I'lll1. I DIVERSITY OF MIC1iG A\ DIL[Y. A L. . W - ASH URN and PATRONIZE HOLMES' LI VERY ilBabylon Coal is THE BEST. and get the best service. 1111traes o had ad sot Cal.U. of M. GUITARS. Office and Stable 32 Forest Cancel Coal aad Coke. Ave. 10ehoe 6Oi. lv.SA B ER a h u n a d ln Branch Offrice at Palmers' Pharmnacy Telephone No. 8. One dear East of Amerl- can Hlouse. r'/ r AD tTHE~RS. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS DANK N HEEUIMETOFAWASHBURNS-- $-- 15.00' AND UPWARDS. CapitaliSteck,Sa$50,ell. Snrplus, $150,000. INTEEQIMNTO OTHERS -------- 1.98 AND UPWARDS. Resources,.$1i100,00. STUQE~fS OU~gOroale under the General Banking yLnws sel n u i othin sState. Receives vsdeposits, baysprand yells rxchange on Ihe principal cities of the STUDNT' ROO, /nnUrorteSI States. Drafts cashed aeon pe [ tis. eerzdcly cceded that a stringed is- / identification. Safety deposit baone to rent. strums ncis s~ict artasolute necessityy Tt dI;.:', IastWashngtn ioctirel .OFFICERS: Chriatian Mackn Pros.; Wi. Di. seo.ure Itcheciaect enjoymnc om a:the -____"__________________ice-Pres.;____Chas___E.__Hiscock,__ urV ac fc . etihe best yaauraoneywls forli d .dCashier: lii. .1. Frito Assistant Cashier. tj"iccclas: al lient hensthe scadDOES YOURAnnMArborE cc cocatceaoacestis hy R L MPSMO EFIRST NATIONAL BAN K~rAn ro rgaoed 1863 An exclient instrum'nckisttic I TPY RED STAIR OIL---NO SMOKE, cou~ltal, $100,000. Sarpluns and Procits, $40,000 STAT 10 0 l Torascs In genceral ibanking ibusiness. BAY ST TE$1000 Ni0Chai i clWicks, No:Offesivesc.Odcor, No Foulinog of Chiimneys- Foroin: ell tge"sight cantdasold. Purnish AINJ ~.L \ VsWite Li. lcl-Brlsc freiely to lice laot drop ccf oil icn the 1-ampi E. ). NNE, Presc. IARltcISOU OLE, thi=,cuttcco in o Icci Icnl lici a cbspee gaillon-els-eFred icc oar cans, C. I. CI.Atll(50 Cashier ,,l.isru et talcceprice, :no ccc p comptly-Solldonly icy 44 SRaciln in;Street. .10"iN '. iXIIXY SS& CO., -. .= -r_*..__Cor. Alianccii uronaccstreec'. 453-463 5Va4liccgicen Sitre, 1108toin. ( O IVRIITY NOTES. (.ziT 1'11III IAND OPERIIA 110_SE.Lap 00. geealbninc busines. Tc c IF_7____-4 . IioMer. Pros. C. E GREEcE, Vice Pres ic ,: ' t1itencill itI':tc+:; W* c th , .FRcc~~*c~* i ueD. II. RotaSe, Casiee. 1% 1 .:JocI ci 1 cc.li c' idc i c cc(s sii ll icc ici i 'cli ccco",',Ict ~ flonI llsccc (c ic::: 11111c-cc. c ciiiic(',l111 c ftrlithe id t ct. Thcc F . Ji le MAKsESTO ORiDERII),. c\1rci 'cccis relit:'~ ilol\Ilhso oI cci' ii:n.e cf i cic's:c <:-.-: c ci iisicl-i:Illii lci20 S. STATE STREET ntlOE - a doe i~s c cv ccliiclt c 1'si cc l-c- "W O ME a d M N' u l II'ie: }"111 ' l;; Ic t :l Scclls a ' c Solid GldliFountain Pen at ;;1.00 Fayv1''ttil: U ii ii. Ni 1lic isii.:1:115 :1: Bc.\liCiscl'cc. cIiin i ll cabyss o:t5:1: s O~tL~owney'S Chocolates. lit1ii c Itscic. iii:iicic ci : li'cli 1c iist.' o un h x-' forc ofIll l 1cm. ii i dcliii: u- 40- Itepairing I i isiicca' It i1:ofci\ocicciicihecl'.i' ....n1;'0. tllt ,tt Ilt,'E;S?11g \1'1