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March 09, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-03-09

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\T, Ti

W AIJ0OANNTGI'. ;01red with a kind of stuceo -and upon it University Committee at Work.
IL _ 00 l igures are painted in colors. A joint inet'ting of the state oenate
Repodutio 0 anucrits e-and house enlmmittees 010 enneation
Recei1ved a full line of novel- eroutonooMnsrit lr-thi erel represcendasr aldrine
sfeiated'eltola thel Libra1r11y.no' Will be 1h01d1this Ovoilig -at Lansing,
ties for Spring Suits suedt teLirry ,1 th o ((Id(tfhose ' OleCIlleut 1101 iesufru etb, wl 1'ds
and T rousering's IA11110of tiele 151101110110511151111I1cussed.tPre'sidentf Angell, Prof. Boone,
SItullenlts'b iefore ti t -e101'P 11
graph11lreproducon 01 of a. N~liloa t fok(If tile State Normal scilooll;- "11pt.
I Pieh(5A-atickau111br11y111110 so frpiv-tl l~ son, sf tile Detroit tunnr eticnols
10aedotile e 1101101i1lliiha 11 tean01hrprmnet(euatr1o h
NO. 2E. WASHINGTON 'ST. NEAR MAIN. D P oke II l , 'lie10b1. b'i s elsk10011- s1111willlep. h e 10051'lid heIir
o s1101' 0101111 resoembl~lg maple.1111' . 1' 11 11'110pl~ 11 '1' 1 I o s11d1. T ilPll trovides for a P0011c
pa.101, 110a 1101ot Ipreserved.I1. it'p...11r1111011 0 fr11 11100 o
SSometimest opy'i01detirrlitito sh1110g
t '11111 Now o i' )10 ('ill'ds-relPres ' a- ' s' 0c1'lrtlg for 11s, illtile 00111100 or
yo Y50have 0 little 1headaehe,'I ' I111O I rn ldy 11111of the Alleric. 11 11 .
wpat up a little tabl111l olet is:b1din1 l 1(1s 1mad11e Il10lt -a Co ill .-'Ilvll0i lrlll' llOl I o taealofr
lo packages that will nou- the1 11ncint 01111110 10idedb1101,us th erdcin0i0olw;sreso'etbos ad oi h
tI~e 111 rary If te I csty of 1' cil l lll priceto 'b e charg~led.
ally reliev'e it. Better try 1 00'' i0110 of per1 lcfeoct 01111.
0It 11110 001111 111111' of112 01111a01reoulitVesper Services.
PALMER'S PHARMlYACY ~l0 I ieI~~'il't( I ilt ,11ll 01 l all 5fso(- Io 2111
0 45 S. STATE ST. I11Nol1ll OC1'll illt ~. 11:).10 l'01 (1o2for e rrpol110 (OCIiIl(dntol s thattg o 111 ~t~ll 10
_l 1 1121 1-rantN .t1210" 111fl' 1or I II'00 Ilths aIfternoons:
the1 I)uke' of loubal lpplie~d t1 Pope Il i'~lll I. M li I
lo si1. for1' islli'oioll Io 0l'~01111 11(
I 1 01111h 10is 10111 111111111 po1 troll 112IhacAi. (1(;,5-'1750.). 10Prelulde, .And1ante
Clo1 ngOut Sale ff auberlci a ilie

STILLj10ON Icountr1y0'and11ill 12110111. IHe'has l;1 1'll
P RICES CUT DEEPER THAN ; O~ci dCnrl AeiOmi li 1_1
quito' t;itl .;r~t h lies th'! si 1,1)l -

lad 110p (If 111' replrocuio c1t . 11 01 1111 1)l3ti EIllx t
111'il 1-ll-i 11 (. 11 Il1100 inll'.'' (.1. Il.B au . 102
111ire-'r1;1111 11Hymn00, Colo Hott


0 j
0 j
W~e sell ('aineras all theoy0at t
0 0
be on ti season, gtter'be-
0 0
0 i to'1 1 look it Illp 11100, P11y'it d
0e0-001, and "cot it down1 pat."o
11101n,0wh1en1vaicationll nlils 0
yo'l 1 e1 1ea10y Io work.
iBiooksout Cameras for t11101h10p
0 0

1110 11ay 11be11e(it hPe((( fth'eI'' 111101 (
11(0 1111111' fonllt1e,1'u1111ings(1111d 11m1'd
i1 nd a tlinth ) (ot n tie1n
.0e l (1111110 e the c 1(1110 plans fibe
111.0on P0' 1111'.Slllil 10 10 121
;1-1_11110 0 11he 11'o(s 10'1210 111'i t .11'pre-

i ;.
I ?
<t l
(' t
i j,

;1t' c((1 olo" 1111 -Ctia oil!(1111'.i'1w1it
1 111 I 01(1 to '( 11.111 1. (( 11
Ire 1' ((trlb' (1110of11111111 s111 11111
twt II b 1i, iI-. .0-1.1 .1-of- oicl

I~.r3 L(1'! II ( .') 1 C'tIlca 1111' 11101I10(1
tio3 which Hl pl-los1t111,1111lI 1e 111110 (11111
01-t1111 I 1 10111011 11' s ltr er l lo 111 1211t1.It"
hulk' 1111'o 11f 011 11111(010nhiltl .lin t III
' a 111'' Iis d s(1 111,(I 1Y h 0 llotnO' 1 1110
e --.-- 1It'o('111 I ld 01111. 2r11e(1.1

Art Exhibit in Newberry Hall.
Ililioo 0011111 of' Art ltog'i11piio 111011-
0)1011110' 11111111ltllollilfliltyt' '1100ho
111111. it. 'I 10000s 1, ' rit 'eII .0
ic(0 i 1 l of I it,11. l1 0illI1 Iis cicCol
t 'rll I1,11''lllC ml1 o he H s
ielT oaol ll ltmae, lto' Cwo.lt 'l

New a1111Secondo-Handl Text-
Blooks for all departiaents.
Complete stock of law ov oks
for all classes.
Second-Hand Books bought
and exchanged.


1, 1Iv( .l11 bo-il 21: on.o ](,iI lilt;;1-ti'_- 0lPil l 1 0(Ihea lintt I 's bok 10111-0 r a-.
llotol-ic h1121 K1"'hl
dolo'i detl int 4 a es. 0011(11 1111 111111ie, l I --t.Lttiespesde t;L O D=Y-s

el :ocreii fashionilbe1t0-voel111he0(l(1ll'l
WVVAHR'S BOOK STORE I"ver abus igtti.is 10100
Up Tows Dows Towsn 0011011olded aboutls00e010niss001110
-2S. State s11 Opposite Court House,
Ass Arbor- Main8t. 11by two imches thick. Thel0skinis 150110-

110 lI I'I'0 111101re11e11l give0l . tilr- ot.1' ,11010 10 I'oizll oalIilill 0t110oe
n~aridr ollw: . t-ht , It.I .; (iltloIliaIIO lsIS1' 1111(mos ithout 10-
Its1'.lbauithorl, lI'lresontatis'e 0150-
G. 11101115,B-1 .111-E;7. . (-I1;, Cst-0; 115.i', xlalineld 1111t1it hadh been 0d0ei1-
<. P-()2, P-Q21; .). -Kt-K 2. (1111r0ed1"for goodl lIas0115" 1101to rho-
moves00AN-ill alypa shyaep lao 1 115'10011100 elks0 it.


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