THE L NVEII Try 0't MiCHIGAN DAIL1Y. Are now to our stock an(Ir t eay'for yoo rin spe.'tim). No o i-IIr jer .l' e < Ic itig ithe c oiitiry. Y'"101, ad.fInd the ooiy at our st.ore. Golf Suits in Great Va riety. The, in Newv York as well as in .-inn rbor tre only sold by s and are the best hats eveor produced for the money. AU the new and. leading shapes. We lo imake nuits to ordter, guarantee a perfect fit and1 a saving of 25 per cent. We have the largest aidm finest tine of GOLF SUITS an d GLF HOSE IN THB 'CITY. LJNDENSCHMITT & APFEL. 37 South Main Street. f r~and.Operat House THURS "AY, MRCH 18 Thto Ameritan ArAste, A nes Wallace Villa In the Wondtteful Play, The Worlid Against Her Prices, - 35c, 50c and 75c. No Home is Realy Complete 'Witouot a new 197 Model GuIlitar, Manea2 -,hb g bante or Zithe 1CtaItatseoros oi aity s fat n\% tat c.: F'rom $15.00 UPIV-- r. r. t l'. It is tn cat rat ilti-,;1 ]ta ta l 'a t a tlw:, I.ta :aH;:('afn il] 'e ilaVi oln 1 :r<< ';( tl01 axe~ andnnifr IJA' i :% GREED LEITTE IZ IN I"I'I -VITS. (Continued froio First Page.) r llatelleldo'-, Arthur I:. Wroill1, Ci;ti , j elite Wilitllet-, LcRoy Wc. bstcr, I (;. Beuret, zllirlon (). tiroellill::. INet E f rall;rer. (i tllltll;l I'I11 .Yetsl--I1Ul'eTte ;ill< 1'lli.?11, Co roline C'olver. :--' adic P o tt. i A11t1.1. BaI'll ;lyd, lIeill-ioti", Plgols(m i }! ,31zl ric l.te Il lrlau, I:nllc Ri It Ird (?ti, i Aclt. Safford, IN-loll s,. Jol1li. 1 tioro"ts-I>catrlre Ol;llc> Belford, flor- l'at'h(' I-,muise ticol(" Bortn't tiIl-; ItoXr r I,11i;lli _ tl t.l ,tct I 1,urti,.-w Br'lc"IIr i 1"c(1ti-. ,1I.It:; Irer It:tc"=t( l I, i D.N.Exress----5 50 Westrn 5 1 si lt Ill501 11S. L. A. Cgil;ti. . X. ltotoot'S, H.W. HATES 11111 itt MarchIT-it 1}1 al lindo r) tomi It & T. Art- h(lb . e AgI Ann Arbor wee i t : It l 111111 -1 lt Islkyl,,t 111 1W I RILROAD lFt'itly, itt rilt' 1)- ) 1 tttitti ';tioll Xtil I 't)("B1. NT A" TiomeITtatlr. Jai). I3 . 1097.- l 11:2a 1.Itt :i5t.t .- *'iatibetweett AtnAlr()rand 'Toerstt tIti AllI tritisat SI itt:agete tttttlly. C 11. Y. CilI() h-f. ,Agent j iA.i BENNFTT C. PA. rolrdo I) THE KINDERGARDEN BIARD HALL i ,. t . : RAILROAD TICET BROKERS Crg~ pera use Wolestie Cigars. Toebacco-,a sue Cigarettes. Coo. Main axid Liberty Sts. TUES AY, MARCH 16THl "Et 'ALRN I1)ion Ioiitcaiets ' Dramna, f H IY f >r. ~illt, Ii l~it}3t{,JI.Ioh. ol, ~tlfltHURON ST,, UPPOS11E COURT 110SE. . \p ilon ollttim 01) elly, ati.BY TAE Ladies Tailoring ,annex. SUPPLIES Xi'italtt' lOitta' 5gttii Ltateltt) a5.ti el l, .I'liiallwlt Pomiitl llitltE lli. T[H]1]t WI~S I jJ i IHE C LE IATE Mllttttgtrs stiltll litc tld or" 1 le t d Xliii' \I. .. t'ittaity . 1ichtit it.ltBUREAU FOR spectitrett. Eve e r'isilattfoi kttttitl tt ii yta Ie, tasF1or te benefit of St. lThlomaIsr t Cap. Gow and ('loltqmtgt'a itlemt le t . Ctt omt' plete l it itlttiiilt I'ttetiIt new' okectexcitanged 'Hoods. Cet. tt Ntse l~tOttattCr . fI~cltlil I ]t tlitlttl cil ii f or lreserved sea ts wXitoutt 'AtO 1 0T LI& LEONARD, A. G.SPALD7INMG & BItOS., XulichtilahrII'.i flt~ -United Staite.tsixretssj Albanyt N. Y. Noos'~~~ ak.toiag. Plllldl e. tthlftot'e 1.. '0 lia :, tets Cz New York. _______g_ , I'll iae___l___i Office. 4_tr__ ,iileazsiri 1tt ti, tti1 I. Iiietlz ml I44 if.uXbiitioootm St K A NLALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER'.Lot-On egttbty Machi1,'stt' f WashinogtenaBRick, illt . o 1 l hohi ttti lti aIt 1 1.1. iii PRICES '25 AND 50 CENTS1 11 AnArbra wadltl iiuIftlait~t . ! ANN ARBORF. 1IC 1-I. tt4e ravte 'elitino' cards for ladies atd gentlemuenina their respective sizes in correct styles. It ngra'e( -111mg L Pates Niloekp y us four tilpatronsilunless We aretreqiuestetd toi retulrnlsame. eddhi g I u itat iou1s nt lpttlv engraved to (rdor in short Prices 'quoted 5altaples furnished on applicatiotn. SHEEHAN &00.19 Leading Booksellers - - - - - - - - - 20 S. State Street. AnneArbor., ,2Mich-.