THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. P olshed Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College pear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 0 vice: Times building, 7 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty and William St. OLIANAGING EDITOR J. F. TuoxAs, 97. iUS[NESS M~ANAERS . H. iHAS, '5. EDITORS E. L. GEoouE, 55 L. F. S. Stos, '1. F. M. Loo, '8. H. B. SILILMAN, 'S L. H. H. CouwIN, 'P. BULER Lss, '5. C. M. GnnEN, 9, Athletic Editor. ASSOCIATE EDITORS W. W. ilaches, 'I. S. W. SmIth, '97. F. A. Fucik, 'PE. I. A. Campbell, '00 W. P. orrill, 'I. G. D. udutt, '0. A A. Smith,'7. C. Lull, jr., 99 M. The subscription price f the Daily is $1.00 for the college year, with a regular delisery before noon each day. Notices, communica- tions, and other matter intended for publica- tion must be handed in at tie Daily office be- fue S p. i., or muled to the editor before3 p. i., of the day prevous to that on which they are epected to apear. Subscriptons may be left at The Daly Office, Meyr's or Stolet's Newtand, or with Business Msanaer. Subriers will co- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this office ns ailure of carrier to deliver paper. The contest which is to take pae tonight is one of te miist iuhiirtlst events of the year, deciding, s it soe. who is to represent :Mihignin tslie great iter-ollegiate cotsof Vhiali5 Northernl Ortorical League. A hieavy responsibility xwiii rsoon1)11heit'in- ner, whoe'ver hliniay be, fos' Mieslign lis a r epuation to ssstain,. a repstoto- iout which listsben 011 by ive ic. toiit over siesdid fields of c(llihit- tors. DOse reeated victories has-ve.-ii due not only 1tot ablity of the anew1 who represntetd us, ht also to te' superior syotm of preliminilary coil. testtslind the we-ll tdireetti effort of thie departimtit of elocutio. The 5w0rk of ths-vlrios cote~lstats this year has biesn lardl aidicosien t- ious, andith lere ci be no doubtht10 the' contest xwil1be of as igh aclihsr- actr as aiiy f those held preiosly. We ihardly neul to sggest that thre should ise a good attendnce. Tie studetslisave awsays sowis:t vry creditaliethtsasmsibOyattendisng thte contests its largeiniumbers. [lore is it certain insirtiont to iedeied [rolmsia crowsd. The spaktrs,. isore tlsan any thers, wilisaprecials' a wieli filled ial. President Angell Protests. President Angell has Biled troest with Senator MeKN\illan against the as- sessinent of duty on book, philosophi- cal and scienitiflc aiparatus and in- strumients for college ue, which are free under the present law. n a let- ter to Senator Me0Iillan President A- gell says: "I a111 informnedIthat the xways Iand tatans csniiiittoe of the house have stricken out of the free list the lror- visions for the free entry of ooks, philososphical and scientific apparato and instrninents intended for the use of colleges, libraries and other 1nos- prated institutions for educational Purposes. I need not say that such action would impose a heavy tax on all the colleges and Universities in the country, and I trust that the action of the commsiittee wiii not mot wills your atslroiation." Gun Club Medal. Thei gun club held its first shoot ye- terday fr the medal given for staigt slhootiiig. Assistant Professor Wo- cester woii the medal, shooting 22 out ot 23 blue-rocks, while Prof. freer was seconsdxiti 19 out of 25. Te other contestants wer Messrs. Wrnt score, Sherman, MtComber std Sol. The club gives two medals, a handi- s-oso miedasl to be shot for periosically tush a iiedal for steaigt sooing. The holdle of this last medml may- kp it as (long as !he can, buot anyone by gi-- inlg three days itice before aly sost ca oil mp~lel the holder tos shoot for it ati eithe the net shoot or tit follow- ing one, trof. I-ct-tmaiisAl'M. IC. Dow haveo' alratdy sialc-tgoti Prof. Woe- Chitsttr, st-io will deftend it at it'e next shoot. All the club sots ar oh unsder the regullr rueis on exvery' Thusdetay afternoon at 4 p. li. stit'e lomb grounsin on 1. -Stmt st. Oberlin Baseball Schedule. Otberlin Chas masapted the foloing baseball schedule: April 24-Adelbert at (lox isi. May - h-tlraiiiat beii. May 4-0. S. 0?. at Oboelin. Msy 15-Illinois at Oborlu. May 2-0. 