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March 19, 1897 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-03-19

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Stein Bloc nd IHbmmcriirrh Prn& iri nor kitsfnI
Are now in our stock and ready for y-our iaspection. No fini .- or batter mnale clothing in the c-untr~y. You will fiud them
only at our store. Golf Suits in Great Variety.


The leaders in Newv York as wvell as ini Ann Arbor are only sold by us and are the best bats ever produced for the money. All
the new and leading shapes. We al~o make suits to order, guaran~tee a perfect fit and a saving of 25 per cent. We have
the largest and finest line of GOLF SUITS and GOLF HOSE IN THE CITY.


37 South Main Street.

"E i

Crn p ~ H ueI Wesleyan Guild Resolutions. U. OF M. CALENDAR.,IHGA EyIIL
'THREE NIGHTS 'Isde beard of directors of the W1es- Friday, March 19, 5 p. in., Law Lec- Time Table (Revised' Feb. 7, 1897.
XARCHI 22,23 and 24 ly~ ul ftile First M. L. church, Lawe ttasti-Piof. Itobert I. Falten, t EAST. WEST. A
of tlisscity, istve causced ISIS lgressed Oifelyl nvriygrsaSailland ax.--3 47 N. v. Special_-__ 7 W
N ' ~reading. i. Y. Special..., 4 58 Mal._______8 43
oy ',f the following re'solultions to ibe MoesertEx--Uls10uvN.r.sily H7 i 925
Ft'ridgy,Mac 19, Uiest iiA M. P. M_
AMET MAGNIG Ps peparled and forwarded to henry M.S . p. n-Final Oratorical Contsict. &liantie Ex_- 7 55 Pacific Es-___12 1
D. N.Expres s _5 0Western Ex_.-1it
M 1 IIlfI~U I Load at Au Sable: Saturday, March 21-Eugineer'ing a. a Express t Cbi. Nt. Ex.---910Q
"The___Trustees of tihe «Weolyan Guild 'Meettig, "restingMaschines," Pret-p o aESc., G. . HAYES,-- 5
wage0. .P. &.T. Agt, Chicago. Agt. Ann Arbor
Prices,- 25c, 35e, and 50e It tise Usiversity of Michsigass desire sinr
to s xisress tss a fitting manner tiheir Mody Met 2-,Pcodn
F1arrison iss S. L. A. Course.
apspreciation of Mr. Losud's splendid Friday, Masrchs 2'- Freshmnan Social 4
-x i ft, sn endowinsg tts hesery bMartis t ss (rasgers.
/. t~~~~~~Lu lectureosip, to lbe admssinstered Sastslrsisy, sri 7Ana ss
5/ ft ~~~by thssBoard for tse 1mo0al5nd IC- 1.sta aeisnrysnassa
I l'rilay April 2, Gtsngers-Senior ALOD
lUIisgiosspliftissg of thse younIsg ien aisdi>arty. Time Tabir. Jan. l3t, 1894.
5 fIt sisesl-aslo ie Frislay, April 2-1.1,. l. is iss 50 oo.
1is-f 'lettsodist chulrchs of Ann Arbor; A. C'ourse. I 11:25a. so11:25 a. ns.
'Ootolseoh en a I 1j 4:3 .. m 8:35tp.rn.
Ilto!dorseso' OtOWashoo. lstdtisy seels stsse raeftl c- A. A. &; YPSt. 51T. It:AtLW.AY. *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only,
Its Home Is Realty Complete klsowledgesnslst of isis gelserosity ssssd ,Au trains dotty except Sundoy.
Without anew 1897 Model thsouglhtfutl ctre for thse futusre welfare TIME TAIABLE. N.uBN E N. S. GILMORIE, Agent
C .I ENT . P. A. Toledo 0.
G uitar, Mandolin, of Ithe ediucateds young Ieotrie of isis Leaves Congress street, Ypsilanti, at
Vasliburn Banjo or zither. chulrclh. 7:110, 8:201, 9:401, and 11:101._15., aud I THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL
Priese beencled down asoaeeslteoflthe j"TeI i11:40, 2:20, 1:40, 5:001, l0:30, 7:50, 5:101 -
Wahunseoous popo.rt o ta tow you can trststevs, u-io art' cissrged withts -
oo solonineVWshburn of the veeyhsatestdesignss antI11:20 1). sts.RALODTCE BOK S
Front $15.00Upward. tse conscienstioils tdtoitistttitiotsOf iLe'aves court isouse at AnnAb R a ODTCKTBOE
TIhe new WashhbursMandolio is o radica epatrssstut nug tehp X :09001:0ad1:0a .rn
our foriestylses. It 5is heneatestsi'i~ i rs, idainittiesst s andal I :0 :111 02sld 1141a nat
Itest Madet oliaiole, and ilttoeaprcehe pr'ess tise wisis ~ltist :Mr. :Ltid siay lv1:2,:4111 :2,5:0I711,30h:51 Whtolesale Cigars, Tobaccos aisli
siy eareletol t o ie oldtCeonaViolin. t ash 1119,30,4-0-:0 :0 :0,95 iaets
rs e od tsixbed assanduiforomprices he allfbest- lonsg to see Ilse 'beneficent infisence of and 11:0011p. Il s sscdaesavrwee. igete
55' sheslre h e acknrossledged stassad o 55e0tiseudowvssenst; bthsgift SUNDAYcon-11 2I Cor. Main and Liberty Sts..
old Theyeare usedexeclusivrtel ythe lc dsgsUNAYTIM.
rtiss Teachses ssd GteeClubas. Oarew s- seW -:c 15 e rgeserations to fisrnisis a5(1mo LeaesYilat1 t921 a 1
rc'satlse constainisotretaitso ovel10t Artists
id sssall leesmaio. priees, endorsemsents,es-tcwli-e Iittng monumtIH'Ito iis eitt.t-)ry tsth mands2s0,i:52:10,1):301, SiTEFIE AJ fDI
. ic r-so rceps of5applistionss. yourosseealer st fsiiseTHroEitis sttleFI.1:11N15,ST
suoe=n-r yo stne w~~s~t esss Wsendta shb ssI. (.eD.css be shoetdllifgrnwitest 5 . 710, 5:30 and 9:501pt. t rtsEo.eamntinIdrctfoILefatryURoIosIndrnggant.
*AWahbr prvsibtsaead ae abLoes-es Ann Arbor at 111:10 ansd 11:201) A CT
a i':icrnsesvaue as tihe yeara go by. .Signedtby lisa whole 'board tand dtedtscin. n 20 0 :0 :0 3
i e-.55c- cor lbmay tmsitsesost. at AAbor,.'Mists.-MtrchiS 1807. .1.,ad120,23,1:1 11 OFTEC YI
1ON & IiEALY9 ' 7:511, 9:111 and 111:311 p..us.


