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March 17, 1897 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-03-17

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And get the bet service.
TA LOy U. of M GUITARS. Office andi Stable, 32 Forest
1 atest Novelties in Cents Stitirgs . Ave. Telephone 106.
_______ ' Washbu-rn MvandI~olns Branch Office at Parners' Pharmacy
10 E. Washington St.- Up Stairs (E 4 AND OTH3 ERS. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS ANK
________________WASHBURNS ---15.00 AND UPWARDS. 1Capital Stockh,1000- rpius,$10,00
, +vq' ~OTHERS -------98 AND UPWARDS. Ogaolze.undrcts cer 1,000W Law
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U ferna h sea with a frt-class Founetile El~rni~ ieF r- ColE ser.
tniakigrpa~igaseily ---I -ttrM A CALLl DOES YOUR LAMP SMOKE.?IS AINLB ~00I
Stp!Stop!! Stop!! 9TRY RED STAR OIL --.-NO SOKCaital,100000 t, upe. ad Profts $4000
No11ieoo (li Soey. ('reigo ehnge be ona dsd. iFris
--AT- No Charred Wicks, No Offetnsive Odor, Noetuineof s fcreit.
Parker'sCo e t1 o A Whille Liglht-BErns frely to tie lot drop of oil its the larcp . 1. IIINNE, les. iAli~iloN oLE,
STATE ST. AND isi, UNIVERSITY AVE. --Cleitorsospintg oyter-I0o' pCer 11101n Dellsveed i Ior cans, S. W.CLtitttONCsthier.
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