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March 20, 1897 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-03-20

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Steii Bloc k aed Ha ivh rs H p j~ ~it
Are now in our stock antd rea(Iy for youir ijspectin. 2!o fi--o better m1ade itlting yinl thle C' nitky. YO-1 vilbfif 1 elir
oilfy it 001 s=otre. Golf Suits in Great Variety.


The leaders in Nw York as well as i Anti Arbor are only told by uts aid are the best hats ever produced for the money. All
the new and leading shapes. We asoao ike suits to order, gutarntee a pierfect fit sod a saving of 25 pler cent. lWe have
the largost aend finest line oaf GOLF SUITS and GOLF HOSE IN THE CITY.


37 South Main Street.

i i

Crand& Opera House FIRST GOES TO A M ES.
I (Centinued freel First Pige.
M:A.RCH 22, 23 and. 24 lTestloato re ike'te real poat
N{ E iseinired; bttrust hh'll is an it-
B r IPE it<ti0(111 A lie is lif t' i' ! iilt(l'.t
A - - VAiN ISGO m i
Prices, - 25c, 35C, and 50c alol NrlĀ«:l lo1ulls
/ y itha t atel ti t er lv in ale Ihefii a -
c a is ltti(1 bithe u ite 'hd blind iitt
eteI l'lnh
'''to is li 'I ote ', a1ii tt t i tll le'va
"ala ly hIan1' 1t ii 2 I bat' s ti I ) lott ( ' . i.
Nto Rome is Really Comptete "iiOI ittiii'tittt'
Without a new 1891' Model s c t . t111o tt o tf tilt' youll" t~'
q Guitiar, M'iandolin, tsia"trt' I ithu'x zit itel l it t~i1
Washib rn Banjo or Zither. I'0- 'ide Of irttti7 jtiitt" i
Wahuns nros oeit y sothi atalt '"(..n i '
bu agnun 5sbunofte eyatstlt intt h lts a d t tji's Iw
From $1.00 Upward.
fitsfor e"tiles.Iieititu eat tea ain t'itiest t anlldaii tta i'a iita
ligtstat noint imtaioginable, atid its ettiic'ppti't'i'es ! ' a'itt he lt'Itil 1VT' it .I 'u'o i l"iii i
vearineattatiofia finatoldCeaiiitViolin.iWsht
burnis aecsoatsicf tixad uifoiirimipriae a ll irs- ltIt1t0'101! t''(t att I i ' A auo"
cl tsttmusicdealer a erwht e
'it iibut's areathte acknoiiledigedt sittatr tfthi t et sitluti i
Atistia,Teaersa nd ated lubits.Ott e tetas
A Wathburnimaproves wieh age and makesaa
Gitto that inceasesoin value as the years go iby. rl it~ita i t'e witini Is iint i'v'itt il(,'
t is i'c tiywrtht many times its cost.
LYON & HEM.LY, ti .' I the hiaty aiitiI lo ilt, ' '-
CO, V' ' 50514 AVE. & ADAMS ST.. CH-CAGO deti th i'etoalitng Nothenlitil."tiqie
r Hit. _____.
Classe's illnctigIneetill)totoo flay'
1st. Speittl ratetoIathoase wishing toI
SUPJPIESJ. ~jinittoss. Proamiifar 'uiesctty toil
Satuirdasy even!in:g clas s ill tiere-
sphoig ega al. stit1s aps ic. tc fceii'stuirit 531ocok lil
Manoagees shoald seedf ad Ic asisocuptiesllsitSE
special rates. Every requiite taroreonsalCikt rc n ilGma 1Aa, etin itanotiscideretitile.l-
siam Eqitpimetnts asS outit'. C'ompete
C~ataloguof Sp oringtitt andSuiste" Spsii ctrt st. trivaote lessnstby 'Mr. er
tree. "The Noosethte Guaetntee " 'isGatsri or itaeoiei
A. G. SP'ALDING & BROS. clis. rne ies olsnt cuidb
Noe Yorik. 0111cago, Phi~nctetittit. _______
flhQfl4flDA O lE It tafa1?fr rittat MrS. J. .l I._Ilt-
hi(t', i i'tasliteitaw asioTte.
Washington Block;
Ann Arbor. Sutbscribe tar te Daily.

