TUlE GNIVERISITY OF' MICHIGAN DAILY. Jos. ,W. Kllauf, WHY IDON'T YOU TRY PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY BRO W N'S A box of that delicious Peanut Brittlo at and get the best service. TA IIO R! RT' DRUG STORE. Office and Stable, 32 Forest Latest Novelties iu Gete rSeitings. afpudannods10nd2cet.Aewbesf Ave. Telephone 106. __________Vlvet Molasses Candy, one-half pound 10 cents. BrnhOfc Paer'Pharac 10 E. Washington St. - Up Stairs. lTE ANN ARDOR SAVINGS BANK .yp Capital Stock, o,00. Surplus, $150,. / 9 Resorce, $1,10,. PHOTOGRAPHS i oodsp [ s Orgaied cder the Osersiaklg Laws "5 . ut this State. Receves deposits, buys and 9 t ]exchangekconc the principal citts of the PH TG A HS i p1in5 S. M;ain At. Idetiictio. Safety deposit bues to ret. Orrcec: CritanSack Pr. .u 113errymari.'s HATS are ready. H~~iarriea, rii'Vice-Pses.;CChs s E. Prs; iscock, Cashier SM. J. Fritz Assist-t Cshier E. Huron Street______________ 7DOES YOUR LAMP SMOKE? FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Ace Arbor Bicycle Enameling! T YR D SA I-N M K ,Cpil, 500,015 Surpluand Prefits, $d0,00 Plaim or Mlaibelized. Any color or Foeeinexcnelought ~olad sld. Furnish style. All work guaranteed. No (Cbarred Wicks, No Ottoesive Odor, No Fouling of Chiisnueys itrscrdt I C.1.IIS 'o, PeisnRBSONo SOLE, A. AWhite Light-Burns freely to the lst drop of oil to the lamp Vice Prs. A. ..iTLON. ---(lear as sprinog ater-16c pi gallon-D)elivered in our cans, S ,CAKO.Csir With Tacker & Co., 11 N. Fsourthi ave' popl-odolyb O P N o ~~~rZ K ~~44 Soth Main Street. C .Aaucr l~nSres T f l Capial 350Ol0. upus S30000 Transact Alakes to order Women and Men's ,KE Pres C C GREENE, ice Fes Easy Fittinig Stise'iiiall the A t 0 ofDetroIdgotet tIEn11 Ocase CCasies. Latest Syles 'Als 11 i aNii mlii W,'.;.r asock 'st osil isii oiiti s ill n ii ssiLi. I z;ioei' 1O;"Th' Boaisd o1f lii- F . S i e , tlthillwBest Place 'c.LeiL B r u,.t; forii 'iils, ~.Sari . ~g' 20 S. STATE STREET toe rlta. 1's cte~ seli l lsa s' --''Sc '01;'.'? .hrsnlO, e (lCI 1151115 fi. SelsaSolid 1Gold I o iais Pee0t 1.001 repairing ic S osie-5' i istu la} bil i'lon BIooks Bond ce ts e d ud poard BopaGrang U1of SI. Scenes ad Pofesos 03ilbs Lin- t'e~ti7; llaltinec F-en Pa er for 50 ecs "s .i The s-iii'ie. os l"i-liiss ;sii o il Os's'Ussnthe Noe ooks 5 cets d upwads - IilOI osiso will Ie ' rsent',i.a iil soill First Detroit Alumni Banquet i's-bili sisreeis'liiOetotLow e' Chc ae. Tilsis' s s)-everyiosili;isis atll;;heI assrd blosCh'pmin sIik of ills'house' Hot L.unches. ilui and 11(1 fsrmier shisiosle o s1Ivc 'nsisl('c 'he X100's'eibls ri0 Oi1 ls'7 iest fsith u ilh 0o 11ts'issn 'isosi'sssiioi i s a c'itySao-l ~il0on ha'Ild.elanIdIte ei T TLE 8a 48 S. State S. 43S. Main St. - upstairs. lsi ssRAatIll''il-si1siReduscsitison! t It lssrl islss. 