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March 24, 1897 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-03-24

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and get the best service.
T1.ALOIR!U. of. 'M. GUITARS. Office and Stable, 32 Forest
Latest Novelties in (Gents Suitings. a Ave. Telephone 106.
___________ashurn Mvandolins Branch Office at Palmers, Pharmacy
10 Fe. Washington St. - Up Stairs. AND OTHERS. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK
WASHBURNS--- $15.00 AND UPWARDS. Capital Stack, $50,000. Surplas, $150,000,
-,-W_ WakOTHERS------- $ 1.98 AND UPWARDS. Rtesourcesi, x$,00,000.
Organized underethe General BlankingLas
aftie State. Receives deposits, bays asd
I An nArb r M sic o ells exchasge an the paicipeicitiesp a!fthe
AnTIDEr v u i U OSE.EWLR,1, niedStates. Drafts sheditspan pae
THE ?ER HOSE JWELR, ____________Identification. Safety deposit bases to rest.
{ 21 __________ iiand 23 Eact Washington Street Gearrmans:VCristian IChak rea.; W. D.
Craunclh ye. twh a firs-class Fauncin.larmn icPe. ia .Hsak
Per. Pn ad Rrr' reairng spciaty.Cashier: hM. J. Frits Assistant Cashier.
Oranized lsitr
stop! Stop ?1! Stop !! TRY RED STAR, OIL--NO SMOKE, Capit5alI, t slrpl s d Proits, $d0,00
.-AT- No Charred Wicks, No Offensivce(Odor, No Fooling of Chiimnevs. Foreign exchange loaagbl andsld, Furnish
lettrse atcredi.
Parker's Corner Store, ( A Whsite Light-Burns freely to the last drop of oil in thte lamp F. 1i. RINEPrsHARSNOU,
STAE T.ANDIt UIVESIY VE -Clear as spring water-l0t per gallons-Deliered in our cans, I S. W. Ci.ARxSON. Canhier.cFr.
Frrs made Candiea con stantly int stack.,
C-lloncead you will-call again, promptly-Sold only by
INTHE EQUIPMENT OF A 44 south Main Street._____________
tClr. Alain ati iistraa Streets.
STUDENT'S ROOM, Comedy CloG in Ypsi. pitsiniltilt' playfr tieir first out-of- Capital $50,0t0. Snrpluisa$30,00. Transact
_ general bank~ittgbusincess.
itise tixe' Ilyti. eded tlhat a stringed en-cioil appeatranlce. Ice ladie's sihs till It. IitnFres',r. C. E OnENen, Vice Pres=
strumient is'almost -aa absoltute necessity. To f' ' Cilli'dy lttlepromlises lt timike' 'FisE. H. BiLisei, Casheie.
aecrekhegreatestinjyntent fram theacasptoessiYslniar
,parelase wrt the best your tieney will affod. titi'.1 society cc-cue of is Ypsilantil Il I iaiclss le t~~i tt
State" judgment protnouncee the "Hay A, - l leslc 'atillil, sithl, Secdill. F .S lle e
inae struments -tfiniest in 11thesold lltiliclil';llct'. .Alirgei' ill2ll of l plit 155 F.t',Tod. Stoik. llcBIldce,
An~exclllltnltluent i lierliaslepromiintiadieshaviillilil- 20 5. STATE STREET
'B. "'.YSTATE $10 00 li c pt 5liiIlistro leililandeals ll'are__ _______ Sells a Salid GoldFou'antPlen at $1.03
$10g.cplly.'i:'ll 00fl ayNt otoCiagook ! i.sBon5ceants ateeuard. b In
' 'ANT "' enPapnr for 50cents.
.L.D ~...'. P1:1' t w chesto n1: 1 'Cil ist l ! 1! l ie-l , .,r - Note Books 5centsandupwcards.
We . cc n i 5 scl echeaern jo sti l ' ivloletlol ias receh-eed i ler __________________________
thn tliltault;orassantnital. serie-hueln eals iwellresie itiwe AntAlin '- Iil 11'ili"llcl-ci iis. lcei
cate inste nlcnt, it a law pricr, no10 I1Lwnys C ooae
atceher iseramesnmatufctetred callcbr I on )li l it-'r ile) ii i sele i >i o
ill IIilili'l5 iiilirI. 01 ~ .lnrl rill'stinl gyijtist 111heidiing C oclt .
