THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. f e~1 ity, and even though in a particular 6t 4f'I.4I41A* case nto (bvlts harmoIsmay be done, ot-lil every instane strengilicesthe Published Daily (Sundays excepted) daring dec: opinin of the custoom. No iuau the College vear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, caittjutstly he1 asked't to pot hiutscif in OFFICs: Times building, 79 S. Min St. be- is lositioti whbere ite can be imide the tween Liberty antt Wiltiam Sta. prey of othi(rs ittd be deprived his MANAGING EDITOR priegative is Oa free citdes.tHonlest E. R. SUNDERL.AND, '07. topinion oD aiiy controverted qutiono~ EDITORS cugiht to ho 'espeed, aindi Io course E. L. Deission, '05 L. F. S. Sinsons, '9s. of action caii:be jtistiiied witici tbttet' B. B. METHEANY, '99. IH. B. SaILLMAN, '98 L. iiliitteliatoly or rciitieiy ivolves a d 4 \ ' K , e O i} I _ r C Fius the jury of sitoe huyero aud it's oiurs by a heavy' iajority. Featswcar siiouitd he top :41uaiity. The feet can't otaud anythiitgeloe. Prices soiuid ho iow, so as to keelsthie oioe tax withian bouinds. Yotu won'tftloristr shioe pises, but they wilimaiko yoti tori i]ieased.Tiiere are us corn growers like bad siioes. Gonto to us and get soietiinig that you can wrear yourseit, instead ofthte shoe weariingyouir fotot. L. GRUNER Ne. Main e. BUSINESS MANAGER 0. iH. HANS, '9i. JF. THOMsAS, '97, Assistant. ASSOCIATE EDITORS W. W. Hughes, '90. S. W. Smith, '97. F. 1M. Loomia. '08. Louise Dodge, '00. W. P. Morriil, '98. H. Corwin, '09. A. Mt. Smith, 'i97. jtditintt. Ini gcnerai it shiotii eteST ' iL JS J us iiiail's butsintess whiat antother iiiai ftittis if ani expression ofiiis tiiouiht U PT'OD..AjT'- B caut ho used 1iiiaanyway to Iits eis~d- v-aittage. Ini tie caste of the cenitsis carried on it the i'niversity tuest-heobrvuEF, D R E S S E R S * 0 jectionabie features ate reduced ton itiiiitoit, it it' lcliil'isittiani _________________________WANT FASHIONABLE outetif not to he'coiutenaed. it T- -jr pT /"L -- -& T\ - - .. fur the college year, with a rergular. delivery _________I I u . brfore itoon cacti day. Notices, comtmunieca- ScityPr tions, and other matter intended for puttilca- Soity gnramns. tile must be handed in attite Datily odfice be3--O R I P R A E D S C P fuse S p. in., or mailied to the editor bfoe3 Te Ibt l oit il rsl p. in., of the day previous to that on whic u 'sc'Sciety wi pee1 they ace expeeted to apcear. lte folstoii' itrgtitttirwI Subscriptions may oc left OThse Dotty DRYA 30 r u tlslo tlsadaemd Office, Meyer'sa Stotslete Newstand, llor itight: \'ec ai soio, iss Kiluii.y; read.-EB T$.0 r u tlihlo tlshadaemd with Business 15'Maaer buomibrs will coe.- ii, W un Ifo h aetIpre oete sifice any failure of carriers to deliver paper. B. 'i. liley, (It . I'.Infrack mid () . g ires you alt the style and suality you get in- at- a $5.t0 Hat, the only difference is a 5( ,$,0AND $,0 Editor otftoy'- paper: Conncly-; ecitaeti it, Miss sltnier; tie- savittg at ib, .0 $50 _________________________________n_ ot bicr' lrecltt'tifrsmt hie' lpil1,-1 "i' '- CENSUS TAKING. liritie,Mnr. Lngcii anthMc, Scig- hillert, ineie,10N0, c.oevcr antd Mr.a For a wcotk ipast the tiii.he of a. political cenisus of the stu--____ dents its the LUniveesity htas been ,file .i('ft'i'ottlt )Sotcietyr has thce tel- iii pr'ogress. 'The tltn is to ' r~it"liro; itit rranedlgodrt:nSatur-I)- ask ceocit irsato li itte-icy nigh: ()rationi, (),Mufistpee:'ch: __ ~fY . his owNn signa~ture, hhe leintends to a rlt':itt ive ..Aty ni'oi~t is: C '.~:i, j ~ ii g ~ ~ .iie t e S i1 vote ath'ctitg icit. o eo- ~:5'' . t, i:.tlvS . Unders ear, till osool, ftecemlinesd, $1.50ttitel$1. 25, now 75 eii~ni Ue, u llae ton\ h:'it(ttpass"ail'w 15(: cot- Ccntsa Stilt otr 40 ce'nts t Gainoct. Socks, !)lack anod tatn, 9 ercin i usd, en ll re' troeic oii~i teis a assiroiltuc ::r cents pci' patit'. w ent'201cents. Socks. 