THEL UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Jos. W. Kollauf, W ASHBURN and PATR TAIOR!U. ofM. GUITARS. Office Latest Novelties in Gents Suitio~gs. ~Wtsb~r a d ln rn 10 E. Washington St.- Up Stairs. AND OTH ERS. THE A _______________________WASHBURNS--- $15.00 AND UPWARDS. Capit OTES-------$ 1.98 AND UPWARDS. Ogn TEOPERA HOUSE JEWELER, A n ro scC . t~~ __________ i bd 23It ast WashiingtoiStrer, OFFICE Cante niishyou with a irt-cli-s Fotil ______________________________________ arhie Pen yoll ari n, I epairing aopecialty.® ._-MVE- HIMS A oCAL L. DOES YOUR LAMP SMVAOKE? FRS Stop!! Stop ' Stop!! TRY' RED STAR OIL--NO SMOKE, cpiala -AT- No Chtarreed Wicks, No Offensive Odor, No 1oin-15 of Chimneys. jg Parker' 3 Corer Storf,I A White Light-Burns freelt the last (drop af oil tn the tamp 1FE.I). Ii: STATE ST. AND N. UNIVtRSITY AVE.1 -Clear as spring water-0e per galnDlvrdiniour caas, Freesl madc Cansilconsamtatly in t: tac. gtaiD tee tull otim' and yaa swill call "Lain, promiptty-Sold only by lOPA Y I AT17 ~ 44 South sain Street. IONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY and get the best service. Eand Stable, 32 Forest &ve. Telephone 106. :Office at Palmers' Pharmacy 4NN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK it Stock, $55,000. Surplus, $iaa,a00. Resources $1,100,00. ized underethe GeneratlEBankilngaLaws State. Receives depsits, bays and cange on the prlaciest cities of the States. Drafts cashed siion proer saties. Safety deposit Poses to rent. HERS: tisltian itMack Prto.; W. ID. in, Vice-Fees.;ChasE. 5.Hiscocki, M. S. Fitz Assistant Cshier NAIONALBANI( K iz 6 ,tfiSO0l0l0. Ca-ples atO,) Proftsn, $40,000 actsa ceo-eat lootning business. exhat- ouaoht snsold. Furnish: cr-edilt. NNE, Press. IlAitISON SOULE, Vice Pres. S. W. Ct1lllsSON. Cashier. Ir &.. d i I Munl 1 Z4 IN, M akes to order Women sod (eon's Easy Fittihig Shoes, its illthe LatePst Stoic.s. 43 S. ain t. - Upstairs. BICYCLE L LERY -AMhSALES O 18 North Fouth Ave. We tarry a fulilhusiro 111:-P"-ttzite Bicycle kSuiiidies a iii partI nt iy wheels. Atlso Repair Wheem-ls zit is itt pice,.j , I. I I l ii I i I , i j e 4 Give us it inl l i iitod ofaitytltini in otirltime. ti e moirnI:--Al :l r i l-tnrc i s t o a. 11 No waiting for Cotumbia and IHartford bicycles. Nit delay ad consequecotannoy- I ance. All cmodels samid pattcrnseaoe ready 1 far immesdiate idelivery. 18917 SITANDARD OF THE WORLD are madIteecwdely of 5 tier cntNiickcl .Stesl'1t oloog, thieiittirc lit::. TO ALL dutct poehic o-eccutrsl. $0 ALIKE. NartforolBicycles are at prices within reach ofeeveryone. Catloguegrtoe tom ::anc Colitmbii deaer;fo s or on e -en Entcsna: VFG. CO. Hhrtford, Conn.. reatest Bicyclr Factoery j f in ilitWorld. Molethians 17Arsof Flier Spae. Brancb hoseor dalerr in almsiterery city and _________________________________________ M in::aadileroo Streets. Sig a P i B nqu t. 1I.r'.ly epsndvl t byLlod '. S opCapital .550,000. Curpltis C3t,000. Tranisact Ort :1Al nAtb r;t)tal.ole ithiii-i1te 1sls is I rs. t C 0 F GREr-urVice Pres V is cuityt-:t io e s at arolaatib -i tl:ftFtEDt: 1iI OrtseRCiStIdetr tif1l lall~tle, tale n th ori na of ivelott hi ld'- to tli. 'I'll(ii 'r,)nit 111 Aborc .J.t S 1 clileede, tl Ioe a i l lit . h et"tio :1. ti-:lI.Iitit It. Iit:g.. W ii.j o ttd 0 et nlotad .1'r. It -. Wolteym . II -tush. lex e: or: '1'iro i I i e N ald tei andii, li t Ilisd : , iNoeno:2o0 eS. ::TdATE lSTREET i-i- e -:l-Ilels.Ilta: W . VIaumirt-.1W. oevv .n t i lle thi1s 5a5titld tstotri ChocolSoi ol outinPn at es' .0 Fst Sti: ituir I..alille.Py.sA.IN .'. oosHot Lucnt nhesa. totlei 1hats'-tiiig. t.T hetir allot4reie n Poesos32 ls.Ln .I.t-ia t- u l lllttli15mT ii . l i B t on lex- Ten'Parer forStateeSt. 1thdr . IBoyd:,slmcs B.11ell:. ('1Redution lot ~llrl. l i eil of talla-k: ll 1i-i ___ ____ betC.Aam1,Iuan 1. - r m Gaw s Co ceolttatet. williti11:1 and fi OsII illtheir all11la-- ii - r. t lutub C.t (isis :1\I.lilt - 1 Kee.11 "(1 - ilctg t tcts s l 0C ns src . i y fluillli . ; The S thu ttII til Atkis1o1Lloyd11M.:: l-ill-I sRall L . W ~I1LAIOJWLR lonss vl: S rutit 1 1.1 i I t ai. ii -____V.______1)._______1____________ ill t1 1111, -Jlhn Isf.I jsi l it-al c1x-d u ti n :till11111llcycii tille1 t;.lol27Thomson'Sreet Itt~l~iltolictoyntmSlim:3. Itotoi( ktch.l.511 Piisl- ts 111t1111 . I l rcolll-mtworkimi-. rT. of Tal. b o ns1 I l -l' Ch rlesIS.I~e is~n; 1"le I 11 l 111:. s . lu- b I 0 Cns. J,!!!(- .it: Cmeomimi-ll::mis k pi i Oatetica ismi lllii.;tiimimi do. _______________ imiml tutu 1.eti1c1:1'.lrihumQ AttOD sitAING JEWE oLsR It lfuit N!mmylrrmC.-Boynton. ':h1,:,1s;ii- - -- t7) aiuei B uh: n. 1o11wi, 11v S I 27 IS-l Litmittreet. Vesoul-FanuuutShiurtuscauiti-mtsuiex-lie A_ I Inl i . adnlo-:~lur IISber tt st OIn t Rosey0s1iltiardAll uuoo are te pIlt'"e this11'eei. _ I Qts c ATideN I soralsoto r1. Cloithd {i eod-11-tandWi chsets and imne rde 21 South earthtreve