gIJE s 0
VOL. VII. No. 134.
Receveda fll lne f NvelLegal Reforms Treated Logically
ties for 'Spring Suits an1lery
and Trouserings Unsie-rsity Hall was lied last night
when ex-President B'enjamnin 'Harrisn
189 '~Jaipeared. Hie was introduced in s
nist oida and onlinentary man
NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. EAR MAIN ncr by Pesident Angell and wvas r
_____________________________________ i ii owith great aplase. Before
~~ e Inning iis lecure, e congrattulate.I
$Vaseline ! ! #tle sud(entsi oa being under the gu-
s ncollapsible tubes fr ten e c f oeo lege' olg
cents is one of the hanudy 'piresidests in the wrld ise lecture.
toilet preparations we have. ini sutlinec, was as follows:
We have a very fine cold ~Ohresiitssei uts igr
cream pt up the same Sbresi huh n igr
way for fifteen cents. rI'll ant sr liusg thuse sedis of elu--
- _Ys--s l ellsi n I i hfl-re is ta tsdaa y
SPALMER'S PHARMACY. is ons5rinst d kcksni tackle asd to
46 S. STATE ST. h13hjm ht nteitleta
______________________________ fiedii at least, needs to teic rstrainr.
A Shoe Well Fitted!! Th'le rush line ansdlthe flying euge
___________________ msstle sselwills iisriiisa tioi iii
Means double the wear and tbere- smosrl asd iuelletissl strifes. In
fore a saving of 100 per cent, not tothmteamsoudntb.orn
mention the comfort and appearance Iliu iiai ssodntletis-s
which in themselves are of no small dl wllssass advrry, ut to lift him spst.
importance. We give special atten-
tion to this feature of fit-in fact, we Tule lisiser ofaniy great reformshousldass
prefer to lose sales rather than allow cossbinic tir zeal of a("rnsistr wits
improperly fitted footwear to leave
our store. lihe wisdosmsoifia Solosn. I shall not t-
temsslt so sissiri to iicte ieeei re-
WV. J. A P RILL ,Iformstins.t o pintilou551re asonsiswhy
sitenededitrecormssoarc ot aeosis
aaoae.9...a~aaesasa a..-9, ive-sixtls of Hie- voers of lbh.
0 0
0 consty favor :s revisiis of corpor.
Fresh :linslwss, lsitng usc puross fos-
sitch corporatiosismiay e ogaitar,
Sta0 ere 0o soirvlsg the issisg of stoks anssd
40 ' Crushes" and. tussISl, ndt Puttisg oler restrsinssts.p
a 0 n he. ueven largerlrooionrs
y "unays of our PeoleWuoldl gie their emi-
'Sundays" liulatie spplort to tiii propoitions tiat
S tonight. tax burdens shudfl t ulyuo
0 sill proerty. But they iosno, as
IFirst of the Season. i-evsery oe. knosw. Land-s,lon-ira live
Sstork sisd imiltseents of trade cannsot
U-hss-id. Stocks and b oidstscauoti
0 ~ ~ 0 iad trise ssor hasinio ay of i-isisk-
PHAM. tak t isllestw oo ssijeet, coptor-
s ®a~aoas~onv mamoa~aooevO~e "rtossasditaIsx law refosAss ltisols-
dos of the iseifirny of str legilsi-
I ielod. Let s- i-tsrhsout soai-
WAHR'S BOOK STORE,.oithe ii oti'ctv nlees fr
New anti Second-Hand Text ly is istitlied. We now have crpslora-
tuissenesgagedl i cnsdiscting, not oiy
Books for all departments. ralodantaskhtlsstevy
Complete stock of law i)ooks flin of ssasssf-elsrisg oi ieesn-
for all classes. " ile asv-enture. Te lersonsasiterstel
SecndHad oos ouht are 5-1ry nusisarous anti are founsd ii
Secod-Had Boks bught every locality, vhis large boy of
and oxchanged. isvetors, managers and emtployees is
eans coposed of idividuals of snore thans
W AHR'S BOOK STORE . the average influence, especially when
stirred into activity by at large per-
Up Tows B owa Town son. I interest. Tis influence will
2Anna balr Oppsle urt Icialy be thrown against any unjut
or destructive legislation, ant very
isnel of it against any restrictive leg-
islation. In fighitinag tunjusst legisiss-
- -
Iisn they iilhas-c uiany disintere-
ed allies. There msnt be fairness if
tse supplort of just ans i itellget smesi
to invoked.
W1e msnaIremem'ber first, tlit ti-
people have not only authorized litI
invited the organization of anti the ii-
vestusent in these oroatis; e-
od., that the bankrulaey of any legiti-
isisse business is a ptubliijry; thitd.
that ire mst take things as eus n-1
Wshdois or that of our fathers as
snasde tlesi-as 1o te Iast wecan d
little niore than mend; fourth, that te
work iot refossming our orportion1
laws is unot for appilrenties; fiftis. that
corpioration law-siold be general-it
is ieithier wisc nor safe to assme
that a partieular astiso a reresenta-
titv-cose, sui toI admuinister the remely -
isomiscotsisy; sixth. that in imbuecus-
fsairs the best attainable good is tlie
thing to-ibts sought; svncll, thst te
legislaionssasost be jost.
