Of allie familes Iii existnce lGi) lii
120 . w cetbhae at leasion00ctil scwo is
Papotr, thm popular shades feele-mnded. schi lersots '.rve .1
Blue atnd White, also a New tleey to disease al initulil.
Stock of the Various Highs 'Two-thirds of them ie f cetsup
Grade Correspondence Paper. tin. Their vitality is gretily loirid,
Vtiitrards Engraved, anti but it pis not tte that tey coieti to
Plate rintin.alliemd tiioughi steriliy. Ilttilchs
PlatePrining.aceiprovatle, idios 'are tot lain
ts oftn a tlaltire to idiots. 'luey
W A.HR'S BOOK STORE hase geat peroal vaity. 'heii.
YY t Ssose of tabe 15slqtite likely toi he po-
Up Towon Downe Tamn e eted
l0Os. State st Opposite Cort nose
Ann Arbr ~ Main et I lheie ateeItree grades of the tiebla-

minded. Thtose in the lowest class are RUINS OF MOGUL EMPIRE.
giood for mianual labor only. Those ittn
the middle clasa read and write a. Drawings of TIhem Presented to
little. Those in the highest class us-
vally go thrcough the granntnar schoolsI UnvriyoNeas.
and tdevelolp a grillalitittude for souse TeUtvriyo e'al a os
poarticulair brancoh, whicht is always
1 beiti enriched liy a princely gift front
taicehanical. Int ler tiranches lhey
the :Maharajaht of Jeypore. This s;-
lagtiliti, he ilt-alli~litie ciigereign has wvithi itost contmtendable
out, of all piroportionI to their other eltidrrktitfror-'heeat-
capaicties. ful and uttique arcitectural designs
The feetbe-nindlel cant he educateid
Isoho' found otn the ancient builditigs
0112-ha- t solnaof titiia ttiiit0.of India, and to opien tip a tmine of
lie the'ory is that the body muist b e eohist h rciet n
tiailt tip amid froini tis thii bratn. At
builders of other latids. With.eateit
ltii piresent time there are' 127 fcih i et heam.t.araio. to]I tot-to.,

mndted personsustntder cite lit to'
school itt Lapeeir. Thteir ages oacgc
fromaiii i to fifty-ine years. The
suplervisionmutsb e tonstatiniforInwy
iquickly forget what is tatighitihtemi.
They are htappsy whien lucy are busy,
bitt cainat he kept forairivery long

lags made at the tiohie archiitectur-e of
tie IMNogul dynasty of ancient tiedia;
anid ais trestult of tie royal tmndate
the Unis-era'itv of Niebrask'a last week
received a tox lined wvithtiii contain-
ing six porifolis of tiles'eidrawsings,
secturely packedl initins a tth010y

i MUUL 11 t~lle lr h 111. 1011 base imitse'their long joulrney- sithoto
ti-hiti s iii 112 it-ais i iroehtscrattchi ticblemish.
piriipigatiol. IToe folilo-itig is a brief tsynopto atf
Society Programs. the preface to thie description ho these
sondioerfuil drassings:
'f'4efolowing is thit'Webhsiur ; i'ut
'I-cu-wtien in Itndia has-c the tuime or
lioh-th fii-toihri-ss iigil ii.. -op'portunity-htouakce for titemsels-es a.
Mrc. Stun-c; reading, irt. Lawler;:01r0
collectioti of archite-titral studies, nor
lioi. I . 'hiobthal iapriltths.it is likielyitat the oppsartunity swill
Itt-ets1. l-gtuinBtcho' n{Itiitisoii: f -
iletil'. hi~oistl.fin -~hiial tgaita tcctir of erectitig'buildings so
isiimi ttshoutld tie-re-estabilished gai asnis o'setrotlis
Atihio,''aifrnltie, r. ~cI4i ti ole spsecimhens, true, buit designtidlto
itteet thie reqtuiremnts of tin age that
lilt Mtt.1-ogle, itigalis'. 'Mr.thobill-
has tpassed. Still there is no retison
con atdMri. Bilby. sil ii etisshii scls-l't
s'lc eifetsonito Societyawillwhd iteet tile eye,-o'50fitlof Vigor, so grace-
itie liniitiry 8Sit ii-tyighi f' its fut aindliso00trate in ottline aadsrichl
jint ilbite a'stIt iet" .Xb-hiiat sitindesign shouildttlsteo'math' tse of
'flit'quesht-ttin t' bedebitted isitt R-ill nmtoidarnbuilinigs. 'Thlese otrawsitngs
solved. Tht ss-iai's sutffrag 5 i aose'beenticomtpiledl tront wossnear
iiisiralii' liii'dthefallossi i irelteDli, iiAgra tinilparts of litl-lsoian.
conotehstnts,. ,Itirmtilit, bMstrs. Iluff ,Oilier parts of Itidita hitie tiot beent it.
I 12Datmia'iiiiig ahit attihi ~ ltlteshatvo' baeanireplrodiued alto
mitt-h, t'iie. i-aoss, tIro tiltou, 1'u oiud itoefuoiit onttly-as stutdies to
ttudil Stangitr. stdents, but chitefly-as ssorkiingtlrtaws-
iii s fort'hoi'are'ittot andilatrtisan.
liie'1--of .bh. Ihlilahigia 1800titYl Maul- of liiieadisigits cati ia'excseuthei
swill titia i ton2ight iniRoomtatit t I :,-)olI I i 'wooad, ini stout' ar in metal tas ss-.l
i{a'i-okamthfliie fialowiisvii caiers" s-ill it s munoAtilltlecertisus.Ituth of tilt
hi' retad: i;iMaterhial from wohIt-it hieseidaiigs
Dia'rt{'sSts ii cay 1itt itt;"iii hia'e hiemimBtatde is raidhly decal-lng
Hea'meteir, I'hitl hiti utnahd ihiiltt- tad inia tess-re0ars soill tic anrecogniz-
hic Versa-, Prof. I-. It. Ltese; A tCot- tatle. It Is to rescaicthiese designs
aiiisitu tat Wssa'aJii thol tsi lit'tii lirom oblis-iotnthatlt'os-ork hias bieei
in1dtlelipa lhig'minimaoT Fli'iiihiS, ir. undttaakein."
ti;;cgi Iiemo' ladzitis, '()ti li iii- Ittirk 'Tai11ha srittami the fimlao'-
tar intDt iiOiroit. high School. lug liii-heii '''uthe''oncerinig the
l'rof. (damsn osishues to aittomihiec gift:
that lie so-ill meiet his classes today ".'te dais-igs tire tll matioe unetd'r
thatFridaa: ts sulal.comntary tot theit'tolimel tacobs superintentdetice by
'S'emoeeleta. - emdet isyug ntaives: they are putils in the
Tuesay cass.sebools of airt and protegea of the
Thai'e Webster Society wsill hold an Itahtarajab. In the case ef the sculp -
eleetiomittofdoficersFtiday naighut. (Continued on 'rhird Page.)

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