THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Pa tuibed Daily (Sundays excepted) daring the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ODrer et Times building, 79 S. Main St. be- tweenLiberty and William Sts. ,I I N ACING EDITOR J. F. TnMAS, i97. ASS'S MANAGING EDITOR F. S. SiNoNos, '55. ATHLETIC EDITOR H. H. SKIsLuMAN, 'IS8IL. 0. 11. HANS, '55. EDITORS Et. L. Gesur-a, '98 L. H. H. CooIa'VI, '15. 5F. M. Loomils, '98. HrmeLExLAM, '00. I. A. CAMPBELL, '00. ASSOCIATE EDI OIIS W. W. Hughes, '15. S. W. Smiib, '97. F. A. Pucik, 'l8IE. i., M. Snilth, '97. WV. P. Aloerill, 'iS. G. 0. Hudnutt, '0l0. C. Lull, it., 9i Al. achievnments, and count' it IDnioiior toc be enrolled aomong its graduates. They are willing to sing its praises; to ideliver speeches nrginig otber men to entdoxw choirs of learning; btut whenc it coines to a mtter of going to its as- -itanci eiiieselveo, they decline with thaiiks. This is onot the fault of the Uneiversity. 11 is apull of its isfor- tolne, unolliher hurt being the necessity 1111 it to ilpplear before thie siale legis- luletre year after year like a icendi- cutf, beeechiing alios. It is (roe that (lie iiversity has a (cerltiii filed in. uioiiO, whlichi niay net be decoeased; but thils is insufificient to maintain the sltandard Nvilleb it has reaichedsiaiid vvis lli almajoitiy of(lie ieopile -of lie "'Thlere is adifference betweect .J10 L (tmis expenlditure sf plllbi'0 111,1an~d 1's .l 1extrav-agane. Thi pltrol- (hls'liorte 5suppor5t of t111 niv.r-ti( THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT h malo'Ow Ex-President Harrison -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----March 23I Lucius PerrylHills --------------------April 2 John Kendrick ag----------------Aprill3 13ENERAI, ADMISSION TICKETS "Sl-0 EESER:VED SEAT TICKETS 1.05 SINOLE ADMISSION 1t) .Except Oratoricul Contest. 25c. $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $10 A. Tremendous Slash ! !! $I0 $1.00 The U. nf M. Doilysystu roonievery $1.00 day lfertle risothlie olie e yeor (tbeough ) $1.00 cmeedeecoand it elfo OEDOLLAR. I$1.00 $1000. If.tS.NS, Business AMaciager. 100$1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 The sobscription prlct of the Doil1y is $2.5 for lice college yest, ititli ac regutlot delivery tl'e tsil hi ('sloliudi. 11111 Ihe i ilsi- befote nson atcibday. Notices,i'ommnioca- lions, and other mallet intended foe publibsa- tinI)-srendeirad valuet'furerI1y o111- tion mutliehasnled is at lice Doily officeehe- loie s p. in,, at mailed to (lie editor befotei' 1110 1111t.ics 1be1n exptendedl 111011 11.4 p. ni., ccf the day preevcous to thcat on wih t:i they areoexpected to appeac. I itr10111'flat,1tahis arll'ilil in is i Subscriptions may be left it Thce Daily Office, Meyc's at Stoflet's Neislasti, oi t:li . liil litlat 11111ey 5 israofoauic with HBsioisssManaaget, Subcribers Nsill 0011' fee a fax-ic by reportincg promiptly at tlisi ilentifuil. lie i ilitiyinli; lolltill ill office any failureof carri-rs toeierppr ____________________________________ the____ poptulilatl illis jealous ofciially in- Every stu~dentl ouightto fietl inileblt 11011 i til liib inh' oxiialdfii iiit ccto -' t esiuliil ;'Icoilsuic itt l~iii Iik'11t 1h(Itale 1I leAili i t ho111stale a.;cii'st'ielllslai o l tld os ill- ilrlt riotil he111S l~illellitylillthry tils '. ti, iict iig itis tx ilns11111 11 i tll s tiii i I .11115 ( it' I ilito' i nd o Ign. 1(liii,ic. 1111 lii, I t~atheill ufifl-Bole . lzunibl h, it pr1