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March 11, 1897 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-03-11

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Time Table (Revised) 1eci7,18K
N.Y. hpei'ii - u_4 S ltiu ----- --S4
:'astrcanc+"x- 0Su5 N.."ii'ted._sit 2
Atiantic Ex.----.
, . Epcec. Ii 1. . HAY)'S
. .c&cT.iic., At..Ann Abor
W ORaTe' i ISUi
4:30 p. n f 8:35a. rci.
*Rue betweeiiCnnicArboand i laiR. only.
Alltriiains daly oxcept Suudsiiy.
E. S. GIO't~i. Agenct
VV. H BENNE.T G. IP. A. Toledoe 0.

iL1tYSA I+YYM1C'JOf""SP.a2':YSW ran aa.vaT.>nn'avt -."-'x. .ftnxwaLY'4t:w'S .'E.}d'Y:£SXSLTSUBJ E::lY9l.:.'SXY(Y'Y4YS22'LY%:LZ2i:9t:JH'YaCaLV zttLLVi ffX ±.Y .
t':i. ', "ttr< Fl ; r! ;;<llidlr .l r;'cCntlla!" ril)llrln oo (ret.urn l;il
'l3 Ei, tll-. f( :-ili v,('t;i litit 1 '\ t . lti l4it 1{('F)L f'7C'. t[laL1 Vf' oil our
lit . " t F c? jl - i (: li411t't' i_7111..1 ?E ,,. .1oti; ,
By hooter( N. Tod\, v, 1 1) , of Chicago Medi+-'<11 Cotle;,e :just: i:isnedt is t.ile
I)ooI( for Rlx (IIca S 11(1e:lits. OttaIo~Ile :o'ld cin u!,Irs send, ors application.
t9 CAi i a' a-nnrscre.a rA7*murn

LUSII ionThe alii Sleepig ar Lie between Ta-
lcciind Cluimbus.
TesaGn~ iqlelll cr Drawing Ream lGar
'l i Dciii DrawinIRoom GarbLine between-
iclezl, IGalibseand Charleston,
iiillcian lblejpei-rstwvasCo Llumbus and
THE ONLY LINE eit 5 tralec each wcay daily
betweenaTledo cadaCoaubas.
THIE ONLY LINE with 3a insea chclione
Sundaavsectwcee Tolido anCotlumbus.
THE ONLY LIciilith 5Strainsiech wayadaily
betweenc Toleido, BowlingcGreena nd
TEES ONLY L~iNwitlEI trains eachsewaytdaily
between Tedo 5and Caeston, W. Va~'
THE ONLY 'DlIET LINE btwtaee Toleidao
and theVirgiinias i
TEP011 NI LNE .'t eece Tao]e, Posto.
ria, Bucyru2,tGranvilleand Neark. j

'Tpiunciet boibarisenialTot
Wvholesale (I iau, ITsobaccos aid taiiii
Cigarecttes. RI
Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. ; . OF M. CALENDAR.
Cram. Qpera Ho .ie litlitASillI11 i'iiiieritl(i tit it ',
I S~a'.:t S Sti~lt liTic t,.
SMIT 60RD. Y, MARCH 131i I tl
EMILY BANOKW/ b ER i i tl 3(ll'E) i Illy;lll.(ill'1'
InVXicterieei St-rdouicsew Itltii i
(Cmtedyi, r llt t ill I lirilt '1ci IIsIt.
AI t i 'lt (ItIl
A Divorce CurejI r clil8....Co
Grealt Castl itlIS ig is e Pa -v 5t;a, 1 tll is 5-- ll;l i oo
art., 2 Htoaur s 1C i t L I 5 L e lt <ti "111,2litz1S iIa 13.
ter. Positivaly 1155Advac ill I 'tiIl pi l --e.I' iieii in I.
Prices. A Si
PRICES: 35C9 5009 5CAND $1,. KI i2 k .o ls
e.77it7 I XN ~l
slloranFralay.Ceanpinte11i--tlettliSt i ;lli<ot ,-il ful., ?ul,
Walntanw ~ntnan 5 t Sil I
ii illll 5 aaili~iicilieecy leI lts 1oI~ lA, hei llt . -tt liei l l Silt
ilia ttaatbacchlaud.lii citeilllc I tit ie ttI' itle tli S titi w llli t t' -
'itii~l. ,~t. th astc °ce l iehe iI iCan ltil Oatt
bee' ithout-a nl ew 89 oe lc tltl + SI. ti iState c liis to itis. titit
Prceih ilben c lddo aiWtciiiesul i t: I'Sl ofit ci ll sils'e=ld letlofl
S sua's itormit p ace eityso ag- ctav c .t iI (Il lt, t l y 01 t iDtrot~tit tltltil"
buyi e i ' st ce i ofale a lave y ae 'Y, elttala 11_ sirtlty at
(Auba92 Grisj -ollastty;l1 iessitcceon.
FrYomS & IUpward ltIiI.f hiiA~
Th iwW sbr lnin isadiN T,',ca ej)ttO r jKi~l_?ile (01s l Nillca be ('htrit

