THlE UNIVERSITY OF' MICHIGAN DAILY. Jos. W. Kollanf, Latest Novelties ins Gents Snztinn s. 10 E. Wiiashington St. - Up Stairs. THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, ________ ,Can funni h you with a first-class Fountain Pea. Pen and Ring repairing a specialty. --GIVE Hrm iAGAI. DOES YOUR L. Stop!! Stop !! Stop ! ! TRY R -,AT-No Chinrredi Wicks,7 Parker's Corner Store,; A White Llelit-1jli STATE ST. AND N. UNIVERSITY AVE. I-decar as sprinig wa Fresh made Candies cnstantly in stock., Collloce andtiayouil call again. proimptly-Sold only IN THE EQUIPMENT OF A 49Sooth Main Street. STUDENT'S ROOM,, UNIVERSITY NO i t is generally conced~ed chat a stringed in- strument is almcot an absolute necessity. Ta secure te greatest enjoyment fram the aectaso geC thin testyouccamoney cwili aceod. Sagerl judgmentpro nouances tin "Bay Stale" instruments Clanfinect is the world An excellent instrumeent is the BAY STATE $10.00 BS5ANJO. stioveis setocceaeigrlbinjos tnatis, but Can a substantial, servnc- table insceansnnt, at a Inos grine,n o tter instrument mnufoactured ran Icainguire swit it. Send fan illustat~ced (atnlugue, Tsucker & Co. BICYCLE LIVERY AND SALESOOM 18 North Fourth Ave. We carry a fcill licie of up-tn-dale Bicycle iSundries aind ulltcsto Ililill w helsl. Also Rlepair Wheels lit living pices. Give tie a caliifi in neetd of ally thin;Ig ins our line. TTOF Al. SUAoVINGl PARLORl and Bet- , I. rooans. All %pgointmentsafhrat class. langurced and doanestic cigars. Ladies artis-, tic halernicenninaand bacthing panlru tairs. ..1, r-n;.accnsbi 3f)S. State at. j Na wailing fan Columbia and Hiartfnrd bicycles. Na delay and tonsequent anny. ance. All moudels and pitteens new ready for imnmediatc delivery. 1897 STANDARD OF THE WORLD aco maacinexclusively of 5 peerceel Nickel SteoeclTubing, lineecaire pea- i ff TO ALL Iducitnifuticl e coanteol. .100uuALIKE. D artford Bicycles are at prices within reach of everyone. I $75. $60, $50, $65 Ctloue feeam anClumn inaa jcnge le e m fr ne cet j Hartferd, Conn. cr Grceatent Biccycle PFatoey G j licte bWorld. Mnreethan 17c AcresofaloonneSpate. Branch housenordealer is ualmos every alty and TilE DAILY' will be delivered $ ----nilfCommencerment far.-- 3 Avriflec- ciii nitice coul rre. il. illy, -i-i-n I-t i i lilnlns ill lie Uiverc-sit Naiaccfcnll hael dcccnis missiona. A" sail rom on ccci1clitc the- cinmica uIiilling inns c') s cI ciacclillcry. Tine lccccc ga-ural cehemistary lcabocrcb Aini 27_. WVTASHBURN and PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY T 1 ,and get the best service. U* of M, GUITARS. Office and Stable, 32 Forest Ave. Telephone 106. W asliburn Mandolins Branch Office at Palmern' Pharmacy AND OTHE lCRS. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS DANK WASH-BURNS--- $15.00 AND UPWARDS. Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus, $110,000. OTHERS--------- 1.98 AND UPWARDS. lnueal1,0. Organieed under the General Bunting Laws Co of Chin Stain. Receivms deposits, buys and Ann o M sic 0 elin exchange en the princlpal cities urte 'UitdSae.Datcahduodentification. Safely deposit taxes Ca rest. icend 23 :Nst wantn custrret. OrFcCnaSn Christian :lagk Pres.; W. 0. Haurriman, Vice-Fran.; Cha sE. Hiscock, Cushier: .1J. Fritz Assiatant Cashier. 'AMVP SMOKE?- FIRST NATIONAL BA N KogAn Ab LED STAR OIL---NO SMOKE,- qcescngec00,(M.Scau ~sancProfits, W00 No Off!°nsive Odor, No lotuling of Cheinineeys. arigs exchange laceitadnsold. Furnish b ~ltns af redne. rnon freely to tine last drop of oil ini the lump F . D. IIINNE, lreea IIAP.BISON SOULS. Vice Pins. ter-1en per gallop-Dleliverend icc one caneS. . CLNcUKIISON, Cushier. b y_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _C or__ _ _ _ _ _ t n . ai n a n d H r a n S t r e e t s . TES XV IILGRAD OERAhOUE.Capitlcel~50,00 Surplus 530,000. Transuct TEB, AT I3I GP1\D OERAIZOI P. general bunting business. Ri. KEMPF. Fret. C. E. GRaNa, VicePins t: untlinext i il s -etele rigicl i Igi~iaal- FPaE. iH.BELeSE, Caxhier. hei sale dCl- oncea ham se. reseliilg Edisoance ci- .L . * ee e il ea011-cuc. celo ict l~llre . inny- c(icee ol ! iii. 2 5.STATE STREET lccccn edi lty ccigieiciniciicefoe xibiting ilie-on Sells a Solid Cold F-oantain tPeu at $i.03 Bonoks Biund tiscanes and upward. picticn ll c s 1( y- critcsain e fcc cc UC. of 51. Scensaand Professors 3f2 lbs. Lin- incic hospiltalie il'niectli cc eii ccPaper Cnn 50 cents. llcgIo tcc.- eil cutr! 1lila on-c l e~ii'Note Boka scents and upwnarda. ide ie c le allccicinasli d lllgllnllnLowney's Chocolates. b ceee illnc ec ciincoIlichcilily-c-(a Seen. lllino Hot ]Luniches. is eninnle rifle shotlofi 11cc- Norld ilciensinel a ire. cart on s--I ila the c 1c eiitelO ini c-ut a- el-un4t s rysWeli asodinhltce pice c-caccisil-lue.-Es'- TUTTI.ESd61 a4 State St. a cmlos n will clccongn. Thcbel iCn-C Gre i shds ncalin- lic i liicner- ~Reduction el da t itsnnf Athensiaeisscluehan nilleus On prnice hereafter 60ilca-ing oln-tIce suenti:;icinn-hendecroic isof cl~foe U.of M. buttons l thc ,clnncul .b'c--c nncaliuifor lnd cnn-nc encorn l-- all pollens, wnll he 50 Cents. n-ntl w. P. ice I cad neaaialcein i le- strutcegIc ie- iC. ltccin -n-n(c--c li 1c icl-nfW ANLLEADING JEWELER. d, trey c;geic. USNIVERSIT Y SCHOOL give t l,