. f 4W 0,19W 'Aft r . 1, i Voi, VII. No. 122. ANN ARBOR. -MICHIGAN, WEDML ;DAY, MARCH 10, 1897. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. I t1GR17E WILL FRESIIIL,. Ii cĀ°spnrl~l- tilist as possie Oci thle Athletic Notes. I -ask. nacaice, ettestie. jse Interest lin the 'Varsity indoor meet Final Ar raneelnts for the Ora- pare ymnbr ith aisa tti e held Mlareti t26. is lteecotiiig moie Received a full line of 1\ovel- toia ots. i iestaof the Clnipersity. A eh etlar genieral, and there is es-ery rorspiect ti es for in ' .s 5511 sentto i s i tmtiitt tsl for Suits _ ht1aithtteesmnpelticviI cii e heeer fot a Ivererd ofil ;Iwisih a-si It:is Ites and . rousering's I iClo.1ini.ret- tas atcep tetl.theie t-j 1rian erer. Alitols'tlti-e ot is over c- t-ilActttti art lae, ten erti ti aes Or-sb--r.' ttttttti ttl itt is ii eeks s a r ray t'e entries har-e t )crtide ciaItie I iirersit rtttilt I- I y eii ctttziccins last t tiat Itiereare I itiliill Ims (tel t cit v sil tter fIii i csontest, in It'itrersily 11aill.trita. lt rec nit omre t-(iitesl slls cnter-il.thain 11iw- Rli--t-in lt18:)4. NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN., 1 icltt itt. Fur,1 (111t1i1tt1 ti1_____________ lte crr ttr si-)-]tle lit, all rcicei. eec r Nextitti F~ctyi Co- net.tt-thstt-i -,i $)e- -s tttx texttiise. tiir lst ittits ee tti- I l- l btitit - alsot- -r li i- "t tliit-lii.tt teiiu)ca n i ti j lti ii t ltltti lisi n wepu u alitl tblt n - 'tti nge iiIll 't l tstwit Itt I lii ofttil thAeifirt ii h isoi detoli- vo is t ssrlaye t t o a ceititia t t i Is ally . STTE St. Btillsry a ___bo ________e__t___ti___ itei h i tt tisft efials - lt tilt-. ariti- It ieZ-icxit -t~- t theiititi t uu i cte ittlil iii Ili 1t lackp iiititcccv, bit-i - - --uyttt - BI i- -si iii etst 1--. i '( ttt5 eiioi-tititits at I lls'-outlookc. 0101;1,- I i-it e ii ttfliefo _11t. -li itit t ul5 -ti t ii ilt I Ilia, lit ll ii- ttlis t I 'lit iit i t c- i- 10 ea and e it owntpt."eh-1chull - by-Illiitu lititia tit' 1"Hraii Flliit wheni vastionlticauses 0 i Michilgan Aini-inis Library. 1i-Llit (eltiri it iWouiltsdly ovi-i litr ttiit i i n hiittiic itt 0~i Marsisa ittctit (atners feti tue 0 Stathitt tuu I - itiltic l i it i iitl liiiRussls 0 o lS a o tC l~e& o h 0 Ai it atsut hituI1itis i-tilt ttits It !_tise. L h t ltit loos iithe 1111. ll ')iolhae e(n lil ti I's -isiing.,y oi liiittlito tlt i is ill.lli - hit-,1t1t-- tuteeli iii tI ciitt-Itr. La 1l( E hl.0tr ____ f ___ 1______c___e___Talc_____ 1 - hul etillmli t1 . 1Ili-l, s s - ic IIiru ei- K - i ali i i.l.ulihs I Itt tiltforals itiluk. Hi- Ihte OO TO E Oegts"irtanilriii Iu .stsiMsstlttnt iiii;ctu ,1o11(1dBok ou h hititit ltiiicu i Iht liii le i futu r omi"luts r t titiilut l itit)- of ile or itsiix etuw itbeset ieiast t Newanleais ato i te ei sur,)11(1 iFl ithlt- stns uln ol- l e(5ii i ll Iithe Mott -raes-n utl hI ireti an~l econdfiendText-Miss 8Itiltis' lilait leg-en-d il itherr 'te 1t ittin li10s