THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. .I.' University of Mi1chigan, and by a T1Ino 9% e " U . Jlf u f P itu photograph of Dr. Prescott. 1.o11 V - oilier sitoule is by J..O. Scitlotierbeck, P sliuolDally (Sundays excepted) during onilic onslbject (if "l'lirieiac 'otcal Y UR N fl IN1.R O tlie Collegs year, at EducatioitNVRST FMIHGN in l~ernians'." Hie des'ocnbes Is rahrther an important subject 'HE UIERtheFMCHGN. Ii beginningbs of tlie schools there, j jnst at present. If yon" 0 i rek: Tines building, 79 S. Main St. be-pons eri, tlie en Liberty and William Sts. p yhy ifrfom n~rca col want all the pit of srie .t1 hM4OINO EDITOR in esta blisitinent antimehods of style, fit and economy we've, J0 . en. OAs, 97. caching, aldt lti alaoes (ilierell- just the Coat you're looking BSUSINEISS MSANAGSER American studenots -for .advancedl work j \ - for. --in the different scho.ols. This articeIts'7 It's nobby, neat, and satis- E. L. GnismEa, '0981L. F. S. SIMOSs, '98. i lso ilustratedl by alpitre ol the factory, and priced at a F. M. Loo15, '55. IH. 1B. SKILLMAN, 'iS L. «sriter ,ait(1 of liii' larinacognose' lab- Q j ,g1 very reasonable figure. C'. M.GRElEN, 9., Athletic Editor. (4aas ir AND ITS ASSOCIATE EDITORS _____ VV. W. Haghes, '08. S. IW. Smith, '97. Yale Games. F.A ui,'985E. t. A. Campbell, '00 PRICE IS ONLY S12100 W. P. Miturill, '95, 0. 0. lludnatt, '00. Yaile's ''iiiiiilcti' bast bi'tl ll: et litileis A. At. Smith. '97. C. Lull, jr., 99 At. ta foiloi s; Plenty of other styles at other Ai 3t7-Jott lts tltils I iliseist y prices, some hgesm at____________________ a-o lle fiell.d lower, huit all-right in price- April 7-Wceslcyiaiil Iivero:i-ity _____ right in style and qusality. TesusrpinpieothDalis$.0fr the college .ytor, with a regular delivery Yal' fieldt. Look over oitr stock of Spring Suits and Overcoats. All tistes- before soon eaech diiv. Notices. cosmusilis' tians, Arlad other matteintonded for puidicoa- Ar1i9Ni or ho t2et can ho inet. We've every variety at popular prices. tiss mut be hainded iu at tilie Daily oice be- uNitw York city. fsie p m.or umoilted ts the editor begore 3 = p. in., of the day previous toi that on wthiih l'}asiit'rit trill: ' IDIDU9 S4 It 'ii l rh0aeepeo o pa.* . ~ . .. &ii ~ fi~ 1t* f@.U ,S PAt* i fJ Offie, Meyer's or Stoliet's Ne'wstand, or with Biusisess Mamager. Sulioribers, wilt on fer aS favor biy reportingo proimpty at this office ass faiureoofcarriors to deliserpaper. 'Tt' action of Wiseoutoiti, Illino~is <111( ('iitageo ilrelitsiii. to play With Northwe'(ste'rinthins Year, li'les iSclll-l itetit. It: is onil.V tiltt sh"''ililiti lihavi -Ness'Fork. Atiril 12 tGo-t-cIosi'iilUniver'lsity ati Geor~igetownvi. .9111it l-i liloi rsite of 'niini~i it Ol'M . - 'O'('; lt'l t.1t 11 1lii' litilveroiti I iii titittti'. ~i i. \ hilily uiiii 'lisyte ll' sirle'il golilif f % :. - . '\\ As silu sti' nt il'l~0.ili) ('i~l) 5 1110its t.1111 21 illeill.1 .iii 6- 'laii lyInot eivt iih'Xiii'l('ile /1ssIul i"',i- I~atogr ll~l's I li 111 fll ii II yI I 2 lei l 9.\i Qihit till ' t e 'itti al' Il l 111111 ly i iii 10511-- li. 4 2 t t : n ll ,t T V lIanls 1 I t Y' l111 f ill') iitIs eio t 7u uu. lurhs srbtie lopilc o''rblr le te i t s b th-u'hl i' t 'x o l S lll uiilcl g ilu lis it ee l u t 5 1 0 se s lh e clx ir t e m o e h r o e u e o sst m goui~i __________i______r__ .1,r1(otsrteal5, 'lsui 1 sitm s igloisualuimes, lil 611).fo.toiileoo, I 1 Constibustton o m Ourl Facu illl ty. lose1-1-u li utty11 ari-b'.11(2(. s'hek\ A°POSITION . .I -ay n vd l- e ti l u 11 111, A gttloy1)-- 1ht n ,,tid 111. li ~ '1111111 ti 01 , tui0 ,1Olll Xu uh Ieu'el~i'' ~ ~ \4liyi' t iisp 'rictlfatr 'Ip o ti.- lttio . XttX h2 iigly s.Aisoo tp ol111rtuleuils tt~iI 'r(S Liis lhll.iieitsi sltt'sas lAL ABiTeHEdAB n yotthornNyT Ithie 1 ll i ofo'111e t.O Slul ilol ('oh eoc llot issu d,\i miu blxut the m Ic.toljl lt liiby ithe 2 tii hi r Ca , eldotutt. siue ioi ~ssllt~lrto~tllo solu~~iseiee Di'. A. B.e Pt'clal, iliuti of liintiseto 1 iv -i. TAEBol ,YleRANfieAl&dO.Chcao l'oaveiluits mutibiong tir: 11'' 1Of inatemmieal Etdtmation" wshu euthut'dis. cnsses the risu' aihdl ge-ist iuf liabsra- tory miehiods of teacihig..'oistry and the gruthliofphlaimi'tiui'entlctt schools ini this c'ontry andlEuropue. The article is illistrated biy a.lpictumre of the qunitative. laboi'ator'y of Ilue Telephone No. 8.oe doruiast of Amori- can House. Bicycle Repairing ! Is all branches neatlysinuS peomptly dose. 1?rhces reasonauble. Sundries at roch-'.ottom prices. Winm. J. Wenger, 8 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR. of,0 ts.e mp t:o anyare ss.ri c )es:. SZOBhtOH. iiiFulono Only