1. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. U- Of f. Pitta _P rei shed Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Collere year, at TH1E UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 0 ess E: Times building, 71 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty and William St. 3IINAGING EDITOR ..0. F. THOMScb, 97,. I.IC5INIIXS H~ANA(5115i 0. 11. Bows, '18. EDSITORtS E. L. Gissino, '58 L. F. S. SIMtONS, '18. F. M. Loosis, '18. B. B. SKILLMIAN, '5 L B. BI. COiltw, vIl. BUTERni LAsMB, '00. C. Mi. GRuEN, 19, Athletic Editor. ASSOCIATE EDITORS wV. w. Bughes, '58. S. W. Smith, '8. F. A. Fucih, '98E. I. A. Campbell, 't0 W. P. Merrill, '15. G. D. tiudnutt, '00. A. 3Ii. Smith, '17, C. Lull, jr., 99 A. The subscription price of the Daily is $2.N foe the college year, with a regular delivery hefore nowon eachi day. Notices, communica- lions, and other matter intended for publica- lion most be banded in at the Doly ofice be- fore 8p. in., or wailed to the editor before ii p. in., of the day previous to that on which they are expected to appear. _ Subscriptions may be left at The Daily Office, Meyer's or tolbiet's Nesstoed, o with Business mlanager. Sabrihers will roo- fer a favor by reprting promptly at this office any failure of carrees to deliver paper. 'The success which 'has attended thie efforts o1' thr Stitdents' Chlristianl As- Soclitioli ill thie recerit canivass is cer tainly' 5very chleing 1o those whose 1)ide and enlergy' ilOS b1011 exrels'i ini this iriectioni. TO illie added(1 :JA Bnsw 11a11es tos the list sf il's 1111111 sets in thie sliorf timil whiicls no bseen devoteuit 10 e Ils'cl i eff'ort is a 11c" oct 10le proud of. We are 01111 10 annIouncei t11at deiii- itoe st1ps 1115-e besen takein in the- 111a1- ler of pros'isding foi lii iinfor'imal ge0111- ering of ibs' mem,~bers of lie Athleici Asoeciaiou a1111 tlieir friensds. Mlly' sees for keeping the' studseit hotly ' ini toiic'l wsith thc aibthleisoisags'il' il X'orttly if su~cces 111an thits. AN1pi1' there iso 111p1'' for 1111asse' tilg, svhiis' will csontinuse tss iso'helsd as thisy' hase bsen ii 1111 past, iioiing in fhis line is sos efficieint in creating at disp interest ii liie affai" of the Atletie Asociastioni a5 the desveslopmen'tl of flint feeling w;hiri sgists only' ss :11 'S there to tlt'l'50011 rontact. Sust - i\ toetiag as 11he ole p~rtopsd wi'll fu- uishi the opposurtunlity' for tlits se'rsonsal contact bs'eree thec miemibers othle associations ahnd ifs officer's. W'i shall sxilet goodi results froni the gather. fig, results whlicih will provet the mws dloni of miembslsw of the Atlll(tie Board in arranging foir such nmeetiings and 81v1ij h will julstify' theni ill sutiling fiirthi furlhe 1effsorts ill this direcetion. Shall the Saloon Go? Pirofessor I'. G. Peabodly, of Miar- sard Un'e'rsity, will dlelis'er a lecture in the Unitariain chutrchi of this city, Fritlay ev'ening, Mlarch 20t, on "Thle Camnbridge Idlea." In thits lectuire Pro- fessor Peabody wiii tell the story of flow thie eity of Cambridge banished its saloons ten or twelve years ago, and has kept them out ever since, Xi'ih thfle results fthas'ae followed, The THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT story of what the leading college towii of itie East hais done in clearing itself- 1of a groaf evil, solnd bs of gieat in-~ teresttans to the people of Ann Aiboriand Lomn f flue iilealbers of the Univeroity. A generai invitation is extended. Time Oratorical Contest -------March 19 S .il Teloue ilb gvnn x-President Harrison---------------March 23 1'e the aulspices of' the Anti-Salooin Legu.LuciuasPerry~lilis---------------------------- ----April2 i John Kendrick Bargs -April 13" - Society Programs. The Alpha 'n program for Saturday night is as follow's: !Music, Mlr. Foo- tor; impiiromspfti, Tr. Coon; competitive poems on "Spring," Messrs, Strnble, GI. Paul