"Tvin sadequacy of our legistitisr;:
to itsal wits a systemsatic and con-
giuosiss revisioss of the laws s-snyo
illusstratiosis, eenmolere they sit In
isilissiieeisessons. Inn about three-
fousrtis of the sates the legiltures
reel biesnially. Tvlsi-ss-iions iii a
majority of liar statssrlimnistlto
an average of boit sity days. Tte
legislstiusr sand tieir commsittesrsi
amsids toliical ad ous ial-isstrios 55
ais th metii-sssssr ssave sneithe r the
tmr sor the sicut1fram ue for gr-a.
constrtile woirk is. legislation. I
sasy his-soithlit they stul se--oe
thseis tne heforets--sessiois toithe
studiy of such questins, sndis ca iy
shiossls. But ucehiqusioina sotax
andstcoriporatioinrforms arsot to hi
oleat-ssiby indiidutsal ivestig2,msr.
Tiers- insst e a eompaison of vims,
di-bates, asd the herirgsof all isaerA-
to hr afficted if crdity and ousioni
aiie to Use rscatied. Thur legislaition wiill
hr subjected o Itie ire of tliiiblout
tigotsmis ioithis-cosnrusno iiit.
sussst ilsiiiohity aldistlthis-tierpret--
iou of its trsisions. fhereimsto be
sot only pathologia shill, buh: ost-i-
isoto- auintissancelssiv its the imar'
miesics. Iguoraisto- hyouersi anadsi tie
are sot the proeniitor, of good legis-
lsation. A conivenionsiaresolutions onsta
statute as u itesss sifferentuthinuugs.
Our legislators are cenomifrom. dis-
Innes, not fromustiii stoe at large.
I-ahe-l nsrusbers knows, or '!inkhuse
luzosoms, whal his dstrstit i-ots, a
brotherly reiproity is establislhed
andmidcheblog-rolling legislation to r-
atted. The true constitutional idea
thuat every Senator and Representative
(Continued on Third Page.)
Plenty of Contestants for Satur-
day's Meet.
Theentines for the indoor mrai next
Saturstay igit are as follows:
Forty yards doash-L. Elbel, 100 H.
1'. Masos,.'00 11. . I. I.Leefe, '9 E.,
ti. E. 'Wilikinson, '98 I1. Russel, 9,
N. B. Ayres, '99 i., .. B. Fell, '99 w.
I. Stowe, -its L, S. . Cobb, '00 E., C.
F. Chusbb, '97, . 11. Verso,'97, B. B.
flodgsiuin. '00, M. C. Hagget, Forbes,
lbS Hi.. J. -I. Thomas, '9, J. F. c-
teant'00. Puller. '9h L. IRaffety, '00
L., Potuuus, '98 L. taunlkiii-, '95.,II, T.
[trout, '98, I. Joyce, '9, Lsud, if) L..
Churchmuan,. 99 tL., Iing. '00 M., C. I.
Pontes, '99 Mt., Feeir, '98, J. i. Lovell,
99 I, S. Stein, '99, C. lHshes-.'9, Ba-
termnsu, '0.
Forty yards hsumnte I7..lbie, 100, i.
It. Wilkinsonu,'98, W. I. Stowe, 9S [,
B. S. heas,'00 I, C. F'. Cliuts, ';7, B.
It. Ilodgusau, '0., J. I. IteLraiu.'00,
N. B. Ayrs, 'h). C. Rider, '9, . Web-
ster, '95CL.
High juuinp-P15. VFrvro, '97, i.,I.
Wilkinson, '98, CT,5-lounuoy, '00 I,
IRipley. '00,.Dart.istt0, uni,99 L
Pole vault-U' ..dss 1.C. C.
Tryout '99.
Shoit hut -..Olivsr, '99 I, it. .1
Dlyeu, llt L1'f. 1. Lehi-. '8 D, C. T
Tryon,19 . 15.l. -oye, °9.
Potato rrfte-B. B. lHodgmni, Oi,'-
It.. Drun,.'99L, L. Ebehsl, fs, ItFi-
yes, '198.
isuuisisie-.. ftIiehanhosi, '5h1,
CtIrt Steveuns'9t,'T. Bitil, '9, T.
Bacuseiste, 'hS.
ittlay teas-u-1000, lbi e anteeuu,
Bauttern and stCobb; '17, Venor,
thsusbb, Parsous, Bonnyyoust Atwoos;
Drnts, Forbes, ing, IHamsilto, Die-
ry andsi IR-Ailla; '98. Heldli, Thomuas,
Csiulluts uastd l-'ler; 9, Auer
Tliouseuso, tili. Hint, Jaycer suitBerg-
Frneinig-A. W'.Norton.s,'oo EI, N. S.
Poter, jr., '98.
heravy wis-ig-ht is-estlig-C. A.
_Moe, 'Out t. B. V. Ifohouf, 8 L..
idsl wieght westig-A. W.
Dou, '98 L, II K. Loud, 198, D. B.
tili'dson, '99 I, T. A. Nal, 99f.
. Kohout, '08 L.
Lighit si-ight W stlissic. .ti f I-mss
'9, A, S. Kepner, 8 L, ., T. lausi-
tos, F. H. Lous, '00I, TI. A. Neal, 99,
J. lI. Cooduisas, t. S. laussoelll, If. lt.
Douglas, '98 P.
Frothier weight srrrsfhis-F. h.,
Loud, '00 Ift, P.,Webster, '9 I, . I.
Sloflet, '98 D, D. B. Rirchardon, 'it
I. . E f. Ford, '97 L.
tBantam weight swrestihg- S',, lub-
lord, jr., '07, J. 1H. Stoffe, '.J8 D.
(Continued on Second Page.)