THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. PU I b1sed Dally (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Ore en: Times building, 79 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty and William Sts. It INAGING EDITOR J. F. THcOMS, 17. ASSOT 3ANAGING EDITOR F. S. SIMIONS, '98. ATHLETIC EDITOR H. B. SaiILcAN, '18 L. BUSINESS MAN4AGER 0. B. eANS, '55. EDITORS E. L. OttsEt, '98 L. H. B. CoRwla, '11. F. M. Loonis, '98. BUTLER LAMBn, '00. 1. A. C~AurnEL, '00. ASSOCIATE EDITORS W. W. Ilnubes, 'il. S. W. Smith, '17. F. A. Fucib, '98 E. A. Ml. Smith, '17. W. P. Marril, '15. G. Di. Iludouti, '00. C. Lull, jr., 995Al. The subscription price of the Daily ix 12.11 for the cllerge year, sith a regular delivery brfore noan each day. Notices, communica- tions, anod other matter intended far publics- ibosut behainded in at the Daily officehbe- foe o p. in., ar mailed ta the editor before 3 p. in., af the day previmas to that an which they are expected to appear. Subscriptions may be left at The Daily Office, Mleyer's oe Stoliet's Newstand, or with Business lansoer. Suberibers will coo_- fer a favor by reporting promptly at (his offie any failure of carriers to delver paper. '['le sauddess of ex-Pr'esidenit Iharrd- 0011 lad siil 1.W1sio esjOyflsie ilil V'y e'spelct. 'lit'esisuke's'.oiceCouldit bst hseard distinetly ill 's-try Ipaltl of iho' ,ooie' Iittllily i lssi riig sillts t stitSby Its' iii'ststiiss'11101is1wti sia- oilys lisfoltepafr illlie-st-Iwl. 't'e stec-hldeailt will subil- jets itt currentin tirred s il'idS 1101 fail to rirs-clote ls'oIset slt nition ll Ilirisisgi. Ioi-iisessiorei it as7jmti- issi sand opiwitatledl direc-t'o t o is' 1(51s ofsll. (O1nte xWh(olet' ,iii rsso wadetby isyl( it' lsessscisoist'sl gtllilll «ws nscifavotralet. FULL LIST OF ENTRIES. (Continued from First Page.) Heavy wyeight boxisig-I. E. Lels', '.)S D, J. Maretini, '19 1. 'liibllr weight boxing--I. S. Elligot. '010, C'.11. Porter, '91I) 1. 0. Laing, 'LI L. Lightwrighit boxinsg-A.IP. Cox, '00, L. Hubbard,. jr.. '97, L. .. tfsiissl.ll, '00 Al1. Bnasils weight boxiig - H. S. Hlolms, "27 D.A.t'. ('ox, '00, . U.Hl)- bsarsd, '97. Feather weight bioxing - (I. '. W'lirrfer, '00.,11. S. Hlmeliss, 'p7 D. Tuhe oflieils for iheletCasrr: ('tier of colser . 4At LeRoy; a50010- lists, 1t. F treundc. 22. 1. Hutscisg. .tssdgresa t lilsisli -H. 1. 'Seote'r, D. 1E. Stualrt, Eel.lHoslgsmian. l'iels judstr-F".22'. lbs'oii0"er. 5' I'. lel'oist,. 0. 1. 2rigisl. Risir e-D.lIe . It iitihi'-es'~ l 'li1ssisro V. 2'. 2sl. III. .1. U. Fitz- gera'ldtlanitSSidI 2'. )2illsls. N alllt'i't 'andl Dr. 2ts'Slssrichi. Reftilts-Dr'. : tll 1's. it' 111 lits'iiitsry Isisiss ini wrestlinig sssl Itixiig sWill l:,l'td I-'istys''~t'- WrinkleOuGet Today'. Wr'inikle'15isplacedIoil ,clit' Ilts Cv. 'lisit ousiiss' al'.li isslss',l'i'llilt n lI-. oi sllli 1(0 C'ollie t'dsCL 8. I llils 'list' se isby It. 21. lswisss't.1.C llssis'lssisl aiidiA. 2M. Smiiths. 'I'lliimidl- ills patge' (y I l txlss' slilidlsuitre0107 focsiblylositheiii sstslssandsiis, .'csil- 11101i ttt t 'ion sossteocispsuits I I isse ;in1. 