THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ',tliahed Daly (Sndy excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ersee- Times building, 7 S. Main St. be- twteen Liberty and William St. ,A 1,V A O[NG EDITOR . F. TnOMAS, 97. BUSNESS MOANAGER . H. HANS, '8. EDITORS E. L. Goesmo, '08 L. F. S. SONSt, '8. F. M. Looms, '9. iH. . S;LUSAN, 'S L. H. H. C'onwI, 0. BUTLER LAA, '05. C. M. GEE, 99. Athletic Editor. ASSOCIATE EDITORS W. W.ICache, '9. . W. Smt,'7. N. A. Fut, '8E. I. A. Campbell, 't0 W. P. Morrill, 'O. . D. ldnut,'il. A. A. Smth,'i. C. Lull, j., 9o t. The subcription price of the Daily is $2.0 for the college year, with a reglr delvery befre noon each day. Notices, commnica- tlions, and other matter Intended for publica- tion mut be handed in at the Daily offiec be- fore S p. i., or mailed to the editor before 8 p. i., of the day prevos to that on which they are expected to apear. Subsriptions may be left at The Daily Office, biyr's or Stoiets Newstad, or with Bnsiness Mianager Suberiber will cos- fee a faor by reporting promptly at this office any failure of carriers to dousver paper. TileVesper erices tis semeae hove been excellent and hve, cose- quenly beeni well atenided. Itt.c'- ligioti soevices to itseytiiitse, iterie trecives recogniton. Prof. Stnley-aboiy cocci sockkottcceededi in arranging salprogrami foc the unui- cal pat of a-colrs that is taeli woit going to liear. 'Pitsprogramnortoeto- cay's sectices i in'-teini another ct'inn. The lhist ianniart Monttsy, f Phliadlephia, in an editoial in it ast nnumtbec favoing eioval of thelshoe- opathic department to Deoit ecos the sentimentso of at vey sall pat of tie iprofession of itestte. Ti cii- torell xposN hIis scoot ignoanet'of tilt siation by miaking the folios ig statement: 1. 'la) Ann A~ioc is .r towon of 4,001) inahitants; 2. 'Vita thtece ace 100loieoiahic lysiCiottO in Decoit (Poks Medical Dietioy giving less thatn s0); 11. Tatt the stne legisatis towit i Oseiniattwo yeaco ago--withnabot CO pee ent have eent etied-, 4. Tat race liss- pith soldi be at the sevices of te 'new tactulty," atd 3. That 85ipececnt of the professioni of ite state favocc'- mtoval. 'Ilie fat is hat the majority ofte pihysicitans ini Miigan ar in favor of ettaininog le school wee it fond- eos placed it at Anti Abo,tand arc tilling 1o wrnmly sporitit it too at present administered, J. 11. Sawsye, '99t ei.giner, went ast List tnilghtito give etiteceti Utica, . Y., concerning 11e0 coisioon of te steamecs Grovt'a -r ant tioi, whiiht le witnessed while ii eltrge of government work at Silors Encampti- iaent on thte St. Mary'odyver 1101 ya. Lost-An open-faced slver watch on cmpns. Reomrnto J. B, Wombacler, No. T Voland of. tive dolaro rward. High School Notes. At tile annnai meeting of thte board of directoro of the tnter-Hight School Atletic Association hteld at the Idotel Daw-ney ini Lansing Friday evening, all wvere Present except President Snowt, avho owas snhstituted by I3. C. lWalker, of Detroit. Satnrday niorn- ing several itipuortant tqneotions 'vere settled, including the elecion of off- tcero fotr the coining year. t'Pto tiii yeare this associatittn, aos wt'll 110oil tiht printcipal colleges ini the cottntry, tias tffei't'o tntall-riniciz1cce frte ath- lete stlot scores the greatest numbtoer 'of itoint ,bttais 'thisiostobeintg atbolisheto ini thteEast tas ta leisaltct, itwas tiostghit boost to drois'it on) entiehy. The citit's of Adrian, Kalatmazoo ansd Mutskt'gttt imadet'aptplication for e m- btershipt, 10111ni titoistaas laken.oll Set-ct i ntaa feautre's atill hoe added'u to tiheitrogramsthfiisy~e a ic.: a mile. relty i-lce, bantamtatinodnmiddlecweighut boxing, anod lawotent'n1is, Ibnut-ittte exce'ptionoof Itiest'the rogcrani taill cc- main the samte a115latot9-ar. The cuuntract foeromokitig tilenetdals wa00 ttt-1rdhed to I. J. Pasekil, ott Grandlti iaoids. 'Tte anntlfl dciiday atill be iteldlit Anti Arbot', JttticJ4antl5, tinder tte auispites of thteUtivtersity. 'T'e followting oltit-ers ttert" electetd foe thtt conming year: N. Wt. Snoot, Detroit, ptresidlent; Clara. ('hristophler', Lansing, rice presidet; H. G. IB. Day- ccii, Grandi tapoids, secretary, antti C. S. 'Neal, Atti Arbor, trealsurrl. trittciptal Psttengli ttas1ontitelilt tiredl list againt yestt'rday. 'fheri' are at presentt abotut ?25 1 1- tt'rsitysltdents in the tti. it chool. Anylatdieodt'sirintg to tatke at outlr- of fenintg tessoons front Cait. L. B. Be'aniuont, 010111)',Detroit teelcing (lob, (92 Gristvold st. it) lesoons con- otiftute tte cottrot' anti atill be gir-en es-cry W'tdneoday anti t-'iday mtorn- ing at: Ann Arborenf'citng oomi. Teris.s,$15.008 LESSONaS IN DAN CING. iiegittners-Laciieo Saturday after- ntons; Gentleiiens Sattirday mornings oatd Mondcay eventings. Advanced claooes for laties aitd gentletnen Tneo- (lay andt Saturday evenings. Nowv io the lime lt join the classes. Grantger's Academ~y, 6i Maynard st., one block nest of Stale ot. stores. itOtJND-A Sororsis pin at Gratig- ei'o Academ'ly after the tBacihelor Clnb rccepotion. The otvner tan have the same by cliniig ttt the Academny. it. Granger. TeBETTER THAN EVER"1- Te1897 BEN-HILR BICYCLES embody more new and genuine improvements- in construcetion than anty other hicycles note before tke public. Never before have sorb excellent values been offereud for the mney. Oar noew line, consisting of eight sulperb models at soot $75 and $125 for tingle machines, attd $150 for tandems, wteti thte various options offered, is such that the most exacting purchaser can be entirely sailed. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO., 72 GARDEN STREET. INDIANAPOLIS,- IND. OUR FINE POnTR C ATALOGUE MAILED FRnTWO 2-CENT STAMPS. THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT O^F__ Imperial Quartet_ Oratorical Contest________ Ex-President Harrison-- Lucius Perry Hills --_ John Kendrick Bangs - --- ---- --March 12 -March 19 ---.-__-March 22 ----- - - ----A pril 2 ---------April 13 GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS $100 RESERVED SEAT TICKETS SINGEADMISSION 1,05 EXCEPT Oraorical Content 25e. $11.00 $ 1.00 $1.00 $100 $1.00 $1.00 A Tremendous Slash!!!! 1$.00 The U. of M. Daily at yoar room eve. day for the rest of the college year (tttroal $1. 0 commencement weektfor ONE DLA ery zgh . $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 chi nn 0. H. HANS, Business Manager. Board nt Prettyinans, on N. Itni- " " _____________________ IU versity ave. You will find the Daily there to greet you each day, with all $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 the latest college news. RENTSCHLER, aw~.f~a se ~tvaesvo