Invitation by the S. C. A.
'Tse students do not seess to knowe
of st custom whicis has been observed
for somie tisne at Non-berry Hauil. Oss
Friday- and Sasturday evening-s tlss' tar-
lor are bright with grate fires, and
nosy conic in. The associaioin wisises
stesmbers of thse Students' Chsristiass
Acsscition rss, thesir'friens areco

Spalding Ieagu~e Ball. lits, iasus, etc. - V 11:1 14:17 X- l
Managers shossld send toe sansples asd itsisst to umake it iplesasanst for altlsvho
special rates. Esvery requisite for Tennis,
Colt, Crickbet, Teach sod Field, Gymna- to snake Newsberry 17thal social ceo-
atom Nsquipments aod outfit-. Complete icr issAlso Arbor, as it should be, andu
Catalogue at Sprissg and Summer Sports
free. "The Name thenGuaranstee'" sti10isto accord wisit isiea thsat these
A. G. SPALDING & BROS., inforlsal "At Hloises" have been hteld.
Ne York. Cicaego, Phisiadelphsia. Every-one is invitesh andsillethbe made'
stcoi os-isetsbers as we-ci as
R ANDALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER sasashsrers. Let the new memsberses
Washington Block, peci'illiy notice 'this opplortulnity to bse-
Ann Arbor. comie acquainuted.

Classes in dtancinsg nieet up to Mtsy
Iot. Special rate to those wishing to
joiss now. Prsoramlsfor Tuessday ssns
Ssaturday evening classes w-llt=here-
tsfter start at 8:30 ociock. Single
evensing -adsmissioin50c tier couple. Of-
ice Acadenmy anti residence 61 Slay-
narsteo. Private lessos by Mr. or
-Mrs. Granger atisosirs isot occupietd by
Remtember thtat we stiu do repair
anld upihoistery cork. A large stocks
of fsirnituro coverings aways keilt on
hssssd, including all tile neeset fabrics.
Rtooms for rent it Mrs. J. I..tint-
lecs 10,fi Wa.sst-ssto-tiveutie.

S. W. Burhid,
RfLadies Tailoring Annex..
3 caps.Gosad.
r Hoods.
Albany,. N. Y.
Y. MlURRL, Measurer.
dd E. William St,

Engrain e engirsve visiting cards for ladies atid gentlemnen in their respective sizes in correct, styles. Engraved
lg1~YPlges wall he kept bcy us for our patronss, unless wo sire requested to return same.
W edd ng Eiatigsntly engraved to order in short
Prices quoted sud satnples furnished osn application.
Leading Booksellers - - - - - - - - 20 S. State Street. Ann Arbor, Xich~

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