Scen cli. it.de'itciocee, lerD tor . on i.t e t ccof Ieznlto icllmpl'e lt eAell Hot Lunches.
Send for i i l iS ctFNR5 g e . l'dt tlrici. A lllllllict rlcc tIiea ill ti e 'tltic
453-13swa- one li i sr, 1 tn. I I cii eensoldl ad llhosc' cl:5in11 Icol is based oiiiruei'of thccrultticTUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St.
} C o . I 1 d a ii Ii llt e tse lcc-l' ae t y rlcl odiad tfall al it-hicgoill-,,o 110
aT..ucKer & Co s 1111 iciiloltlgmgc'olli:irs at oce.t-i- e-sterci lltclle-ic'g e Cent:ests, %Redu1ction
4 Tie:boald cwiIt 1be )1keptsicr ii12 chic-liforbsidls lilyofsthelicoOtirpricsherifte
BICYCLE LIVERY AN!] SALESROOM o :1t- isIdgy. cii lical seals cni:-l fi'ourg1111oflhreltclciterlf(or01k i be for .. oH..btton
"te.Irciettocinoeilay18 North Fourth Ave. I li:( cccl dIte fre that11'bc'w. 'tic-clc"10illelts niot Ogell uterstIuden1tcc all patterits, will be 50 Cents.
We cat 'y i ull Disnc o p-t -date 1:l t 11lt l.51 o iil. ,t'l l.cl'ilcin. Ii ARNOfLlflLEADING JEWELER.
Bicycle Snd ries indciparts telmnly I ci'lnts still beI:a' ito , il-cc: ill' local lboard cotrll l lchaIc:ha 1111.LEDULG
Wheels. c<i :1:1 .lccy n ic rof .11: lcilrsiolcesiS d ci olice liicgsin: c e -rceipt f 11e:l11-
Also J[ epair Whec-ls at li-jug prices. lth ccl tric- iiie'. ilhe- :lIl:is rceleclts- I.111i sitliili l c:iilUI V i i CHOOLj
bu ti rbbeta oytt ive us. call if in ineeof any thitng 1i ic, tis wseek, introdullcin;."nest- dci tcilprsentactiv-es es-lube senit, .isit O D NCN
in our linle. cc01"':1steigllDilg 1:': -dtbe:::iIllil(h
Opsie Law IBnilding. S3.00 until iMay let
U OF -X 5SHAVING PARLOR. and Btic- sny twoclasses.Oflire,b om.Al-Ponmnsfrtcas ~r
impartedasidtomestic cicat-s. Laies'ar1is- 27i Thompson Ste .
tic ir d elecg a andsbthc:cingpats, np Spn
tie. . ' l FiTra s di 33S.s tate st. euin vite your anspectiton of 111e finest line of Spin
Suitings, Overcoatings and Trouserings thnit we have i M o n ey Loaned 1
~ evcr been Bibe to placte on out' tables. Our relCiltation for -5i ~~~,nseds-el ~ te
1 - PesonalProperty. Watchet and Jew-
~iprodtucing only the best workxeill be nesintaneel, p elry Reairedi. Oice ct residence, MlE.
A T %o N C ILiberty it ,Ancn Arbor, Mlick. All busi-
ness canfideniial. Houtrs, 7t It ac. in. and
No waiting for Columbia and 'Hariford j_7to 9 . P c, -JosEI~aC;.WAT'S.Bargaina
bicycles. No tdlay and consequenan noey.-,,~7~PD~ neadl~
atce. All models and patterns new ready G NiceRsa&flaioad,
far immediate delivecty. 1897 lt'oJuc ATOaslst Received a Latrge.and Eleg.ant
aline of New Pipes!
~~lhot aned Cold Lunchces at all icesrs.Agents


ure ncade exclusic-ely of 5 percetea Nickel
Steeli Tuinig, thecentirc pro- Qff TO ALL
dutof wirk we control, $100 ALIKE.
Hartford Bicycles are at prices
within reach of everyone.
$75, $60. $50. $4i5
C ataou refsrontaincyColcubia
Telr; ON sASfor ll e eeed$


Cihcolate BnecBHnn.
15 S. State St.. Sager nlock.
Anton Teufel,
trunksValises, Dress Suit Cas
Trankcs and Valises Repsired Neatly and
iCeaply. eo.5 .Man st.
A Slashi in Pricers.IParasbant
tinme te sill
aa S. Stale st.. One r osny's Billiard Roam.
0 A. MARTIN, Funerlirlector, Cloth
"ad Metallic Cakets ad Fine GTrade
Coffns. Embalming a Specialty. No. 17
Fourth ave.

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