Finest Line of Men's Suits and Overcoats
in this city. We are immensely proud of.
OUR OVERCOATS AT $30.00, $25.00, $22.00, $20.00. $18.00 AN0 $15.00 AND SUITS AT $20.00, $18.00, $16.00, $15.00 AND $13.50
Every one of these garments is especially made for our Fine Trade in the very best manner, trimmings according to our own
/~instructions anti styles after the designs of the most fashionable tailors of New Yorlk. Just permit us to show you through our
stuck. We can and will please you.
AjCHIGAN GKNT !'.-a I ~dOpera. 1House.
Time Table (Renvland) Sept. 27, 1896.
EAST. .M The Geo. S. Parker Fountain Pen is not the oldest pen on the Mi'ondaey, Oct. 12.
Mall and Exs-2 47M N. Y. Special---7223 market, and yet nearly 200,000 have been sol. WhyJBecause each Everybody goes.
Y.Eastern ilEa_-x___10417580 N. S. ________ iie_.-_ 25 pen sod eps 11 el others. People who use theni recoinniend theiai
AlniEA. - - - -rn. The followinig letters fromn gentlensen weldl knox-n throug'hout the .Evelyn, CordLon
AlniEx---7 ':i Pacific ENa--- 2 15 ada'opltecmaeyinPeprli
D. N.Eapress ---540 Western ENa---1 55 cutyi hirr1etv700esosaet tepit n acmlt opayi eeti
e. E. Express ___i1I(aChi. Nt. Ea nr i herrepctv poesinsae oth1oit
GO - 12 "y Parker Foaintaiii .x----- 5j cyI Pen is siniply perfect. After asing' several jl1c to any part of the house.
0. W. RUGGLtES, H. W. HAYEa, kinds I can say, this is the only one I have found satisfactory. It does Change of Bill Nightly. Secr-eryour
e. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt. Ann Arbor seats early and as-aid the rash. Ta-
not spill the ink and yet is alway s reaidy for use. I carry it conistant- sight's play, "East Lynee." 10c Car
1) , y rgood reseasrved seats. 10c extra Car the
- ly." GEO. H. LLIOTT, M. D., 28S W. 11th St., New York. best earsar-ed seat is the hiouse.
" Without exception the Parker is the best Fotuntain Pen I have Tikt a aea b .'pr oafc
ever seen. It's the paen I ha~ve baeen latoking for these 20 years.' iba ae br
T.P IToN .Goeisr AILROAD ecommenided anid guaranteed ?iYoui penceteifully exsclsingeti roceies, Provisions
RALRiD ntil your hand is exatctly suited, anti all kinds of Saiiitariuin
Time Tabir, Sept. 6, 1896. od o
Stiso &Co.,
*7:0 am. *704's m
19.05am *1:0 a .nlIs ______m.______________________________S. STLATE ST.
i:3 p. M,-*7:5 p.m.
Franko e ew en T ld n That is iwhat wxe wxill do, if yonuIaly one of ais th~at doesaid g t il be lsr c .
*Daily eacept SandayGl tEAgn itoiesiiaciy il i frt Office and Stable, 32 Forest
W. H. BENNETT GOP. A.Toledo 0. t 0 1 Ave.wl ~ieyo ew nefrit
ANN RBO & PSIANT ST RY il\urn nerys D ug tor , I B.Wasineon.Telephone 16
M u nme y'sD ugxSto e, 7Cor, 4th iAve. Bianchi Offiece at Pournes' Pliarimacy
Tim Vauiy Anouceent. iii -,111Obitia a'ii li i ity is 1e-ee[HE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS DANK
TieTable, May 1'7, 1896 Facultyiei ilnnounec-.m1:5ts. .Capitls tock, $50,000. Surplus, $150,000.
Leave Ypsilanti ram Congress st., 6:30,8-:00 hl a4tejr :5ad51. i Rsucs 11000
and 1:0 a.m.;12:5, :00 3:0, :00,6:4, 830 itearvDeartmntOrganieed anderetbe General Bashing Laws
and 11:00 . i.: 24,20,::0,50,64,a2 itrr eatnn, 'lcii:il:Ya:sll 'tllllclllilltion"baac of this State. Rececives deposits, baysad
Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:00,8::3Oad IIISIiIItY: _kli :titilito10;ells exchange as the priscipal cities of the
11:10 a. in.: 1:1a, 2:20, 4:00, 1:30 7:12, 9:00 ad -an-v:-entranca- eI iel :1-ls aid doll- :tli l :121t. 101for se iil l iya. United Slates. ODrafts cashed spas proper
)ldentific-atios. Safety deposit boxes to rent.
SUNDAY TIME. dtiila ll iiei:gixelnliy DI-. Dixon1045u.'.lhyity :1conductedillf1ro112 toa):30l1in iOFFICERS: ClreistiaasSlack Pres.; xW. n.
Leav Ypilani fom Cngrss s.,130,33liaerimn, Vice-Prert.:Chat N. IHiscoch,
Leave n :0p nAnn Arbor inction, 2:00,4:0,5:30, ':-l::ckl( Bl Ili '":-:Itliiito il tv:eri :1:1 ' e 01et1t S ian
1:00 and :0 p. m. , ,iIM 'I'll(- sea~ :511 FIRST NATIONAL BANK ofAn rbo
(x lil \: ,cu ,sin frCars ran an city time Pare: single trip 15 at. ) esfo t,1-i 1h eS ntai Og izd86
cents; round trip tickaets 21 cents. I -lljunl ito avn:lrdt nG Ir a. Itiiles i::i 1Surplus"andi: ,'s,110$40,00
WM. P. PAnRn, Sapt l il~ll call 1)eiarlxaaii -y:-ol':l.: lii 11:-:- -I Cai tal a10,00. nerplsbandingabtsiness,10
111111 ill e hld ll 1uctl B t~rnor j oreigi. exehanaebougt and sold. Farnish
THE KINDERGARDEN B!LLIARD HALL rax.Stuidaiy, la-I. 17, from 1O to I::s(,tllulits0-:b ide - the::ol fth1-; latters of cre011.
recc~rs oi((,.'Thsephyica tx,111_'B. ID. KIaNE., lees. 1IIRiISON SOULE
RAILROADl::TICKET BROKERlSaOI i 1-:l':11-Vice Pres.
AIRA IKTBOES Work at the Gymnasium., illionas wsill I 1: 'l:o i;a:l:i:: W.CAE .Csir
MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL Ilis yeair. 5:::-:i-e' of1thei:factiitii!Styles. Be-i.tGo:ads Ieside 'rices. xve do
'RPRY oki teg, ilIilnhsaid arvry thi:;gis: tuseline. Cl :tilnga, pressing
PR PE TY t~rk11 a'X1'110('11\l~i alia'E. a:' ~kes ii:'ii axill r ia' 1 a::: ec:epaiecr:at l::esa price:cs sislint asith
Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos and ailli a:usrai iiafail. Dr. i io'I"al eiii llai12xxlllioodixiai tcewl o pr.:xar20(i leraeieGrt
Cigarettes. reportsat,the:1 i:'alassesare halreadty auIl- 5 111al~l11bo i: : s acall.
Cor. Main and Liberty Sts.:a large :is hay Nare':-elii'nialila'o -el ta'spo~aeial laention1. ia'ey ill alaso LO'W'ly'S Chocolates.
Inust Received a Largead Elegant liiyei' 'sIl ll gl- illySl-furishlll,1 lbasis 1fol ' 1:1 1111111115hly a Hot Lunches.
Line of New Pipes q dallsar iva-i'lli'aI illi'oiiol::iii 0 111ie1a de l''aealoedthoe' d1fer-:tix:' I15.11-s
PC o1t and Cold Lunches at Iallieours.Agentslita11151.1.Tislgi'a-llill'aluflia-'i.Tll01
erHuylers sand xvlliams aad xWerness Co"s foi tillph Itil tsli ate f tlilt:illala'lt, xiiiknoxa- owboax 0)s10eilth iete t1ia -T~y I 7 8S tt t
Chcoat nBonsQL.1.."~"&C .fni hia aii10. -liia lt-,l11iii iAa's in 141w -'llI iiam IIiix-11litaet-
~~~tora- jlg-ien thtlllan'hiclofoi-i, :and11the
20 S. State St., Sager Bloch. ttliri'a'l1t e lxuite of re'gait ilarad resaltsxxil codngly le muchioell 1111OPOOCn PHXERL
14lthlsSeasen. Now Opei.s. Soytina.01o axarci'se, adaeiilall- 'ita' '' N ABR IN
Grangers rudSchool o se
ing. 6ondhor N.beanefit W1111li1a-Il lucycaliitieixe frowiiiR* NDALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER
ManrcI onscienious xoik iiioure iii-iln mndli 51111 tbe minaerofte Washington Biock,
UThsis yaear tile gyninasitiii is open to aa ldo Mandolin Trio, isape oar en i- Ann Arbor.
e FM SAIGPALRan ah rems. All appointments first class. 111011duling the wxlaey, froi)9to getiientS sat recepionels, ira'ailliigs.
impnrted and domestic cigars. La dies' artis-
tic hair dressing ad bathing parlers, up 122in11Elbelinornlilug, 1 to 6 ill the after- 1'01ps, stag alffairs, dininer, eca. .Xi-
stairs. J. R. Trejanewsksi, 30S. State st.drsXiPl r hweorrien,
Hooin, anal 7 to 9 in the exveuig. This ars iPiCi hue rr'ieo'
M. ARINFuera Drecor 20th ,as, E.Jrffersoin St. 1S5
00an letallic CIakets and Fine Grade ttLttogveerneaod hale
Ceffins. EmbalmingI a Specialty. N. 17 S. to get in a telrtrilli , iiOot ef avoelt Jtst-IFiiday aught en cainhmls no, 511
Forhae pnfcdslvrwtl.Rwr.1 veryday. No cilasses are lieltkin the oe ae ivraiah la-r.1
TO RENXT-One parlor suite, very inorntng or evening because, as ye,N.Tyrsp A1jEJJ
large fornace beat, light and bath, there is no demand for thieii. The Wanted-A Steward. Call at 29 E. COLLAjTR
at $350. 20 S. Ingalls st. ilssos in tile aternoon arc held at Liberty at, A~