8. 1. atf'olumiihus. May -22-Deliare- at Dilnoirse. Mtay 2-t1iliois aIt thos-uhsigo. Maly 2-Nsetixxsttrni lt t-x-ltnslol. MAiy 1-Sladisomi at Mltisoo. Junse 1-Notre Daise at Southoesd. tome 5-Wisconmsinm a Oeri. lotne 11-Corei-lst Oerli. 'There noxx remainsstut txwo dys msore ini xxhichi we casnt xisit the colec- tionitftsritt ipiotograhls at Nwxierry- 11,il.,fose ottSaurlday nigisi ihe col- lectionsxxiho-eocssedl to thie publc. I01 liss boon a rlrertat to hstxe tsemt here xvthi 01, authmost of ius, ave ax-hled orselxves of this exclleit op iotunity. TChose xwho have not should lit faili to before it leves us. If yon are losking for a Rsll or F1Iat Top office Deck call on us. We have the BEST MIADE desk that is mant~u- factured in the United States and a-o Sellig theum at tie Sane prices as the iferior kinds. ITAtLLER'S FURITUIE STORE. FOR t&SALLst Piiysician's oieratig chair, used si. ulontliS. $06.50, cost $75.00. Also ittsdiral ooks. Croinie & Stone, Droiggists, Ypsilaiti. Babylon Coal is THE BEST. -All grades of ard and soft Coal. Camel Coal aud Cue. K .STAEBLER, Telephune No. . One door East of Ameri- can House. Bicycle Repairing ! Os all branches netly and poply done. Prices reasonable. Sundries at rot'bottom prices. Win. . Wenger, 8 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR. YOUR SPRIg OVE COA Irather an important subject just at present. If you a want all the points of service, IWO", -style, lit and economy wxe've w,- just the Coat yon're looking I - - f o r. t . It's nobby, neat, and satis- factory, and priced ata -. very reasonable figure. A ' i AND tTS PRICE IS ONLY $12,00 Plenty of other styles at other prices, some higher, some a"-4l lower, but all-right in price- _______ ____right in style and quality. Look over otir stock of Spring Suits and Overcoats. All tastes can be snot. We've every variety at popular prices. 95 BETTER THAN EVER" Te1897 BEN-HURl BICYCLES embody more new and genuine hmprsvementso in cosnstruction than any other bicycles nsw before the public. Never before hove -such oxcellent values been offered for the money. Our new hine, consisting of iglith superb osodels at $501 $71 and $123 for single machuines, and 8150 for tasusiemot, wots the various options offered, is snob that the most exacting purchser coin bho e oist suied. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO., 72 GARDEN STREET. INDIANAPOLI, INC OUR FINE POSTER CATALOGU EMAILED enR TWO u. nEsT SvAMPS. Aa POIIN busue secured with Rand, MceNally & Co ,thsat will bring good returns to stdnsfor uhis worhk dush g vacation. Wye wish Repsesentatives on our Atlases, Miaps and other publications. ALL ABOUT THE BABY , , t , , , By Robert N. Tooter. It. D. of Chicago Mledical College just issaued, is uhe boot for Medical Students. Catalogue and circulars send on application, SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES > > , E , . E E Wve want a few tpecial representatives In the Csllege. For this position esxperienced boot men should xwrite us at once, stating past eaperience. RANI), McNALLY & CO., Chicago. tide wiisesdonlreceit sfit0 ste. a sami o nrnddrss. 'rices.s1 rost-adtlounesree t Street.leyYork. Ada I21y