t I 1 t Hli,' 1NIVERS1TY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Jos, W. Kollawi, WASHBURN and PATRONIZE HOLMES' LI VERY and get the best service. 'P LL R!/U. of M. GUITARS.' Office andi Stable, 32 Forest Latest Novelties ia Gents Sntitiness v.Tlpoe16 "_________W ashbuirn Manu oins Branch Office at Paimers' Pharmacy L0 E. Washington St. - ITS Stirs. AND OTHERS. WE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK ___________________WASH-BURNS---- $15.DO AND UPWARDS. Capital Stock, $510,000. Surplus, t$150,000. OTHES S 98 ND UWARD. iesources, $1,100,00. OTERS----------- $ .98AND PWADS. Organizeud under the General Blanking Laws Coof this State. Receives deposits, bays and A Ak15.~ ~sells excisasge on the principal cities oc the /Aflfl f rU OPRAHOSEJEELRIdniftiod tStates. Drafts cashed upon proper ident'a cats afety deposit boses to reel. TH~OER OUEaEELRd___23____ i Eajssat Washsington St retFICER:Christian Mack Pres.; Xv. D. )an urn-h ou wth fist-lass Fontan ' HrrianVice-Fees.; Chas F. Hisceck, as issi-hya wih a frst-l a iisslin _______________________________________Cashier:___M.__J. ashir tzlAsIsFitoaAsistntsCahier en. PecsandtKin;grepairisg aspeciaty. --GIVE HEED A CALA, DOES YOUR LAMP SMOKE? FIRST NATIONAL BANK of AnsnArbor Stop!! Stop!c! Stop!! TRY RED STAR OIL---NO SM OKE, (,i'ttf $100000 Srlus andPrfts, $40,00 Tcrigan ~sact c a tgnght bnnsFrish. ----AT--No Charred Wicks, No Offensive Odor, No Foulinig of Chimns. Pioalete gsof cdii ogt nsl.Funs rt Parker's Corner Store, A White Light-Biuens frccly to this last drop sof oil in tine lamp F E 1). II2NF, Pres. IiIIRISONS O rs STATE ST. AND Ni. UNIVERSITY AVE. -Clear as spring water-0c per gallon-Delivered in oor cans, S. W.CLAiRiSON, Cashier. res inade Candies cosanstotly ini stock. Call ocescasd you will call again. prompntly-Sold onaly by W O 1'4 K -t ~~~~44 South Main Street.vr.aian uo Sets TtltcNts ektbi ntyo u-i ya8:1,Capital 050,0.Sls30,0 00.soeoTransact gcneral bsnknbs oiness. lakes to order Womon and lKen's --,- f :12 to 10. R. Knaspes.rnC. E.Co an EVice Fees Easy Fitting Shoes in all the 'file ' lscll clil-llidfllO savri a,,tol -icI, iLE asir Latest Styles. Oeciit8 aur= Itrot o BetPlace lOra1 ice. '1' na-osloi-iionaistedl i-:iircir 51li i cili onniS t11011011,iia a1 IiF. J.*~ iie u E for ~of i-< til ladlf itnla 1stled a1110511-00, 1U1,;i iieda few o f Illse1 iigllas 20 5. STATE STREET Sells a Solid Cald F ontasi Pcsnat $100 r Hop airing iii-. I li asiiiir. It P t,~t er i ls i s5ai. ls Book~lllsl~ lass Boundl 20 censnaand upwsard. _ L. of M. Sccncs anid Professrs 31V2 lbs. Lin- lie iisisida cli l sft-iccllv idry. it is "en Pasee isr 50cents. IliilIil as-s-(l-sl, ,lissg dtilis fosrIII,,,Rate Boaas icnts asndupaperds. 1111 111ine ll 1(111cf Cti ci l i tokiilis tslfile - iiiic iiwet will 51 1-:10 fsisdio. 1htii)Ici' ts1 1 ha ouforrii ) sc15r1ub , _______-----, Lovney's Chocolate. ........... :;,1? lii'process oflii s i-c ll l 1 l .it h .ll~l !i lu:. a s'Ic.. -a c .to 111r 1 liycro i-i) mel i. .i0151 'l ca-olllilrstes for fallbaclshto sllic c~lcrcltl'f iicfies -a.-te~l 1'.. Tfilluins ---- (,hI fsllistck, JhniiDuiffy, whiio wa s- ,i 'Ill: fiiilliii 11-ll ill a si scc lis l i~li faille' for l'llilansix1yew11'S lgi, 43 5 Mni.t. - U st is i-i - liiii o nfr~ ii.tsn. f- Q. i.,,.7- i ".