'T'e litolt's six iieis it'or tt' esrilig oftmntlion a 1ii.'lo 1ll~o o 0 ©0 HE 0 0 0 Latest Productions By reason of bring in touch withl tho loading manufac- turers of fina ready to wvear clothing, we are able to show y01u some of the products of celebratesi looms, that were niade for the finest tra le. Tho superior quality of these fabrics anti the exclusive character of tile patterns ilaudo them very desirable at t reasonab'e price. If tile clothes don't fit we alter as the high tilass tailor does. W~hat mlore ran we do? Glee Club Prospects, .Af1ter tIlls'citurl'sasotoIliit s o 155(5 'Ils' rs iselo t lst'(lis' ius tlisiss (is s its'ndesrs'd ts'x-t'l'sitls't 11t'- ilcs 11y the hi' iiDelits ''lsstst frater- veOry3'l '0loii . l , il'a s th sborsd so ° con lssto sesldvsntaigs'ofthi1111 otun15115i1ty t towl has nosttos't sigIitied is isiisn Insis''ilt'esshooessi:gbestof itthe e'xeiss'. toll of givinig ls'isthe s'ieded s'rsssiooioi. OIN~tSCASS t c'on~aset is eobstsinesd, t( l ib's will ('assets ill dancinig meet up to Stl' probatbly matk"eoly a sort toul'. (ill Ist. Speceialelte to those wiosing to insg in D)eroit, Psssniiis'asld Hins. .10in 1105w. Prograsms for Tsiesslay antl '['1e1' ssssnsgs'sis't is plannlinin Ilce- Saturdasy renilig e, lssss will here'- 011llsl wlsls'Allss tii tier stssrtst 8:130'csloek. Singie te'e'ling admlissioni 50c iser coule. (If. i0)tol (s-ive'ascons'ert sortly -sltelt, (flee Academy stiltd residecee 6 May~-j sili; ' stieslio for tlheelil5f thle sarsd st. Privato lessonls by A.1r. ort nIsi~~elldsorganlizatons, aso tlhe cu'bs Mxrs. Grstsgt'r at housrs nott oceilsied biy have.'1'fr'e'r'gi've'l hesir son ' 'oilse'- 0ases ersel lls'te5o't'sbio, itis the opA o thse in llit~rge (hat lsthcod111110t 111 l cerlfwill biseaslrtily su111(o1te'tIby t(le' Babyloa Coalis THlE BEST. studnts.All frades of isard and soft Coal. oloduts.Camel Coal and Cole. Tii'hr-sled of control hssately M. ST AEBT.LER, adapitedlas risle tproibiting 11112'one Telephsone no. S. One door East of Ameni- whloihas incuirresd a condsitisonlfroiim( to- eocancue. ilng alilisltive palrt inialily 1510(elllOs'C theatrical orgamizationi. It is (leiiis Bicycle :Repairing!I tention of the esliiuiere in diarge of In all brancee neatly and peaseetly done. such orglaninationso'Io vigor'ously en- Pricsreasnable. Sundries at rco bottons fceti uWm.J en e,'l.Subscribe for the Da.1ly.. 18 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR. ThIs97t BEN-HURl BICYCLES embody more new ansd gcnuine isoprex'; it consstrtrion thans ony othser bicycles noow before lisa public. Neer Iets.; ,. r we"'r e.lirst valsues been off'rred for thse monsey. Our nliness, consistsing osi; stspel)solbsdels at $60, $72 and $125 for single machsines, and $1;,-0 fur ttsnde's:. tistli lt' variois oposaofferedl, is suchl that lit'e moot exacting purchbser cass I'e.'cc s suited. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO.., -9 (-AREN STREET. INDfANAPOIDU, OUnsRsFNE r O n CT ALO5GUEMAILED sReTWO 2-CE NT nTa C OIIN (an be secoredi with Rand, McNaslly & Co, that will bsrisggstoad retains t studenssxftsr this sorks dunrss~ vesssiosl. 20e Otisll epreseoatix'e on our Atlases, Slaps and othser pablicatios. ALL ABOUT THE BABY ByEbr a ohl.2 Io issa ~dclClreJs oei i c "UU "WW W a c aaa. view a a a i a a a a bobk for Meiolcal Students.Castalour and circulars send an application. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES , I , . . I W~e want a few special representativ es in1 tle Collrge. Far this position experiencedbotaultshsould write as at once, stating, past, experience. RAND, McNALLY & C0., Chicago. Wenilflendneeipt of 10 nIs. a Smpleto anyaddrss cc.,tet I pound, $I1.80; near. R~m W- -q% Eor. tirpon,40 eta.t Poat-PaidCatalueFre SUtPnRl. 15 Fltn