I U. OF M. CALENDAR, TT.e' 'Yv er~'
icittiret I ureli 210-Engitlii''iit" Timte Tae t ised tec.i7, t897.
_M t'tlintg. I"'l'i'ttit;; Muiltes," Pro.at S. 055WPT5A
' SV pecial --_ 5 N8 1 54
"'ita ;i ir. is li 2')-Eix-l'e'aidt , s ten:---1us N. S. titeit at 2
ltIteeiaitii S. I1. A. Caere'. Alatc e - tlkii M521
Fridaty, Mareli 20i-F'esaliiimtiSocital 0" N.Eapress----5 5 Western 'i ---s _a1I5
at i s er'. it 15 O t. ENi -----5 55t
itrdiia,. ' 7-Auul ido .1.1 cms .B Y sat
T' & T.Act Cheties Agt. Ann Arbar
Fia.Apri 2, tleiitgee's--evirl iaki
tht'iltit'.Atil .2 L.5 P.1'.t1uii Ii .L.
S. L. 'A. ('attet. RAILROAD.
NI 1111-IGR;AND OPERA IIOUcSF C'iii's Tb'e. ao'32,1897,
;0 . . { "riitt5a. ro
T o.1 iet lisciia ctthicet.ittnl All1: a.m i0 i i 25t 'at est
silAl iltsrstinsst daaitly.excrept Sndaty.
ofast;.;u oi tlwiii' lihtiil e'es ee ne W. Nti OF.NNETT G. P. A. Taiets 0.
alct.i tin' lieforitti' fasi tiethei'livingI THE KINOERGAROEN BILLIARD HALL
Itt'.i"J 'i'a ic ii' Gi ltof(heittit. tut lt' 11titt
!,<it altso ct'y an. Nit oniii hsltWi1ss cl, A LR A
11. t i cii' tttti'iitilly ni s ss ui ilat TiCKT BROKER
-im fie, ho fttril toIi iee~t -ii Whoesale Cigars, 'Iobaccos and
tlt' (:Iwri''t i lice e tii' l ihw eniiacter Cigart es.
tit t ttt'titii s'llli' isti Itetil" Cor. Main and Liberty ;its.
tur;;thow ol he (,+ tltpsiiig i F N
lct' eli' t-ai l ating--s1u ei li(t'>ctn11IIdothe t-c' >ti tHE I ST TAILORING
I'it- tie (,'randio ittituse iarchii i22 OF THELCGTY!

A. A. & YPSI. ST. ttNILXWA'i.

S W. Burchfield,

7:00, 8:20, 9:40, ad 11:00 ti. Il., attel
12:40, 2:20, 3:10, 3:00, 6:30, 7:5'), t>:10.e 'ULadies Tailoring Annex.
sitd 10:20 tt. to'
Leasvos court houtse at Ann Aroeat INTERCOLLEGIATE
7:40, 9:00, 10:20 '-tid 11:10 a. tit., andiB EA FO
1:20, 3:00, 4:20, 3:40, 7:10, 8:30, )[1t
and 11:00 ip.nc. Caps. Gows and
Leaives Ypscilatnti at 0:20 tinS 10.40 Albany, N, Y.
.in., and 12:10, 1:30, 3a:10, '5:30, 5:31), V. 't toset.,Wieamir.
7:10, 8:30 'intl9:50 p. in.55t.titoS.
Leases Ann Arbar at 10:00 sitd 11:20 REN T8Oc ltt.l I,
a. it., situ 12:30, 2:30, 3:30, 3:10, 6:30,
7:50, 9:10 and 10:30 p.1. s(I ANN A RRBOR. MICH.

E n g av i g ea tyiv se visiting cards for laties Il gentlemlen in their respectisco sizes itt correct styles. Engraved
Plaeswil b kptby us for our pattotic inless we itre reqttestedl to return saime.
W d iug lu vi tatious a%~jjllv engt'svetl to order ini siort
e "dn P'ices qutotedl ltltdsatmples fulrnishied tin applicatibo.
Leadin Booksllers & - 20 .,SaeSre.AnAbr Vih

Leading Booksellers

20 S. State Street. Ann Arbor, Mich.

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