and Baokmneisfer; mnsio, Mr. Zbindeii; debate, "Itesoilved, That Groser Cleveland svill go dosvn in hts- tory as theleoqual of Jackson and Jef- foisoiu," iffiriniative, ft. Adams and J. ,Shehan1, inegatisve, F. Engeihirt 11n1 Ii. (Tisiiller; iuIsi', !Mr. Footer; critic, Miss Nadi. GENERAL ADMOLIStION TICKETS $1.00 EESERVED) SEAT TICKETS 1,05 SINGLE ADMTSSION .0 Except Oratotital Contest, 25c. $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 X1.00 $01.0 $1.00 $1.00 $1,00 A Tremendous Slash!!!! $1.00 The U. o0 M. Daily at your ioom every $,0 day for the rest of the college year (throughi { commencement wseehifor ONE DOLLAR, $1.00 Sensd cash and addres to$V 0. H. HANS, Business MAanager. dl $85100 *1.00 1$1.00 $1.00 'The folloswing is ithe piir~ilzs o tilt $ 1.00 XX'bster Soci'ty-, Satuirday light: losading, Mr. fGilbert; iulprolpti 5 1 0 iAessrs. Itiley, fonos and I ongell tc10 bate11, "ihosolvod, 5llat anl inco le tax is a desirable lpirt of a sc ilii of fed- e-ral taxationl." atfirmlativeo, MXr.Ssreet 1111(1 Mc, 1,cllllall, ie.s-cv, Xi'. XX'cvl Ic anud 3Mr. ILlosser. 111e'follosv-in;g s tinheferlsoslilnSoll- city'l'programn, also forSafrdr'ilgll IL'adiig, M\1r. Hanuson; ('ssay,'. hf. sio11, affirn'ilati'o,iIi'. Da,ln'gatisve. Mi-.IRoider; drbatec, "tisolv eel, That ("'Gllgresssh iou~l1111ass a ssw prohibsit- itg all illllnigraiiillto tleIii1iteiid State's for 1110 lcit fie years," Iltirill- ihtsvo. Mr. Hay's 11111 Ii'. ''r;vrs'csi' negivOOie, 3Ml'. Kosorels 11111Mr. Ilasyck. Vespers tor This Afternoon, 'Thei'fohlloillg is lie lirogro:, for X'eii'i'er vtce thits afte'riloill: XI.-'tlrilali(I3'). hMarchi 1'. M3ozart. (1756i-17:)1.) Ptlude, Fhig siont f roiii (' litilsI' 'anrasia. "Tsvclfthi lass." t'horiis, "Gloria ill rclsis." Glorias, (Adapted). Ilymn, "(8 wvorilof lGodtincairnatle." (Oldi ('hoiral). I3otette, "Aye Xertun.l"'Seni- ts'iice. "Hoshy' -athier, hoear iiy cry-." Postluds'. "11101 salitoirtull." Rec0ital Programl. Krs~b, J. L. (1713-1750.) Prl-liss- ilBand higli. Bach, Phl. ]1;111. (1714-1785.) An- dlante.. Tlaydii, LargisCantabile. illuet. Anldaiiie. C iajor Symnphiony. hiozart, Mitueit ti11E flat. Osvrture. "Figas'os Itoclizeit," K Babylon Coal is THE BEST, a All grades of hard sod soft Coal. Cansel Coal and Coho, 19. STAEBLER, Telephone No, 0. One door East of Ameni can house. Bicycle Repairing! In all branches neatly and pionptly done. Prices reassonabtie. Sundries at rook idttona prices. Win. J. Weuger, 8 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR. The 1117 BEN-HUE BICYCLES embody more new and genuine improvernes is costruicntion thans any other bicycles nlow before uhe publir. Never before hiave .usch exi-ellent values been otferedi toe the money,.or new inie, cosistinig of righlt .ipiuuodels at $601 $75 and $125 for single macehilnes, aiid "15d for tndieui', 5stll flie varioussloos offered, is surci that the most exacting purchiaorr canl hr suited. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO.3 '2 CARDEN STREET. INDIANAPOLIS, if=1 OUR FINE POSTER CATALOGUE MAILEn FOR TWO 2-CENT SAaMPS. A POSITION ea CnbseuewthRn.M aly&Ctawilbiggoreuntostudents; for this stock durl g racation. W~e wish Rlepresentatives on 001 Aol'ases, Mlaps and other publications. ALL ABOUT THE BABY , By Robert N. Tooiker, Al1D.,sof Cicago Medical College just issued, is list book for Medical Students. Catalogue and cirulars send on application. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES , I a I I I , We wsant a few spcial rvpresentativues in the College. tFor this position esperiened boot men should w-cite us at once. stating post, experience. RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago. we witlsend onreceipt s~of 0 tisampsle to ® nrdduess.Pces- &Ke pound,* 1.30; anor. IL W Lier pund. 40 eta iJ' R I75 Postai-tlou~iee < neweerol-I 15 'lo vac-am~a~meca .ms. os . sroaneeic Rmioy