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March 12, 1897 - Image 1

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i ( 4

VOL. VII. No. 124.



'i ill




The lPro(rranm for 'Toni( ht's Con-
_Reeived a ftill line of Ntovel'-
ties for Spring Sauits; iCert Sho 1 lease All
and Trouseri ngs I c e~: ull.it<1U111(T'1
I11 ii l ili' ill, I iOi' X II XII
10, 2 E, WASHINGTON ST, NEAR MAIN. ' " ato 'l I ilit ,- Cefr
P, h) A 1111 A ii' ti1 I 11c~i.
von have a little lieadache,' 1 i I I 11et'XXPXX X(X'. Thei p ro-X't'i
wo mit .t.. In lXietnletI it '

Edll I aXnoi r.Pt.XIIX
Oni bela.Xif (4, 111e 'ci'civp cotml- 'The Relation of Education to
WeP1 1 th'eu iiil~ciii o1P 01eI'-IX'IXX i131 the State' Well Handled.

mcnii I'Neiii11 t pa.rcttl, t M 01
XX' 'XXXI IX: Xi' Ii.'- inIYOi]i,'fc aj)ii rO'a 'lip.
P1 Ii XPXXP X' fingiMAIM 'iters
11) iii 1111Woman Xs X ui i XI: I
m I 011' O is'iaddles onXI. X iii.'IX P
loft's i 'i ii "XXXIt 'i iz 'gI' ift oi i si

ih m iXXPX XX ig f leX'I i IIXIXPIX' it -
ten dei. Tic'IXIXIXIX IpXIIIX iii 1'Ali,.
I0cIXIi 1 XXXtP 'i~i lXI Mi. ltX'irP. 10
iii to the1' oiXXIIIct XX IXXX'i e fromXXXthle
XcS Iti 1W 01ic IPII''LXXX'XX c i State
I'liiiil'Xi ,X i~cIXXXu. thaiithe ' 'XiX

10c packages tht iliiusu-
ally relieve it. iBettier tIcti c
a x he s cet Iipc. I'Xlii
CIO~iUX 0 Sale IX

0 o seI ll {XXXXI'PXscall Xlii'year
a I t l ookP111it XXIXiliow, XXXy'ii.
o 'lei, a'p lieu i do1whuh P111C
yo11:ble Pci y tcorIWork.
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I'- ;o c . . . I' I I 'll i 1 II XX 111:I I gi11 11 I it mXII l XXX''. ll I iiXIX
JI'ICiiiVi'i. 1lXXX . I 'li I lt 'IX l Ic,; i([ ''I i P X'"ti ; o Xi II h h llie X X ciI X I IX Il
i X IX I iti i XXII iiic1It 111(iXIXvcI IioiI .
W.IXW'.XX (i X XXX i'XI' . i li lt ' riII 'ofXXDr.XXXX Ix l lx
Ke t ck 1X,1 '..'I' lll.. .XII.XXIXXI XIXX IXXXXX ii'iiSi X luiliX 11<X i sI II iXX 11i'X' X l i
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Xli lv~ XXIII .I ...IX .... .. _X1101 him 1 1tI eduIitt liiiI ' X'XXI'IXXX o
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XXX 'I i'XiIXXX .... .... ' i'' ii 1<i' 11X'e i111 111;X'hP 'Xo1X'II'X'XIhe XX
li I''I t lXX'X 'X"iXX XII l Xi i XXX . ,1 XX li i t11 I io i' l cli lll 111
1 PII'puii. Guild('Lectre4. \i XT11t* 't1'i3XX'XXXX' .4 i.:i,11 XX 'On XX 1 111 1 X- i'.Iili

X'a. - i;" IX' XXXIrX' I. ' ltt ;> e ' ;,'X.XI ''XXX I.t' XXII I iiil ' 'XX I aXX III ' XoI
ii~i ''111H1 enrXXIX lIX' II LtXIlIi 01r h I' 'vl Wok ' II., II id-i
of 111' OX '-i Xe X XXII ll 111 .1Ii'iii XXc) ' e I XX XX'
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(1111,v ip' 'ii"" Xi ii IX'XiX"t . biii' I n~l~.
XXI 'XX XXXIi c~~l~ iX11iXXX " of ;,eXXX t(1Il )IllX X1'
XXII ll' ix '%lcliXi Xc lind 1w'
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Lieu XX 111 it " 1.1 Ip ofXI XXXIX I toI h il-
It X~I XX iI~iI c " 'XI 'l P01

0 I XXXI'. .111 lil 11111.11 i'X'X'X'XXXIXXI XI hI XIX' Board oX Control Acts. ' 1'vXIt.
_________________________________11.__ i 111 XXi ial tI l iv vi 1«+- a'-+X
--AT-- ~ll le-..1vo oomof te M 1 lt~rll. 1110I~h 11,(1 f Cntrl N(.' XXXIP jCGaloanadu Gown Measuremnents.
--AT----- ('lil)iall;I oXIII''()it-iIL1'XXXI 'IX
7 l litX)1!:XXIXan(I (liri( XXXCl 11XXIX"-'ti'iii'
IIIli --il.1!i0i IXIlXliil IIofXaXtX illL, 61,1111; h)
NeXY1 XIoldIIf~ ct oale S tudeonts Retract. wIill bei'takeXnI for cps 111dX;Xlii 1 _IPPXIlt
- XIIIe I'll III 111or1 lihiseXX]Ito'l'lty 1111'vIrsilisilli.-SIItillitLXXI l Chi
Books for all Idepatrtmaent,-. X l'lX' N' 'AlaX ii-X'5 11-11 siii Xi lil'llXX i'heIIbuIildin'g,'iiX'l XX Xi' I ii
I 'iglilt C o 'r1bel[, I 1a. l -i' Pate]1 ' Xil'<XXII'i X'oiIX'i''XlXI'. lii. 27, 1511 l.IX l'. XLyiXXl I.InIie IliIap 111
Colpeestock of law' ibooks bere(I "'11:Williali st.l~i. XI ri- flilil
Conaplet;,ig. aitlk 111-s Ilerl-c lXX forXXI'Co'r -i -ll- l Iliji'I'i'chlI 111s adopted the .oi l-
11II4lto ] ' a Xi. a 1 )1 to'I(*)I 1I.X 1i1'. XXr-
for all cluasses.bi-irs siclmess over t' ln liiaolii, wI reI'll' ('I I miles111 iiXXi ioioXIoIaI t 1111 't1'1wii-
Booksbough_"'At'onedeforeDonn I.II'.1111' 1't . 'ifeg'iatelI.'
r111ocI~lgd etrIactiXil(izae 'YIla -le w fil 111l'(,alilill IOPX'tilip' Of t4ll'eIilopul-
IXII'XliISteIPP.1liinlX 1elrirt' ,is inI Ihe
1hrases ill which it wals pri-sulled 'Xan ('XiX(l)XIlill Ia 11he1d this afternoon
AlIBI'S BOOK STOP~E re'l)resen~t *the sentiment:iofit'helli'liuvir I(-it' XX Ills wO i11111'frozeli IXihig-
q A a t 4 Ilclo in'k - ew'1.erry IHall. ~
sItp'. Sous of ex-Secrelary otfXXar tonl, JD. ('XX andItle inlaulglration..Ile
Up Town Doawn Town ~lTne o oell IIi vr is a candidate for the 01111c of disiriet electionl of allicers Ior tGi 'na
Il0 S. Slate sItd opposite Court House, t -ton
Ann Arbor; Main st. I aloebithlose wh110scot tlhe lter. atony at hiiu loaIle. p-ear w'ill lakepliace.

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