c(S(iitltli'c S Sinte S lct e. t]'-rthiseoito


tliiiV , I eSts asiuestatiitipateelicitcct.
,FulltIiiormationerelativetScrates, timecf
rD, McNALLY & CO., Chicago. (Ctrins, etc., wiil te cerfullteacinised by ary
AL e OUcLsTONtatc - Lc. P. A.
is is &YS1. TteV . AILWbY. TOLEIDO, OHIO
S12.405, 20, :x:14). 5:00i 0::, :5 9, N :.l't, 1
Slnt t10:CS I>. it. ' T would be earprisihlat
Lep Si 'Olt I l~lci.' itAlts At' cirt.il" 1)U 0oillgaeerossity, bilt
1740 9i:00tiS 1020 ridt11Vl0i., l~, an0
c thv o huttlte for
i-ilN)AY l~ttE. S E1E~ oulrselvest, so
,Leat :s ltilaul S at :30 ittl 1(0-.4i
< c.m. nd13:01O~~:t :10, -1:30,.-1:5s.j
7:ii0, 8:It 1151 (9:5I1 . its. r be~ltCacmesneccssary to stash
t Laits AnniiArboar a SitS list1(1 1- .t I T liliad left
it ., and l13:5,ilt:30, 1:50,5:.lit0:t))0
7:" o. IS:10) situ105:305) i. zs.


IN otrdertIckecep ion 1op.(Coni-

iofthe ls tcieit Ntti-tilat icsll its'
S :; c i'l lTu''tesdtys ItIi il. i p 5I 1 jrl- ilEfHuron is rc'-sci ind
11niis t: 2 1). in., in theImuseum ilthebattle cry is "Thie
liiiliig. 'Visa iso it op n 'o Ii ;
l'ttlL)St1PlIY ?b. t'j1 IiLa/ _ tAR" ter rest
(titidC e'itsl 'eychl lit I'lii of 1year1
liturslinc iesntiIt'lallg-elS Heates!
Ii'i i Itsat 1.. A. 1. L1ODI .k..~ crealtinig 1asenshationi
-'it Cciiit--Latics'. e-l f it i ci andtmakinhgouir would ite
il itli ritalics'. suliiii iiitabf ori orS compelit or tls feel
%L reiil~l.isllii''I i i~ t"~ ut 1 buisinetsOis btis.lless.
'sit_ tiiec No. 10.0
BoardatPott lllylinisl, o0 '.~i(
ersilyace .ct tiliu i 1 senld CadshcciidAddresstt-
there to greet youti taiebjay, es chl l 0. H. H AN S,
Wslttitjii 'elsreirt (Toil(ttI idsslsc ANDBALL THE PH0T06RAPHER'
jtti jtl( ______ Washington aBlock,
Su~bscribe for tile D0111', Anin Arbor.

We er~grile veliiing cards ftr lasies acrd11 entlenilel in their r'espetive sizes in correct styles. Enigrav'
Enrvn~ates wil be keptt isy u~s for strea'pitrolls, uinless we -arrequsted('ti to returDn51111e.
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Prices qctiediracid -Famples furnished toD application.
SH-=EEHAN 2&"00.O
Leading Booksellers - - - - - - - - - 20 S. State Street. Ann Arbor,. Michi.

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