11 A A LJRSDAY, MARCH 18, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No. 129. ANN ARIBOR, MICHIGAN, THu I WVW I L D INGRIT AND ORATORY.i reinir of the Students' Christian INFORMAL GATHERING. Asocilitoti or their friends are on- Will Be the Attractions on the S. hand to make it pleasant for all who Athletic Board Will Hold the Received a full line of Novel- to n-ike NewbryHls oilcn tis o Srig Suts Course omnorrow Night. ir mA v Abry asild seanco- First One Saturday, April 3. ties___ isonn rboraiigshuldbean iti narriwith this ia that these- and Troauserings 't( 101100' night flit seventh annualitsmacod Pnsfrhemkrorntti- informal "Al ttomnes" have been hled Pat o h ttkro nettn EW iv tty oratorical ontest wisll be t~Irei to be ivii on Saturday evening 1 very one is invited and will be msadt si .tt u tltc on o h 18 7welcomt, ntio-iembiers as well a pt sof liii' tutetts' keal ttic" sO- itictislihene mnbu c m ers tf the association aititheir NO. 2 E, WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. it tutu. This conttest has aliays beeni gests are nosynd-c iay. ore________________of________ ts th le mtotipoulartand iterest ol- cqan dPtesitent Agel is-len itiervie-ies (-stottUnivtrtititiventtlandtyhiii- b te oltitstee. exittesed himiisef $ Vaseflite!! ere sein iterest tat itas benitl!tit- Pros. Angel's Lansing Address. as 'highly in favor of' the ise, and hi iN 'stu his year togefther swiltthe fact graited lihe fieecue of te chael, as to collapsible tithes for ten Al tiiiCelebrttions cf the 5t0i1i -tni cets is one of the handy r t i sttie r e iswill presideiisure - reqieste; btt said that 0owiig It h e toltf tosw hv.vt-mary of the locaions of the Capitol oltprepartonai' av. o trge tta sttdace ttgreet l'the co- 'tu'tlf'Iisnritctmta uia t iuin biildig le XWe have a very One cold ol Iantttsir- usdynigi, 1P:esidinittt ie-iiiee I ititai cream pit up the same ftstows. Thiio ysar ftrt e flit ernto tittciteed't rhit an yli l iyfrf encns tn sk on h'IR'Develoi- 4 oewllb ss ewe teea Mtiftill f itf lift e tiuttitnin i 115Mifli- , els ----X- --I Horn liii'e let'Wc hili iliavnti"-let-i %tf lattinis'te ds tt sake lt't'i- PALMER'S PHARMACY. cs-st-sdsIfor isiPiurpost. 'lhis imist-gait"Hts-Paid }high tribsie to the et ttsies-tsantottfai isecioiiig-to all 46 S. STATE ST. 0 .,u i-episctveo tickod wa of the pioneers of edumcatioal aid have ivitedsevsr-al of su lssimni i irdeve tihe mofn icgottony itkii t slt-,ndo-is hi pba 'itosineit isincti~s'sitsays goe by is t iiii t-lt's-' Iic sioisliisy ai (l i tray, ifluenicedl by JontiD -Pres'e "TH SLEPIG OX ATCESgiv th spakrs ar heenda mreto Ib' present anti speak. E. C. 'THE SLEPING FOX CATHES lit lii' sictkerstisir lii'eus ti issrt- l ttitr Mchigans firt silsrit i- tl-ll. ousr old cenaser ielr onyis NO POULTRY "iappre itie ssisiie v. t'lfitf uifiblit' intruction, laIic e itci ii srlsst ~ iil' i nois'(ltagot Ailian!ilAssocittiosm of l'ossndtsanttsritfor fillof Mit-llgtti' Haigprhsdthe Jacobs 6 ouif fsfr;llo ~th u's1rtis ylsafr isheiitird itte lii ti-ti a great motis. ts. A. LetMy wio Htsvitsg purcittisedhtg-her ii insi iso sf iarnisig. 