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March 20, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-03-20

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FV E"IIRST GOES TO AME . Itolih.scnor year at the high school Athletic Notes
IL___tie won the annual oratorical contest. The Ahei -r a Nrhetr
Receveda fLil h1© O iOV0" in s Contest Easily With SilnonsSie en niterin otoeLnvrityokao niversiylisi at las decided to re
Reeivdoaful.ineofNstel h erhientinatical work.finl ere it- action on the aiopion of the
ti1es for Spring Suits S ecn.Ls erh o idi h itlI~ChicagoCoferene rles, soil at a
and. Trouserings li 1 illthe largest audiene raoictcotstfrstotisae an I ite hu 'l'Isslight adopted thei
____1,is ytassemileid isCUniverity Hatti5yrwteecilssoator ofli oolitle tree wo the only one
lie Senor clas. and also retireon~ei
1to Iies si coaeino iioalory was te Usierity efore te llwewbc ad inot Ieeii siopei, altdthe
lii ss iiiii stiesei hoi iigtl s t-Sool at Chicago, ii the annual w rasoh--s oti wsll lsii'Vst
NO. 2 E WASHINGTON ST. NEAR (MAIN. liihe set eisiiiannual CotetiOf listOrs-.igito Birtdaycelerain o theDooer. their (crck half-hak, and te
trl Ai -so isilsui. The people were UnonLegu cub I tists y~e's tckioe of te estire testi. As Vas-
lii' ®'+ ' ' ® e d i ett 5 on5lciill nisisishrs ut in Dooer hsildieidediii tha le will not
ircliisisrur oraorical cotess le wosi
sos-li i estarue ocost sse.M.Ane'lieet os resri t college aet yeir, the(-,cause
" Vssen ~ -sis isgetesrssigofcoinstdeparerAClorado. set m
( einr Irn oethepreidig oficra ieores astdl"for tesae of list-
s In collapsihle tithes for tenita Due.Cooao
cents is one of the handy ithlistaosge ecalled forth volumisst hne s iitioslft ihsiMsoty adot e'the sitoti as take.
tolt rprain w ae usisess. sssput, ltdwith te 'Varsity ..After adospitigite rule liiilisoarl
We have a very fins cold 55s irsisige-cts f John Browu's lift
cream pitttipthe saine yst ielsotssissgs estraw1 posess te followingtiresolutfios:
way for fifteen cents. ,uoru eso; ttorighieeal it
'ill croolesi iself taOfit.i osssiest. -fte ''leohld, first. That le presis
PAMR-PARA f ly high sorer ottd ws Iiiidouihiaso s artists of this otiisitter ilostsuniig
0 ALERSPHRMCY oa5asithstswesd that the pi tlsin
V tir scisners util ts' judsges'imarkinigs pttpes fits iose year te effecisetess of rule
46 S. STATE ST. ]iniitsrbyhe tiro osdlivue foee-s'
,+ d® ®I4p¢ rloec;t li i isti l esisoit.Tie orsa- 'lhi jusdge s veer: slis huases tipon the conicionthias
Ls~ iiion eeitrt ed'r bys freque( t p- csssslcndiet t stsesisy iicollge shold e
his frilsnt 'iisugst hucoipos ition-teesl
°tTHE SLEEPING FOX CATCHES hstMan seo. inigse. it ilt oenng a~iro lsi ~sieLtiesi fllowedcilto) lcrisissts' itereo'icllsg
iOP U T Y ir s sid "I assure('yost t feel hn lss l r!:t gaime' s risi it'e esl! pfatierly
NOrPOULTRYappiar before yosu. IaseatI ere .Jly iingof otheir collegs st sise ith.
Havng urcase th Jaobs8loisiss, Priiis-tsit:)fr. Davidisi. Ftirns
tlvtg ptctss h aoo & i astlt issieI the bos o Wis ill tate ol's'ti itsdedstsin totis i lursiteyers srig
Alliasd stunt, :Ishall, for the tnext hs mcanstte t Detiroit.lsuti hch ssilre sigrsls te itts
f10 l aces of ill(rlety libs..-hsisi-ilsiirs, ts it h ih une exsigrl ,teyp c
10 days, offer some of te Greatest e". 1 i isiiehter ilhe IIs.ll ir I e . Pee-Sios.tua rDei-t;" I tc rtl'siilty sssiis
Shoe Bargaitns the people of AnnIt t s"iitsetrots fior si.uas ie su(sis;I sii.It W Ishttit O I ii ciTi ha.lit i 51 0 f
Arhor have ever kntown. Ohik Iciislha i ''li t ils'Ift"1tisi sil of he oDtirtrsite
std 1 o i ii' srintirtil.''siress'iissd at t' cofence ot Ni
r i. 'titi.lw ngistlistsrm s ar pi'vmb s59,sue a optedl for iii-
jr.( jo 'R oIut: ,-si@i sit orsg sii.55cc g - i'st'shs ( cloots ll t-lit'rles rcs'sii-
IS WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR ii. i .t. ..L lnik-"' - sssiti uuIi uk fisrisyat
______solo_....____L__________________ndforsalveof_ a a Bnon tand
I~rt 'it Ii .trt'sryv...... it ray - --'' slt'sit'tiIi bsh ettfie4o
"I a. . "h'ijsiiit I-ssu~iski n e eile -_ I 4 4t sits
Fresh 00isatsrsd it.Anos....."Castelair" 2Titalitsmiis ilelsttoitss'I 151cc
a'iuiutasA.1Berkihls'. . . er
aa 5 5 5 t'' 4riaesiodsidc nttom etetne
7'e"Ti'(i, Di'.arsinaseni eof Isuope oism it 5 , r sstoi inU ck 5 islcics tistsanw.
