THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. pupil of the renowned author; and tis o " f Z9 fart ads to the interest of the article: hr igah n eitulpr Ps dtished Daily (Sundays excepted) daring senal remuiniscenaces are tbotih given.y 0UWH" v H A thfiteswar t ti accordance with the recently adopt - Is rather an important subject TENVESTOFMCIA. col customs of presenting aix editoriol ~ ~ just at present. If you OrrXE: Ttimes buitding, 79 S. Main St. te- smlonuebr fthbadM. twe iet adWlimSs.wn l h points of service,. zlI-GN DTR Sunderlaiid also contributes a short sye fit and cCony we've J. F. THOMAS, 97. reism te prospectis o itehilo-> bust the Coat you're looking AS'°T DANAGINVG JltTOlI s'pliical departoienit. F.S. Oxanas, '9Pofesor . ProesorL. R. tlench ssis'clsnles theii, I'.It's nobbyneat, and satis- ATHLETIC EDITOR . I H. n. SKILLMAN,' I L series on "Graduate Stoudy at MNii. J factory, and priced at a gIUsIESS.AAEO gain University.' by preseting tie po- I j very reasonable figure. 0. 10. HANS, 'OS. sitois of the Gerimans departent ini iI~ N T EDITORS reard Is the adlvancid couirsess stired s ________ E. L. Ounsoco,'98 L. H. H. COowIN'i , i er1ai9Poiiin at igrheI OL F. M. Loomiso,'98. BHemon LAxistO'. li, PRICE ______ SI2 allonOO ASSOCIATE EDITORS oilier contributiones is a thou ,Jtl and ii E1~i~~7 o 01. 0W. lxahes,9.0. S. 01. Omith,'07. eans pic of ory coted, - Plenty of other stylus at other 1+. A. FactS, 18F. O. 0. Smith,'" "b ''07 Pglat I s FP(e Dnss /- .~ 5 rc soene higher, some 01. P. Morill, '9S. G.D. ttsdnot,00. Iall-right C. Lull, j., 99M.0. eevigtiurbl iiii(io" ~ ~lower,bhtal-ig o n price- aia esay b Alie Fr~n Th F1 -~r-_ ... __ - right in style and quality. asNsa yAiePovi TePiii Look ovet our stoclk of Spring Suits and Overcoats. All tastes usfles Ifar sytiiti iliseAimerictnt tevolti- cnht.iit.W'e-vr.vrettoulrprcs The sobscription price of the Dily is $2501 liii.iwis'otgtii, an a isshirt s(i icnbenc.Wevg.ryvrey tppla rcs Inr thecolliege yee, wish a regular deliveegry s ci eiises iy ltizl5I' ' befoseenon echlsdae. Notices, commanioss- t0el en tr"1 a lte lions, adotheerisatter intendedt toe pottica- tioin mast he handed in at the Daily soice be- Ititrlst ii0 tric it sue0-nutie edasisl Of-. fie 3 p, .,moe waited 1o She editor hbefnoreSI3 p. in., of the dingpreevious to shottsinswhich tc iIili isinhuiclss sf 0tug.lytic theare ex epectedto oappoise. Subscriptionsomoy be lft at The tDothy)(,Ills 01suse Ain-denic evolution for 'iuixnfun Office, Meyers orStofhlet's Neusstuisd seor with Bussiness tiannogee. Suseihecsilcuss- (tubshtiessay oilstho 'subhjectit'-i tedl. leroaforneby repoeting peomptly nt this ____ office ass failure of caeries todelis-e pper5c. thu itseustiaisls il(the Ihuiuds e ,in- " I-- 1l0ihilus thilium e/.tic ule h1;iuisg i all/'1i 10"s/i Prs-f. .'lagg, of iles I'iisi'ssgity o y 10 l t' iu Iuth/i ie 5 Chnicagos, s-silt i s it 50 tl liiitic to' h1 iteusny o tsrssuliuehtseiiu (lie i/s-el I i-onnection betwentssi' eu ii'Amaiteise A/il -I i - btt il' il-t/sucssis ide Ouusuout1.5 Asoiei ut'u'u i slush Ilieltuoh e Ii '.1 lu ne an sI-sitN \1e \Q1Sj legiate .