't'srni A~radsok h lfor the net btld-tsiitt u end scsiise selt"F'i-uc sill be hers' -stithinsg hi trctisl eas. hO days, offer soims of theGreatest b eIfs-Ihsitsin tsortiy-" Isge-ericilt itshtts'cfhet'owisokeyiasthep art o ie asc r fbi cli'saor a'fewssis'' titl iren Shoe Bargains the peopie of Antia t i-sit ts'stssoitllof $7;, tlithliii'is-ts uitit'l t, soensof -i the Pti theittit e hd.o Jime a r Arbor have ever kinowni. v rof lth iot lonior, atdthe list'Maesgoermeta-aedin i e ft-siuisisnfrost 'tliis s. ______________________ esltthlishissent sassd ia itenancet. Iic''tth aivyitN0 itt ght cistpo t a iiths histor. 'fTs' aW ihnwv~lsalana Fit-st of the Season. retvineltghitaivse hits-isreturnus ~ htiitii i hh ess ttuss$10010 ho422 h is s anii'00Sf1-hl.i10111 - -with h I justges' mstituhmgS, mils an17hy5;ti 'I -l W i ; 9(-'h !1. l At- this --_ -_- al l t s -ise e -i, Oiin ly $ 97 ,000 000 to le aliioi' enitt-i-ms veisi tsoi' I s issil n t isishsi iii-' iit tc itg 1 1nthf te wsnl p tii this ' I' lIf U fV stIts li's-hl invep uilth5le inighit of Ta tlt ithte~ishi v&Wghstth iiisaoialitg - Ffli Sl H yRM A l i'i tlset'it -'lit-lt $,Ot0Q 0.so ta .LiIa uli.t. Prutiet-i Drhbaper-s, itt linoisliotttit Ntils P85.ntit tlso dli , h t ilalha si-i Ihi-s Wallyh7-givens ti itsstnlls'aci 9m ~asoaa me (n a< ighsrprfsl'i tad o10 m a a u d~ . T i ac lt oraC5nn55nn~snen~nn ti onhhtghdsi:theyut oVer t ms'gtela iis tilt teit(ttteitas-ertigsor. --AET-°lh" l asadhathcoee I uuasr , 'us's ndi1.efIsI is m ndtli'I Innlctnytothis'0stis-tutsaluth- lu-i' IutuO11(7'TO-ftE5 liter itt I slt Mem l'th5555(If liii'nc~eO li u'IIi 'tihusi hts-i -ti 1o'rfr tll d patitis isct, tsittchili' 1)e7- otuli' ut u uuIbtt'Itsu Is ios [i ln fcretyrprsn ies 'r lth esuls iv m -iew t s-h t-a siilt' ts -'' sat sthey- 7-it sere h5-'assPi 's',soiiioiig-. 'hse su b i reosus iwows1.vutustiuonitfgus slushsit fit. 'liii f~or l chim. an ie - ug'h1isuMsltuchitg wrko ne the e slay adts -s-lin osit' 'i lio'naie ices l h rm ea itvsa rtiil,, it f Ithe ts a ti ms ss' hichs t Seosttl Bok usgt h ote ttto- ete0 .A ci itic of chassis-awil'.biisalvesedut mmevseigs heipof sO .t ,w e nos oxhaged 'ihi' cmits'itsshu iot culs s iuisie lus'k i-why. 1 u sh lbo f oumuchsal Completebisect'laisknoktgalledgtof10soarpuasithes immi n41l ab tedalhtti aSey, is usfromugfic- for all Classes. ofuseuosoussd u -lg ai ns . ums bet-isl.saoa-tota'his36.Ti amusiimfiue e s these levelers of m'umugsmus'ts for a laies' proraniu. wHRs BOOK STORE ursoue lume at Nowibery Haltl. oni emasses." 'ritehillhproosd ithbtt'legislature it'lsa7ausiSubsrsubyu''cuimg lst tr- Presisdent Anuel ust dos-in amid time he charter tie l'msiersil7- S. C. . as a Up5 STen DoOpposienout sIo es mre bright iithm grate fires, anmd hucru si-t uaplause gm-ien ay speaker. criraion hus pasoie and roeied Aurn Arbor Maln t. Imusy co-ue h. Tim ssocation-wi-hles -TCites. lieostig ture of fGi. ttigree.