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March 19, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-03-19

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the . of

, 1. la .

VOL. VII. No. 130.



Received a Luill line of N ovel- re
ties for Spring Suits FO FK'U/CFLI it N( F F
and Trouserings
N2E.1897 1.RA ,aY
Vaseline!! $ -- ) f//r/
s In collapsible tubes for ten F.'
cents is one of the handy
toilet preparations we have. W aeavr iecl
cream pat op the same ~ORZATIORICAL CON rE~s, I ireshman law
way for fifteen cents. also excellent
--- - - nd1. I.A
SPALMER'S PHARMACY. Hon. S. Al. Cutcheon is Unable to I i.A
46 S. STATE ST. e lisrepneenti
_________________________________________at the Coiiversi
It i5 not 1400011 at what thie 1Gov. .Mi.
'THE LEEPIG FOXCATCHS Cio ri;;-ei-l11 arrive today so the stn-~iuii-ll
NO POULTRY (ili- i.iiltre-,qhhiite trails tstla

'"-.,;..,--ft ia;

classes respWctively, are
spoakers. ..S. Lathier-
Hies, the senior literary
:ativcs, have tbothi takeii
itt ill oratorical inattecs
;ily, and1(1have -00n 11ailis
vanes ws iinthe liiiver-
st year, anti Mr. Latiers
thoseni as 01ilof'1-t1e ido-

Athletic Board Meeting.
Michigan is now a member in good
and regular standing of the Western
Intercollegiaie Amateur Athletic asso-
elation. The arrangemient~s at this
years iieet u-ill be pliced in i lb tiands
of .a eonioitee of alumni of the to-
ol ituition.s represented in toe Associa-
hou id Miiicigasi reresienitati- 0

Having purchased the Jacobs&
Allmand stock, I shall, for the next
10 days, offer soiaie of the (Greatest
Shoe Bargaiiis the people of Anni
Arbor have ever known.
$ 0~cmoa ®e .®aaa.'c:mm
0 0
0 0
0 0
Strawberries for
0 0
c ''he"and 0
0 v
0 0 Snas
0 0
% p
0 0
First of the Season. 0
0 0
0 CL N, PAMC,0
0 0
q 0
New anti Second-Hand Text-
Books for all departments.
.Conmplete stock of law n~ooks
for all classes.
Second-Hand Books bought
and exchanged.

hut 1its- reception at tinirersirty al11
is sitre itic 0llenthiuisiasticeone.
rheotOratorical Board has teens
pilaced ill a icedicimndnlt mas lIonl. "Ssli
1(11 M. (Cuteioimonof Detroit. iho-tue was
to act as omne of the imdnes oil deliviey
ha iie siddl tailmken ill and lie
siill t- unable to he here toiiighit. 'The
oufficer~s have not yet secuireid aiiiiiir
to "lt inIllhs steald.
Tin spealkers oitil eli co-nitestihelit
thueir fiiial reher.As toduay alliS 1111
Havs-i reatlyimiirot cith ei-ir delis--
ery5 sinii tiles coltti-sted in iiitclu re-
iiinaries. idearly alt of tiecontest-
anus lois-cwoii former ortitoon 11-
ors at thic University. T1. A. Berkihulc
'117 1j, was on the linal University eoii-
lest last year as is iclass rotres'-nia-
live, and received second lidace on de-
livery. W. M1. Chandler, the oilier }sen-
ior lass-represenitatire, ao s cenat lihe
University only this year, 'lit lie has
distinguishued himself for 'hilo oratori-
cal ability and was Ichosen as oine of
111e debaters ho n-AootChicago this

4t ct, IIt1 ) t.:ct 1.