'il'5505 l s ' i ait et i ll)1 'tmOr price ereafter E~ D E D~'is's-'il ill IssIiifor U. of Al. bettons feoils lii e)i 0 bolss's' rti 11001 iiiI jo1in11 11(05 lrogramilfor s day51 5103 ili all patternis, will be 50 Cents. Wiatl X nGeAt it Is slis' rtoh'se eli 'i'asscs i11 1011. i i S i C1'- tcnisist''ios's soill-here- s'iiI'isslss is-isnsiilsiir Iiclebati tasts i15 S:-3O (slo'k 'onogle WMt ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER. H anr ste rior' s 1 1 Ifi- ' s0 ae. 'tie1 si; i eveliss isiil oii-.iOO ciii 111 Of- f isci 5ilg'Il Iice s-I lOl ut'is iulcls iso>Mo 1 - IER IYSCHOOL tfr'I AnnI s'boil lis Co largts'5 05 hat iesnIael . V iat lio]i's IS TE P ialt'seiiwil. O7rahs' sithl-e I ae thusno c~lp y OF DANCING ilE ST Opios ie Low nuldig.S30100until Sty lt i sls,: ssl e sisi'iol that allIsll 0'llls'sa ro to.olasses Office, COR, WASHIN'GTONI AID FOURTH-lAVE. of the'iii als' li ollso-siot, ad1ap1-ra 5etr illills's'.lliistsl' s o 27Toland Sret AND 21 SOUTH STATE STREET. 01' \1. IllOVZi lAl t0 ,anlth; ol- 0 ess- lit slis 01s ss ,11t1-Isf li r ls.10,a!ney L o o eit erd i om.All 55515 a nt i55 SsCt '1115. *Ci'a'lizse/'h>1. Os WFatehe, Micodos, W eels or other I ps'teii as o irs ,s 1 i : '.I.idls' art is- s(s)e l to ce-.lli 111efil ar;1 01101 - 'rs'l toet. 5oc~ as es tie hatsi dr,. iii- is0ln'o arl oros u 011- - ersley rop ertyO . 0 tc est r ad e. i 5 tsiro. J.1. t fes ,i , . 'ate s. ill s for e Il' lsiillilll'. I t 31 0 ad' li'ssoha i t ssea ol or l, Lbet r ty spire.le resSieneAl31us. Dtle tsai'0 i-h''lihsll''l s' '11 ols- c k cia ll-ii t 51 s. }1.-' hvei le s i ietlai. our'. to lt. cm. an 4 8 '3 515I5Io1n1 . ' ... V.. Isille - Ill4, osil asl- te isP1 MA'D1. ' dsolk hall is 1111111 i' Seondlhalls csi hets ad isionds facto01e111it Iheis'l'ils'hStats 011d1 -e' /to o Ic' 1 1isi l'' s'i eIl a heim 015151' sanili' i . .sCMs t I eIleenes ed sL osge issiEleant j (illsIM to.lois M1 Ii-knyonli firiiihl''5s1'isikis. Lino 02 1 GW Pipes! P ' e 10 s5-ils, I n'i,". tioJs'ni oi's E I l. GIE't a '1N1'fl'1tl 71,1':. H ob and CodILuchlesst a!1ihors 'A ecns foir1-iyler's 111d'iWilTams 11000 rnuel-Co' ®<# , /tis') R. B.IliOLLIY & CO. '00.tte Sty aerlBlk iiisiAc sl'c~i.iiFO \)P T~uPhk 1alss Dress Suit Cases pp .INDI : 10 1 ( 1 1.S .~'Ii tlr 1 Tunk ndOVlises lepard Netly iind (( WWI r UAl40alsh in 1rlce e toasot Ji!! ® - ®® PRESS SITS FOR 25 CENTS CLEANING AND REPAIRING S22, SeSte st . Ose Ioee s Billiard Room 1NAO E C,; GENT, r O AadMIttallceOskete and Fine Grade o finsAEmaTmiNnaSealDrtyNo.Cl7tS 2h S. MAIN ST. ' 5"'Fourt"h,.5esoit i~~ 3O~st,)a~ avlenmn pcat.N.I