7tcpernir, seersel1e, nirgedi to tieclatre their .tc Ilit.elii109 i~ t i ::~'tictit i shirts, Fultey Isosoui tndelwhite' at 39 centssvorIth -5 ceints. tornciieis oota ies sie' it n~ il cesi' ef cllt('::il:'ti::: I Shurts it fol ldre'ss onl fuancy ciloirtd hosoioos at 88 cents, conind o olegsbu hisve, AMn. 1ii2tus::i ai'11:. Hi i:'r, so'ere i, 3125 utnild 1 onarch Shirts inluedtinhthis 0stl'. confieel t colege'stilt:'s'uy Oslie t 1sfci::::: .clze'ai'-1hlc tttla ie Fttuu'-in-Ilttuttlsimnea sysutotutetic efforts tre:'beitig(ittate:t: to nd3c unge. 1 1ts Tui n liteeyson. acrlti oiusi:i lots,"etc. 520 Hats utL 51.0. 5.00 Ihatsat $2.25. Sini- list eveiysmantiouus N: s o is o a-i Lf l''anDat. luiarceluichtit toItallother Hutis. Glovree, a tckiitoslesSits- flea conictons.-N-w th ANhole Lifeat ,C -ampDavi.t'ners, Ihtzli~eerctlticfs, C tnt's, etc., ect.. all includeed in tis schotue, in its real pluisose is fundsb- At tht: me:'tineg ::f Ith' Vugiieii''ieg( sale.. Two weeks only, beginning Thursday, Oct. 15, metall~tiy :isroetis'e ito uhe Atustretitn S it art eiu':iets-nigh: t te' inraltt and ending Thursday, Oct. 29. Es'erybloey Inviter!. or seret.ballt:tsystemiti.atdtelolts(wilbmae1)ofy1sl- qtiuti y to 0011'suirest itt:ltis of ot~t in 'iii'euss-tl5c: i ttti i: A O niul iiihleisi spirinug. 'li'he ituct-am a lug ait tonest election. Iftait titi is Il ttuiti'td is us folitess: "fCiuti: Dv is, . . Gents' Furnishers and Hatters s'iteee a i'sgtat tefu'h~tth i'tittiigautis ''ist 'toi.4~4 South. iState St.. .An.n iArbor. sshttst is to be his aetiont it the polsis.,-._Masts'; "t'sIt1) Life'. 1tus Dutie's:tttd (nte itt authget yoeu' Shoes Shined Free Every Day-!t> s'ttt it:'u~ii tcke, ietudtigosr W'tn ustheit:' ostinitO 'tribe,'" V. -At. THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT written sstouteett totplilies 'ittihy tt Sigileti," Ii. Ii. Persons; "h1eot'hhiug- - O F --____ intei'esteed in the outcieu: Otthe :e'e'- tbtstoo'e'tte' le's,'' iI. Sleislne; til~sbsot"hb redsetts raticl- , It'eIntdianus aiud iith-ea," li eu, sTs oit tecton is oeiicce toh- ?A0w NIIMI (7. '0' . ie iti 1 st o fi's it 'M tite'u's , it, en ratter an oxtelsien of thei'stituit'.1 wiill speak a-t t' 'cournt hiouise Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra---------Dec. 11 os-hiii hdoes litot peatr o-ilittimch this es'eitit, , till:'etoftie oisntstiia Charles .A..Dana-----------------------------Jan. 21 peuitir i it'titihUiversit'y Or'toaric'al .sssot EX-President Hrio-------------Feb. 1 eltiuoothiglues. huiou's ini thet Luther Laflin MVills, (Chicago alumnti Nuinhcrt-----e.1 It is that atny ital woumakes a pev~o- hrtcnet tFheboi.: iieuita: meil ure----------------Mrh12 ons dectesneitin of ipoiitialopinion is it thefirst toutesitiof tiii'NoushutlItmOatrialQContet-----------------------------March 19 thereby rnidered liable to all ' ehte Oratoricaeaeguue. lie is also a de'-Lcu er il---------------pi moe fcuttiii viii iiutc-ieti futrciatlt.John Kendrick Bangs--------------April 1 3 piet hersons, advanttageously situaedt, C'has. b'. Steinbaur, leoten et ofbanjo, GNE A DMAJISSION TICKETS s-otto mnay see f to applhy. Ai mlotiiyer n ittetutihn anti guitti, milaager st tilt RESERVED SEAT TiCPVETS -?_5o h1aiung diocovered the ptihtiettitenets W'etieio itotitdoilin'Tro, itsituentoren'i- StNGLE ADMISSION -it u'tgoi~ttst afreceptios, oveeliits, EXCErT of this tutu matytorce thtemt to chtange bos tg f 's dnes tc. Ad- Depew' Numbher $.03.O by ariusmeas o Eie4Ji~g l~e- arrisnsiNumsber 1.50 dt 'iiu teit t xrig1 r'~ ess XiP'P i 'i -ouse, tin residetme, Oor urealCusuiess .25 sure. 26l E. Jetfeison st. i TICKETS NOW ON SALE-Reserved tickets on sale Thursday, Oct. Sib, at -Palmer's 'T'ie etirtrhelory at the poitical Wfvnt-A Stewvard. Cati at 29 E. I drug stare, State street, and Wahr's book store, tain street. censtus is sit attachksii individual til- Liberty st. I J AMES H. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary. i