I mters toiiieec Chicago. C. Siniuns. isill lie ol-ti tameigo
t19t, salso iiliithe CUnivei-rt (rnt(- Athlet ic Board Tuiesdlay night. An
Ellst year- as the rereni t-iaitic, of his8atiiiniis is-illticelittseii ss-ho is a i-cal-
u-class. d(.n ofIChic-ago.
1I 1. Mit_1( reart-.'190,lihas notl is-on any teinnis Manag;er Hlerrick has re-
forve~ hoor inoraor-atthet~n- ci is--ilaletter froiiitle tennis manat-
vinroit. iii li wuii is ilac lii ii of tile University of Chiceago, lire-
iiial in a sitroing coitesi sitit sisiin-toti-aiiranci i-s-eiChag
testnts.Thecontst wll e cale tt M.lii-tigaii on our courts thits spring.
lit 7:.tt0iistiail if 7:;.). as <t liliosilci itOlia-grerIi-rik tinitthe otheri-nmi-
yi-'stei-ilcy. bters of the- Boaid aireiin fas-or of the-
Iti-to Itili- fail thalthte tleetCilb-1),11andiilif satisfautoit- arrlungenii-nts
isto tiinsu- at thii- Detroit AuMmni It-si-
caii lbe mnde it isill lie-arrang-ul. The
(it. lthe- Bainjo Clisiill founlit- he1Wno-is- ari-ct tycuirtosswill ti--lacedl
Iisi. liii -i mm th- gy nsnasiuiii andutiii-dein-
Law Building Appropriation.' t tibutiding an01 they svill tie six in
- iteiits-m-. Work swill higin on thern to-
Aci-ottiig i toi(-e 'Dtroiti;l-rei- Prcss
lit a nil will behe ushtietforswarcd as
to i-isli -taicc f ii liitioirtitiiiapitit as lpossile.
fur li is-libart mutngCii- it5il5 iutrus foi the indooi~r iiiert close to-
Cli- Cts--tils comimtlci-of iilurruiss- night 11111allt no-nwso ohas--
-eliato hias ricoiiiiiiiiilictaniplirtitoia -iir-al-ialitiiicrenis
huhn if $tttttt fiir a liii-library tiutil-
ar- urgi-i to ido so ai. onci-. Mtinagers
itat B liiglilss gui-oh educatiotnal ill-
iif rauo ianisoiist-ot their entr-ie--
slt itt iii. Eal-t-ini tiii-se-sill atbillt.ackteamsic ust
isis intruttoeulbit'Si-natoir t'lmmill _____________
carritnmg sithi it.nappopiriationi of Adeiphi Program.
$50,()C90tifur sucilihi a iipurpose, but 111005
Tlii-AutetpthlSoicetv lhismiuoumecil
tlsi ii sisit to the lnriversiiv time r-
thlii-folinmg rogrinilfiii-Saturdayt
gimInformmuedlto- mleieros of ihe
- comumithti- lt i-thu$iOX a dlii ot l: iRecitationi. I. tD. Flurry; (de-
liati-. 'Resols-ect, "tfat the sils-emquies-
oeittle buildcingni,.ulil liibuilt fin li-
brarypurpsesi has a greater clalim on thein-ium-
- moediatie mttention iof congress thianithi-
A Former U. of M5. Student. tariff question,'affirimativ-, A. 0.
Artur tI-iryButset,i. leat o lesoiuandmiIt. B. Nlathe, negative, B.
ArhrH r es 11 h hrof thn eok, :A Check Ciiir $3,0ti,' has B. "Meade smud I. C. Plaiut; country
recemitt-y made-arrangemients ihl It oclool spiellinug match, referees -Pettis
W.ax T'uowns heaauthorioi Ch'iniiiii anhd.Sivi-et;lprinounoces, C. B. Hurry;

Pamidcen," foru . ablfCiniterest mu the liailiiunmtart- prathicBe;etit-, 1F. D.
diramaization of thmat work. Yr e ifact Eamiami.
thmat liv such svriters syiluiite in !miioii De~ries, '88 I1, ness repre-
dramnatiziog it, shuould, indeed, he a sents the 'Stockton (California) district
guarantee of iN success. in time house of representatives.

Up Town
-20 S. State stl
Aran Arbors

Down Town - I spring. S. L. Tatum and It. Bow-ltumun.
Opposite Court Bouse,
Main oh.' I Who sjvhhl represent their junior anit

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