THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. sue tibodytyhlac with the college "I.t'0 i eiautoities. Herein liie theisupe'r. or- Icy of thle hontor systemi. The irinci- P' ')ield Daily (Sundays excepted) daring plc:bell, d tils tSeed cacti end address to niglifi'iendeviicto u'si'iell' hiln thticSpaldinig Leagoueaillis,tMusteeandccc. 0 . H. lHANS, Business Manaero. $1.00 lull tulluuhit ofifstes b' Iy hii t aaessoudsn o pes pchal rartes. Every reouaiherfoe Teennis, ---_________ 91ne1 o ifIle GolfCrictiet, Teach oed Field, Gymna- cvelluhi'eoldC iubeiite (Ifif iuicriFquipmentsaxand outic'. Comuple $.0 Ca-talogue of S pring anud Summer Sportsx ® V WQ "® .v "v cc-e' hlin' eili til tule uluc free:. "The Nametihnuarante'.1"0 $10 $.0'10 There is lntyIfthiso iubli'esttaind- A.. 3. P.ALDIN~G- & nnos., Cci1t111'o ieeil~I ccl itl New Yark. Chicago, Fhtluiie~iihla. vof ntR.2ees, p lllto eely effort to udrive' out its-,ldm ri'nianl yaddresa. Pies:?, - icn udelc eiicc~hg ieE a eig I .Ipound, *t.'.'t4id Bicycle Enameling p1 Oi . daiiigmRei it, it seemn cr ci ler 111olhve the style. All wvork guaranteed. AM A> Iy M moeveiment: fora ltiglrcsteanduard d A. C.AIN'T]L..0N, a ingle stanldarc riglretoe withi tho With Tucker & Co., 18 N. Fourth ave. + ^> 4 o e R i F f