THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY" j Athletic Notes.of4 .' ~ ~ cal iissuoed today for ol ho er wio contemiplate trying for positions Pitllished Dily (Sundays excepted) during cr ii ea rs 'Vars ity football tram. O R NP 1N th olg er t t oeotfrlgt;rm rc-e.- - -- --TE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, vork. The work to be done Will con. 0 'ricE: Timies building, 79 S. Male at. be- slst inaiiily of forming abut following J! meren Liberty and William Sts. iinterferince andputing. Captain 6 MANAGING EDITOR Nomsnbiclier, ibeninger. Fl'erber) , tk' J. F. THOMiAS, O7. Villa, 07 irinm aiid others of tbio) ICOOINROS MANAGER yeai teami will 10e out to assist illn 0. H. I~INo, '05. 'OitcilgIii fto ernlestly desired by y ' r,} i Gis~,EDITORS tie football ioanagemienit that all canl- ~-' E. L. GI ~E,'OSL. F. S. SInelN, '9a'. liii eis 5111001', a05R is work tois s i F. M. Loomis, '98. IH.'9i8t L.x)\fll litIet C. M1. DGREii, 0, Athletic Editor. iiiiorataint. ASSOCIATE EDITORS -y t - WW.Iuhs'8 S.W mt,9. Aot0ofteraytaicn F. A. Facit, '0k. l. A. Campbell, '00 (1t 01 apeared at tice.;yin. Salordlay II{ l(I/ WV. P. Morrhl, '08. . 0. I Smit'00. t' f 100lyeuai osi 0'. . Ooerll, 05. 0. . Ildiot, 5 ,ftriiioon a111(1 adle tiee-rials agant- )\ ) I A. M. Smith, '07. C. Loll, jr., 009 )M.5 j 1 { tim. Eah 0Ela0rantwolais from a i ntI t -I \ y );' 7 ;-t " \1 i1 to li ef imlm'mtmilg l ifut namtitt - l li O's' tht u 'uc'cIims. 'l c l'- thists il he gumlilmg thillt' sm'mt.l Cum- 11 1t '-''tintimitt mm I mll Ire l.' itu1 sot'I ~ sillttIi itmmiumilt lly. Nurtlmaa'el' rContstll ielitmimimiy toi flti'Northerni OratoricatluLeugumi conteatseemims ho lims's bo'ion omm.'t'litmt ofa mlze. .A m ct-r-sotonl'miorf 'fhim Nou'ilmaa'i'st'm'm, lti'e -rweely mmlicistlti'r, protsts a igmirmuumly 'sm'cu-rmimmt' iw. lacklofmitere'sst. 'hemmfollowinm .-ltta- graph ifirom i tms s'ommmtmumimum'titiim is si- is siv(': 'Pflh'lii hai formyic.nCotta'immmm-lrmoto;i the 1octl11 u-...,mt. Noctavso,'.gas eight uratiosimsuObmhittoil frmillicli tin select the hetii's e ham' tom' eii mmimis ec tist. 'brmi' ldeinte'imlrest 11 in rrsiy is high mit Mu litomil, anrd Mligtm 0.1 s uallyasitis. What:ilisoneeded huren' somionike Tirt'lm'iult mmii, eithl actlity nmnhsm'mu'or stuimt, aihomi014tI rmus lie'm'uslmmns'iiamulti lii'soptmoiimmwus as waeli as jitmiit ' andimtsenhiutosiht a-ill ,cochstiatmd i'iautragi' toia- Wit-h s'di- vient traininug. ill mmear or10'Os't lt0 lemst. Northwaeust'rn. cottldiextoect utie oratour thatin mithiotighit nd deuliavery wvoolmcuudlan t'igthinil Itinals." FsOOTTlolAtLNOTIE. Weathier permiting, all scandidts' for next year's -'Varsity footbmall itim are requested to appear o.) the camopuls for praetice every afternoon this week at 4 o'clock. .. D. WVO:IIACIIER, Capt. W. D.IIUGHEIS, IManager. It ys'l mm.'re loimtt ftotr aSllIr1'a '':TputofficetDeck utll mi U14. X' mvii tlw'Itt~ P> SIN 111 thuskrlithtis mimmut- iat mmm mm int'e l~ttmiSimmt', mandiati--i se iu; t mm'm'.m ml esm'- iiei' icm's th mn oitt' 'Im-kimm.s. lt.\1I.1110I'S FI-' I'I''Cl 11-1Sf0103I . A.. ,~& 5'PSI. ,r.T. lAtt5A. Leaaves ('omgress street, Ypitlatmi, at t :0)0, 8:2(, 9:-hO, tmumd11:01), itnh 12:40, 2:20, 1:40, 5:010. (:3(1, 7:51), <,:1(0 andu 10:2(0ip. ti. Lia'esuirt Iotise mt Anni Arbomrmit t 7:40, 1:00, 10:20 -and 11:00 a. i., andl 1:20, It:h0, 4:20, 5:40, 7:10, 8:50, 0):50tI andmi 11:00ptin. c SUC DAY5 TIME. Lesaves Ypsilanti at 1:20 aust 10:40 a. iin., acid 12:10, 1:50, 3:10.,-:30, 5:50, 7:10, 8:30 and 9:50 p. m. L~eaves Antn Arbor at 10:00 -and 11:201 . t., ansI 12:5(0, 2:30, 3:51).5:1),(6:30, 7:50,9t:10aOld 10:50 p. in.A Basbylon Coat isITHOE BEST. Allgradesiofimard andoft Coalm. lM. S lTAEBLER, o Telephicee No. 8. One door Eust of Ameri- can Hcuse Bicycle Repairing! Is all branches neatly and ploerptly dcne Peteces reasonabhle. Sundries at rockboStcom prices. Win. J. Wenger, 8 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR.' Thn'I 17 I0ENa-I11 PBICYCLES euumdy inure onaw andlgentmioe imprvcmetm icostrcon timananyt-e'sbicycesmnows'befmure dine public. INs'aer bfrli.-l~c1e~clln vlesbeer I ie ossigo i.h-i 4Ipimmutmodelmsmlt5S60, $75t smut )125 tsr sigleimiactioes, asummitSift) toe nioiem s, am~t limit tituos opitionso sleredl, is sumsh that lim uost rxactiitg puircmmasrcoltbe ei CENTRAL CYCLE MfFG. C0-A 'a c;aRD SRnET. INDIANAPOLIS, pML- APOSITION I I r I I I 1 Caiiibe seeeuredt withndtu. 0McNaly & lCo,-tmatewilltirtig gaodet urnu'tho stuudes'm for'thi swor ustrt ~cammtioum. WeshtReprstais im sam Atlate-,iMitis mandsother ubicamtions. ALL ABOUT THE BABY I I I I I I By Robe-rt N. Tookesr. M1)h.,of Cicago eicali'College jusa issued, is tle bookifos"?Meileu tu ntrs. Catmalgue and circutsarsishdos appiction. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES I I I I I I I I iecwanut a fcc stemcialtrepentuativesntin t s he College. iFor this piosition experieced-iltuuok1mnsihouldiwcuteus ait once,stating, pass- experiencr. RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago. Vfe it eillcnreer~ta ® cayi d'sl. a ic:i=..e * (Dinr itOm. s',. SURRenUG,159Fulen. Seetcu, mew1Yorkc Only