}ec- - ri tm nzi nlt 1lnn rr I - tolli1. 'lii' eisld aas 115015 i lrgo- ifts sh iii i-ii o liilithel 111W lilc~l on p ry11:10 i' s Isi trirl Cli ti s slls 5111 1W. PiIilnl ililol 101 10-5115. Tucker os nan rotte211-rsln7llto li--f,illltllibeofcnlilt",e B ICYCLE LIVERY AND SL S OM111 i5lll i ilf, henlliec'. P11W. Oii, llllcis157 lrs e01r. Dulff' 11:lii b 1101110 5 1 of itcifi'0i'si(i atd iobis Ii lelI ilcl toiii olltilllii ,Ills olicilo. 18 North Fourthi A-ve. I iiwline RPs i. 1 lie 1,111itllr:ls { e 'aI iIi- iisi--l if 511111 bol i es sihocldl li We carry it flllite of asp-t( -dole tilzl.. itsi' enoughl l in itaelf toii 118112'a Bicycle Sunidriesanusd pairt- so ssasny -lk 1 be fc~niIstes's lko11 whoeels. ycls' d i 01:1 1 5Pe lisla1 5 5.sisyl'n', .ltlsnl~ eo uh nop ru ity'. Also Repasir Wheels at living prices. Give us a call if in need oif assythlinog qvti tuur-mn~ r t rnc; ,z_ Lrytnr- in our line. ~-' U.OFMI. SIiA 'iNGPAR I oil 10:11kat- We insite yousr insjocilion cif thC finest line osf Spring impiorodandns.lptic cigars.iLst:-a'sl:. SnitingsOvercoatinga annTrouserings that Avo have laipr Ited n oha'ti I t;s . Slte s ri tvo benhgsa ss'i'gis aL. .54' 0' tic hair dressisg soil batlii-aio sliii, altoupilIsP i . sSI iIth sl - i'DI(1ueillF Doly theobstAvsosrk wsilluso illltltlnll~. No aaiing ice Colombia and IleHarod IZU ::~ 'AL~S bicycles. Na delay and consequenlannoy- MIbT IITIolS ance. All models and patterns now ready STANDARD OF THE WORLD} are scad-eeclusively oi 5 per rent Nickel Steel Tuineg, the entire pro. TO ALL ducst of shirk eincrl. QALIKE.® ® Hertford Bicycles are at prices wit in reach of everyone. $75. $60. $50O, $45 CotaoguefreeIromancyColumhia stassp. aoaon Hartferd, Cones. r GatstsiBicycle Faots r Ii E inte World. More than I ! 1Acressat Floor Spain. a l inolmost eve ritytand ' Hot Lunches. ~T T ' , 48 S. State St. Reduction!T Our puice bereafter for Ui. of M. buttons all patters, waill be 50 Cents. WM. ARNOLD, LEA MIG JEWELER. UNIVERITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Cpo-sit tLawlding.8I00unillMayl1st ansy t5oc losses. Office, 27 Thompson Street. Money Loaned ! On Wachestiaunds, Wheels or other Pcersonal Property. Watches and Jew- elry tRepaired. Office at residence,110 F. Liberty sI , AnnArborelic21h. All busi- ness confidenhil. Hcurs,.7Ito 1t a. in. asnd 7 is 9 p.,cm. Jos-Era '. WATS ar gains in Second-hand WItheis and Diamnds. Joust iceived a Larce -and Elegant Zi2lO of Naw Pipes! Hot and 'ols ILuiclhes i'a lilaoes. Agents ice lHiyls s'siandi tills i and11 5Wserners Co.'s Cihocolate Bonh Bois. a~. FSJOLWY- & cO). 20lS. Mtate St., Soges lock, An ton 'J"Peufel, sseE&sioARESlF tOR Trunks, ValisesDressSuit Cases AN 1) P1IITLESCOPES. Trunsadsoil ises Repaired Neaihy and 1.1eaply. No. o7S. Maltsst. FULLER &HIXO A Stash In Prices. bar ashsort tose soc ssll PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS CLEANING AND REPAIRING. 25 . Stsato st.. Over Roney's Billiard Rfoom. t 00M. MARTIN, Funeral Director, Cloth "- and Metallic Caskets and Fine Grade Coffins. Etmbaltning a Specialty. No. 17 S hourth ave.