THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. dr+ ces sold this season is unprecedenateid. + Ofw + ! l iIU+ , re t~hzigoes to show that while Z1 ublshed Daily (Sundays excepted) durng the College Year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OricF.: Times building, 79 S. Sain St. be- tween Liberty and William Sts. MANAINGl EDITOt . It. SesonoLo , '0. EDITORS E. L. Gnisssc, '05 L. . S. Sotonxs, '8. _B. B. Aldn1EnANY, '0. I. B. SEOLLMAN, '05 L. C. M. GCEN, 99: Athletic Editor. BUSINESS MSANAE 0. Iu. lAs, '(1. J . Tuoss, '0, Assitant. ASSOCIATE EDITORS W. W. Ilaghes, 'IL S. W. Smith, '. F. . Loomis. '5. Louise Dodge, '1. W. P. Morrill, '0. I. 1. Comi, 'Il. A. M. Smith, '0. The sbcription price of the Daily is 12.0o for the college year, with a reglr deliery before noon eah day. Notices, coomunsc- tions, and other matter ntensed foc pblica tionsmst be haded in at he Dily offie be- foe 8 p. i., or miled to the eito before 3 p. i., of the day isrevios to that on whics they re epected to ppear. ubscriptions may be left at Th Dily Office, Myeyro or Stfltet's Nestand, or with Bsiness Manaser Sb,'ienwillon- fer a favor by reporting proeptly at this office any failure of carriers to deliver paper. It :has ieli very util iaoile Tis fall thatt the Olliersity tsOll hav11e1 showed vwryo'litl'lelimtiontot l tend tse goilts att hitholiltic ield. Notoneots'txlt't'l5as5ialitiy woentla1 mien tilthfet'gaimets,Pit srely it'e sit' ca111itike .a 11111'er ts '19thanIlst iassbeeso manell'tsts fatr. lust sprig,. t thebas l'ealll guzets itre woo 11- utally it g110d1attesdoice f 0011515. anid thler',51e11mst eI 1l'l'ea swhy lsd. 'lt' dlyersoad managers al- Ii bytheIl\solselsivhotcoieit' to 11t' game111, andtlif t'y 111' knesit,'e pre'en'e '(Yf a godsi l'l'itt'i'ttt ,111 'wsouldl he' isvery rffe'ctiv's't'lcorigt" miiitsttostlilt' 1151. The compsilete erlmet. f ststis'. f tse t'nivsrsity hsave lbt'en given ts titlepiesen'islse. They tre stme- whasu trprisinsg since a week ago th ie inicsatitions wee tiat tre Wosltits a. Slight fsllig off in numbsster. MBt secolig to the fereast mae on lt'bsis of last yer,' the numsiber of Stuents this y't'ar will Sutrpasts all pre'viostsresorris oftt lieigan nisv'r- sil, lpassitig the 3,00 matrk, With- out dosbt 'the 303 which is lput 05 dule prohsvle thl is cesidersillytfos sinsll, shine there are nof only isaiy persons now' in fown who have nsf yet registered, hnfttte election will cause a sfill further increase lafer o. lue chief reason for atielpating a smaller attendance this year was the hard times, But the figtres seem to show that dise times are not really so sringent as is commoily talked. It was a fact that during the past sea- son more persons went to Euarope thou ever before, and the number of by ilere is misslostedll' coidierable de- ipi'sssions 10 1110 cotsry fte tolitical txcitenment inascusd itititt' thuds exasggera'lediin peiple's msinds; adt tht reali distrsis Ill'no usmaissui- vrsal. Silver Club Resolutions Thie following resolntions were adcottls'lat tie isetiig of te l'Ivtr- sity of Miehigais Bryain Free Silvr mieetinig "s'eeliestio1'night: Whereass. 