Strawberries for aoi5'555i5 L.. limil... ...htiiiiliti'r'i~'~5t hs
'Crushes'" and a5h0hiht ti Atliisi 5is ioi" itC-r's'hlistheihoIllotswitnlisslitig;si its t-l
0 S[itssison -Ut~ 5st ad Msnoliit cusho c l i 51t' 1 lrrit s of 0 lcntin tos
"Sundays"(tsirt.i tioio-liitopospioucutiii sit in thei srlltsrae t the
:1 h tn . ('iL a iter - - - -~delI'i li sissi." 'iss' issl listssit slit fsstiiss'flay.
a tonight. Natiial Ills. tusents'l y' his fsttg-llt i s t' ac-tissi sosrlt t non I . hihoo intii otnttti'05L, sill 5oacht
v Psit si .\ I os-sn..s ...s- - -.-.. " slenit' The'ight, stay i h sis uustll issilmsOsithstr'baleskrs'
First of the Season,'E.. tisLincln-A1Dictator" litnI tils - h Aiiltic ('lists. h si ~ot isg Ihio s si sn.
O rgntcola. i-ist l evenit if'5s hetutht ; oo l i siluii 55. i5ii 'h.'iih
sC-lss'iriilly - sitriss i so le isokig l2 5 sss' hs -ssl'lsil slhs u
r eloss" sul ittser."' Lctires ts Sociology.
is Iiu'c, the slui'e ill huts. Hils raion
GA~fII s3 - PIIARMA Y i iv s isis "I'isilr of iii yearCsrhiio. tnd (Contiusueshon 'IThirl lage.) Tis' fulsisrsit- slusisl ies sres till
°n lit'i-il,5555gi1 oti utmu-is fsoral I 5''v''lis5 ll i 'siie lecure urom ofTiis'5sss
acna~scv~ema~ansa~asces.3 maxav l Prof. PFlton.
551 its t imts. Jultiss-s l eishuM il li t. i.:
-A --ssurtJa nes his-to(1,17't''il heis ' l' suis ocrIFultns i Ii; lctre be5 1i thusd s r Dess r 22. ic, Uthis. y1.
AHRD S BOOK STO R huts i i t t Shiuistsussulrhis', sitlssiig.it i l st-ils iii.lovialrhit' 5f
I I Vi tl Irts, M1IsIci' 21. hr. AV. A.
sh (ut is'c,,. a adr. Inhis t], le - siiors(,us' tiiti h efnda1st' e wi S cn -H n T x -I «t ls, t heii iisluf sh' uIitoutwii
Nosy SocustlHsunt 'fe i- iiht itelihr lisspedl 1o futmes' by- ItLs i'ct. fi'i andtiiil htiitsiccat' an isis o 'The l s'chsh-isssls'l,'flti-
Books for alt ldepatmet nts'o. ii 5i:acct;- waso afIth-t si xi 'l.l, tsi sgisciiis's tii ilsthe Iriuss' is-iCteit lil 'Triningtt."
Complete stock of lasw' boks thenii iutisgisi hsaik is ritisiphito i trs'osithit-si. Its- -calld 1attention si ito 'tut'st . si~tcti 1, Dtr. i. .
foral etise.pa~i. tie' altompilisiiedlwhat still hsui'thei;ralusssissin ctclss-poertii es-s's'hss-o- i tis'Slits' nar
hMts'fossier inithiss mssesory of ntiis t ti rt st of flist'quslitis of sdisosrus' L io iluhigot SiiteodH n ok o~lt rvoninwtotbod fd twy c"etd f ae ter W dcdy p ilsir. - Asusussi -st
and oxelasiod. 1Ms UB.it.Amsitwasblin hthe tdivisi~os corrsond wsithti.this'mentail, lisli. of Dtrot, ost "Thus'freatmencti
__________________is illres title at the city of Ls'oport. viltguduileusotiettusurs ofusuou. I, alushCtoe of Epiilettics."
'T, Thiere his' eciss i his coumnunschsusol thso,laidstsrests upo;the fact that thin Eaci of thee eturuIsths
'WA RcOKSO5 duCatiou. Mosiug to Colorasdo he at- s siotie nuature 1ud amosoolwasa5 huhntdsge ob suit-si
Up Tows Down Tows tended the east ite'high school at een sdisrgardedO it their treatmuseuni o?'sr"i ~s-at tdns nIetu
-20 S. State stj OppoieCutHue'rt"i pnt rtte~sadohr
Ass Arborn pe stut IDne rswhere he graduated in 1893. udisorse. 'shus sesre to atteund.

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