\iiateiuAthletci 1-en iuis. fIt1( s is ise u nih offe t/ Its rci lutr.. i s\\h 5/b0bg irfess'r i/ni-,tsvo1/0(0 u lbe i/j/' 110151 551' 5l I -1f1hises' il hs'op Il-e' sty. A7i5 se- - ~ m~ rtiles, ocuss ' lsug "iupui llltit 'elss.aiih "poh-a c -citlI'suo/u sol, i)-h'.0.l /li usc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / elts, stud ditsouthser reuosutig asill-t i0.,Olh sit ~i i is 0/i hs-ts is 'uu~i'ui ilcats u iun il-ils-, April5 "letsdi.o peits- lese t"us tonisasust us s-u-5 iiO oituesIii suusess~ t tratisusT fe on'i lf sl rii. lie sit Y 01,' O ae eueuj im clung' is mesanst ouuil(In l sis l yi~ c ei s tai'intil oisut s h s ito( g l ,"anctuu oi ius-t ls utst s ls-u pets. flits shslilibus1 svocimhul tis sail its litesu(tto sll of '"flue T I ris a u f'('o--" like'AVs. I. A. A. :1A .1, lut busi lossin 1~. iutui if Iss- ' sss soI' hit sa e recseni onish i it10 u l ihi 1;10 to si t i'i . ssits sit. hits' ltfissuans -- herest i' li i e, th iituentio of tine A. .A. h. 111 o u°IitsiI t/1C I 1m us1- lus g'ssc-us ' u of attendsinig. S"sillut he phis!esrs tus of this boschof gaseeris e u oe h'su 'ssuuu' 'usuusis' u us svisle-d by the an Si-i's of auslsins'. 'ii' >., t()iututross- snonussg. Itoasteuss hsuieeesshhsginue ,Assoiaini/ishusMWRm N wsithsdrawssn feozthe(ii..-A . U.andl'O I-O. FORSALE. M n H N - P~3scals operating chainussiaI.011 " tin unavestaeuss-uis t' cuirel, inentls. ttt.ShO tus $7.0/. ss Thne 1.597 DCNJ-H R BICYCLES embody snore mica-and genuine improele1st-s-s leaf. Stasgg sushol his'suptessld hsy lie selinal lbook,,. t'ersuuuhis'& 840110,in cous e uteueion thaonniny otlier bicycles nose beforeline pumblic.iNever betorea Is 50 etner ovestern. institsutio.s fmisgi stsTYpsilaniti.,-susecuellestuluesobeen offeresifoteitmionsey. Our neo n se, cossatmng of55 l ohs.. m.1 ss..i,.o7 OS ,. a sO nod'; . _,3 a her 1 obe,._ e _). m_ aci-nL' es__ omuuh. c'- t . oesis i's s__ sus J Inlandor Out Tocday. Todilsigthe MasrchiInlanusdeusappews, thus supltaive edition of thssyeasr. 'Thle mosts/ seriterlu'isproduusucin is 'Tine Esid of a thong Lane," a literary and internestinsg bin of wr-itisng, ii which thec culiar dentures ofa povserty strickeis isroine' itsChicasgom arc grihinulypitsured. 'fle sksetchn is trtue to life, aintd sas ightly giveum the inssstes'Iiece price fin tine local sort sissy. The Irice i0 a esoilete set of itne English Classics awhicehione read in Professor Denisons course iss English M~aster'pieces. To stuts of history tine sketh of' Ernst Curtius, the nmost famous of nmodern Grecian iistorians, will isrove very readable. The writer of the ar- ticle, E. R. Sunderland, was hiniself a Lsost--letos-euu fifths sos. uains 'ft'10rsu1 St.notn AV, illianss ., a, 1/oiabet bosskot. isstsiising; uusuiiuS-, ideaf t unit-I os-ner's caessi;. Rtlc ossril s omue or sung insforuatsn., 27S. Fifith ase Lost-Oin Sunidamy, Maclm14, a stick- tin, a gnld haind holding a peach.Rec- wand -at 34 tKingsley st. Bablsn Coal is THlE BEST. All gm-des of mord ammd noft Coot. Camel Coal and Coke. X. STAEBLER, Telephone No. . One door East of Ameni can House. Bicycle Repairing! In all br'anolen neatly and pus rptly done. Prices reasonable. Sundries at rock-'ssttnm- prices. Wi. J. Wenger, 8 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR. sis's-us-ieus opstionus offered, is sash that line mosS exacting puchasse cuss bo ul ,,sited. CENTRAL CYCLE MIFG. CO.- '2GARIDEN ST-REET. INnIArsPOLIOSs. lNt A POSITION Cano be scsureduiusthuRand, Mc~Nally &5, osha insll bring godureturns to isudenutsfor tisis soilsdumni v vacatiomn. 'Onwish 1Iiepesenlsli ceo on our Atlases, lsupsad otiher publicuntiono. ALL ABOUT THE BABY . Hy Robert N. Tookter, M1 0-, of Chiaeugo Sludicusi Coulege jsust issued, is Thue bosh foe Medicali Students. Catalogue and circulars send on applicaioni. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES . . . I I I . W~e want us few st~eeillrepresentatives in She College. For Subs position experiemnccd look nien should write us at onose, tating pasS expeience. RAND, McNALLY & 00., Chicago. on ete dl~ ;;et ter pound, 45)tm Streiet, is Y lmn nnongnong OnId