'The Stiests' tecnre As- sotomonof ittiet' l'sistrirs'of Iieli- goslsissti osght tt let It 'tricty' io- ltriuis norganiizatiois, otdthe customti ,andt rities of thsa isi''i'still' lot's will' ntd properl'ielissl'lfrom its courses of leturs aol addrs'ses of s plticalt'r 55iatissi n istns't'.adt Wishere'as, The tRegents of tils t isi vesittI'haive1lttlestttfor seeral ytos refusedcito ashow' 'nirtrsit ttli to itt usei for list' isisisitot'of11111'atrisoll meing(s 0otltidress, aist AsociationtsitodeliN-ert''hI' ope'iig le- t'rn ('liteI) tatw'lit'is'll' ushi tifid rult' f tr lssscg''s si lit'delivterll p'litt- ils.'d palttisttl soadrsst'betiotto i Rt'ses's'ledgTht ) 'byli the me sberssof kthe ' tt'nes11101fis ttil til Ill' ta:1- vo11 ('t. ' (thawes d esilud all'upont utus ithss Ilisftt's':ofith tii dens mwtutitiec- tuirelAssohin iltris tutiti tliton'iof list'reiiol theaorisid fulow' ssit fell,11 sao a siuethaito stf i'ittOatlir parti-i (3) 111111 is desoiie' hit-f toiab t up'oit'hail leaiomthsswe,-ti ise-il lilt' hisetoc-sflo se aottltei10 list fri e'tiialOfoih'e'k'ngItol'll'ts thess!con1o0 sllt feitlowcitizes's111md5 as'itrviolntio'eof thsoeporietfyorali fort syisdie ofsoss'c'istal: l o sionth 3)thla.inill ief ofll eit "!alt !ui-cs vttt 1i1isan1s has tsss eenIf lsts'sfst Itis' nsterlesifstiiseoppsedrs'to iitie friee fistic coifitsiratweIs h.'by'Call upnshle esdnt ansI bardrof ogfsreo Allresetputieaftsoersiinhefavor'rlo fy coig fsiomeBrrien.11nsiat t' chigmanoare reqeteutorsendls oto o L. B. oAlgter, 13f.thie r oily avble., on obforhe Fnday, ltill, ifd ther 'svih them forwardedto pse couty romiee.ony oes U. on in ngHll, er2inH.cLiety i.igWe armeo ese; if t sn tpease 5tel usWhy;aifmweoppease ntelllyour friends. $2.50 per week. 25 . ... ;;,, _ -_. ...::: . ' - =T--' ' " I I f I^ - __ HAVE YOU SEEN OUR FALL STYLES -IN- FO"OTWEAR If not give us a call. Beal's Shoe Store, 6 N. MAIN. OPP. COURT HOUSE. *S'T YLI SH t °~UPO-TO- DAT E AKE " "DRESSERS.. ! I WANT FASHIONABLE HiAT"S AND OAFS OUR~ IMPERIAL HEID'S CAPS DERBY A $3.00 Are cat stylish, ltok stylish, and ace made DERY A $300from thse latest Imported Nhoveltieo ;,ives. you alt the otyle and quality you get is - - at - - a us00Ht, the only difference is a ~nAll~~ tiO saving o iof 2ijwd, , 7bn' Q$1.00 AND $ .5oeju Openingr Challenge Sale? Underweair, all wool, tleece lined, $1.50 ansi $1.25, now 75 cnts it Suit sor 40 cents a G3armnist. Sicks, bslatk anti tan, 9 tonts per pair, were 20 cents. Socks. 7c per pair, were 15e. Shirts, Fatscy bosoni and wthite at 39 cents worth 75 cents. Shirts in full dress atid fancy colored bosomnssit 88 cents. were $1.25 int) $1. 50.. ~onahl Shirts included in this sole. .Neckwesar-9c saint 35c Strings, Ftour-in-Hanfds, Pufl's, and Pasws, etc. $f2.00 Hats at $1.50. $3.00 Hats at $2.25. Sim- ilar redutction on all other Hats. Gloves, Mackintoshes Stss- ponders, Hstiutkerchiefs,,Csanes, etc., oct., all incltided in this sale. Two weeks only, beginning Thursday, Oct. 15, and ending Thursday, Oct. 29. Evorybody Invited. DEA RBORN & CO. Gents' Furnishers and Hatters... 44 South State St., Ann- Arbor. (Cone in and got your Shoes Shined Free Every Day-h r THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT _____OP -- Leland T. Powers-------------------------------- Nov. 30~ Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra - Dec. 11 Charles A. Dana---------------------------------Jan. 21 Ex-President Hrio-------------Feb. 1 Luther Laflin Mills, (Chichigo AlumlhilNumbor)------Feb. 12 Imperial Qatt---------------March12 Oratorical Contest-----------------------------___March19- LuciusPerry Hls--------------April 2 John Kendrick Bangs---------------------------- April1l3 GENERAL ADNsIISSION TICKETS .x2.00 RESERVED SEAT TICaKETS d.t) SINGLE ADMISSION .50 HaisnNumsbaer 1.00 Ora'orleai Constn.25 TICKETS NOW ON SALE-Reserved tlehetn on tale Tisady,;Oet. 8th, at Palmer's dreg stoe, State street, and Waisr's bonh store, Main street. SJAMES H1. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary.