T11lK 1NIVE SITlY OF' MICHIGAIN DAILY. Babylon Cool is THEF BEST. All grdes of hard and soft Coal. . yCosel Coal andCoke. . STAEBLER, Telephoe No.58. One door ESot of Ame- coonIHooe.I r IN THE EQUIPMENT OF Af STUDENT'S ROOM, f ee':t~irll'yconoceded1that astringed in-o str )Ic1, ,1100-I aso lolulto oresot. o, ::> 1051l..-,atet ojoyrenot foolthe - putcllll-l-iofthe hest ylor o 'y oil! tt111d. s - ttll 1 floosoth tinehoct inthe 'vs010 DOS Ano I., Trt instrument is te BAY STATE $10.00 No BAN JO0 L 1e 0iv1 i11 st1 k ohe44r South 013 16ii i1s.Initlo -at , owr e 15 00. > t -.._., r .1 . ......., ,, .....,.-, ..ifO 111 P0111-,. Nr. 1111 Pi ay .411 h-ll l '} hal1l1111n. 1 BU~kAU FOR 3811,11-lI p lci t!;r Ii t.ltCras Go i n- 111111 1 11) L, h ) L "d o ndpe 1 11 ~eiii c 1]i COcttaw .l: T iv reel L Lref)t'.EOinAR, 111 Gol, t I~ :Alband y N.Y. 1111 Ii 1 A.10.10. 01G & 110..1 81.1 1 it' 1to 11.~ No sf011103 leo looobio o~, hl If olford%. 11- scce 1111 11LEONRD,~il Albany. N. Y.YHE WORLD 1 1.1) V0.o.loeolIo l o 5 pr c Iet.Nckelr 1 r". 111 CUt.iO oe lee A.icool 110 C L W awoli th 1)00 r0 or 1 1111111 A leno0110 0 -co l -1 I..: (iotr". old Mooc 1110 H Y t 11 1 011yc 1s. Co laanoneent aor. WASHBURN and IPATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY and get thle best service. U. of M. GUITARS. Office and Stable, 32 Forest Ave. Telephone 106. Washburn Mandolin1s Branch Office at P'atmers' Phoarmacy ANqD OTHERS. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK WASH-BURNS .----$15.00 ANID UPWARDS. C0p1001 Stocko, $0,000. Sorplos,$15f,f0f0 f/ \ OTHERS.-------$ 1.98 AND UPWARDS. Resources, $1iff,00f Organized modertile Genoral Banoking Laws Cof this State. tceiveos deposilts, boys n coo~rs .sLo..... ,,s:,. 111els xhoaogeon the pr1i01ci1alcties of the Un Arbor u O' 1tUnitecd 00totes.Drfts".shedlu00000roper Identification.810a 00t11000o10tboxoes to soot. .10101East35051i41001111300street OruoenooLChrisfian ill ohPres.oW. D - -- --------- ' Ian~l2:'llorrimnloo Vicle-Pres .Chas F.011s001k, __________________________________________Cashirr: M.I. Cr100AssistantfCashier. YOUP LAMP SMOKE?? FIRST NATIONAL BAN K Of Ann Arbor TRY RED STAR OIL ----NO SMOKE, ICeuplta $10,1;0(). ;0033135 aoed Petts, $4,00 Foreign, coolm-e 11111 41-f and sold.IFuroish lilWicks, Nol OffensiveOdIor, Nfo Foolling of Chimnoeys- ;letters of c0e011. JVil if-nht11-iilurn110freely01) thlaslot drop 1ff oil in the 1l1mp13 I1E. 11. IOINN., iPres. IARIO OULE0100, Vice Pres. c-icr si0 Oln-water]Ocplerl tgallol1-T80115 01 oin 0ourP 0010, 8 IS. W.CIA 140.01, Cashier. 11111: Solcl ole by DEAN & COM PA NY., d 1311110 Street. iNIVEPSITY NO' ('11 ill 1w 1 I,, ofI I II(,- I . v- Y 1 iI i its >r11 llno,11 i:st 11111wcl 't.N 11111r11 v 1will ill':1 110o11 l, 1r11 111 it I ; 1 - *~-oot~..Cor.111110 0101dIauroul S01e000. ITl ep lsYesterday. Copitol $503,f0.00. ur 1^10 ,000~c. Trasacot TS"000000000101banking11bus800100. 13.11N(.I;' 1"1111 0,0 1 i 13 111m.s1a10et 111111'\1110 F . J S i- i de - . 11-v I .'. 0. .w il O111111l 11l-i0 011 1 ~cl 20 S. TATE STREET 11 . 1} dss JF__.l1111011'. Bach1 111 l ll(,,1 Se0111 Soidl(mldf ou in ei~o t0 l 3 foo oo od '.1 centsfadupad 00 ,d I'e1e 11.. 11011 11111 of11 Ilk l. 1111 U .11f)1. Scenes a do,, o fes00-soro :31; lbs. 1Lin- 01ove3 I, ll I -,.. 11.1' 111 l101 ll'111 Note Wolofs 5ocentslllloupward. t i:7'll 1s~IE ' 'Lowney's Chocolates.i I1-, _ ._ _ :ii1it1111wi1 ll 15 l , I 1111 1 1 1 I , 1, o111 I 1,1 t o t 1111; 88.crr 11 211, 1 W . 1 III, II 11,10 3 - Igo,1 1113 11 ' 'ilt i1111 l tlc '0111 001, l oiolis . l liii, I'. M )llv 011 0111'111111' 01 111, 13111 #' : 011 0311110 Olig l ilt, I111 II 1100113:. )l[1Seli ll ancy 111010 canot'ekl c loch int stle'ne1t 11 etl~ll ( ' 11 p1-ice t is week.la te ", A NER)&CO.,E 21 Sonthi Main Street. ,511-- Il S1 Il'- .1 11 11 : 1 , 1111 1\ I o lllt'11l 111 1011 1130ir: