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March 05, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-03-05

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W 'The lower part of university Hall-
Noe.Popular Pianist Appears Tonight was mWore than threeforths full ye-"TeriaeSctryWllB
Received a ull line ofin Choral Union Course. eidafaternoonl at tie seonldc of tie PeetdirfsinlSye
ties for Spring Suits -IoPresentedropenserrice.sTill'lsStjyle.
and Trouserings Till net conlert ill till' Cora l 1;0511 lte soical series wis "arly i'tl,"rvt.Scetr"evl hv
18 9 7 seris ill be givenl by Alberto .1011a. ilugistI -fnis ir"till'seieal fetuire till largest adeiecee the Grand Otera
1 ~~ 9 .t~ 1110a1ist 010n Fridaly evening, Blardli ieing till' lrgiluIreit lll lrog rl -le. Hous11110'h1s.5ever Ieli ahd lii standing
111 Un111r1ity 11111. lFollolwinlg is tl2Itho¢telll5were excedingly well re-y (5011m 01111' s1g11will be Ieedd b ome
NO., 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. pro'grain- dlred as was tldeedl all tie lrlglt'il tilefirstlt begto.'Till adancle sal
__________________________________Sonata Op 111..------n . eethioen On sext'Tue-liay tie subject Aoct11 bs111 exceeded even tie atiilations of
Mlvetoso, Allegro coo ris ed appaioatc Mr
ada0g oti tsple llllt."o yl' 1 tolllll\Iuui',"a01d thll'solo- Ma ,tiger X4etssteii. Thie gallery seats
T S m et m e } 1Twele Shr phoste Studies_ ---Sha inn st soill tbe its M plaster.Ihos e ii' ll'illtalkel up11ratidly, id the
) oa.Notressnolmnor.-
# ~ ~ ~ h S o et m s 'ltei1 sharpOmilor. - Chopi 1(111 1'ire liss~ing these clnllnot realize :olc~tlllioarethat1111there owill be very
yo Glaveoatlittl headache Oaeolte t Masett ---D'lotd 1100 1111,1I they loose 111til hy attendlfew it aiy rsero-td seats ottainbl
se put up a little tablet in aesuemto. letlerzasldO -5. tavehagen one, wh~tel tie box otbl' opens at.i o'clock
10c packages that will non- 0Katowiall i F major-- aderewok ________________
ally relieve it. Better try lecpie----------.R bnti olr l'llorrw night.
Yobxnettm. y ' O-Pe- - -Olhs no Senior Memorial.
aIoxnxttiei0Rapodie No. 12 ---- -List -lrol 011IeieilOetl'erol
PALMER'S PHARMACY. tlr'ltlr' tl lllloil -111 il-Tll-aeac"Otllllke
1-6 5 STAT ST.The English o Examinations. Iittees lor til'eenor classes 11r102ben i 1111 ieiltlroleo ilntlll
PO 46 TTEST tsl'paratelan0111 i llelorlslllo toe''ct1 i l e stge oill lbe dakenedl lrig
1 h rgu i et 00(211f00110 ,11111 i l 011 f
y S T ILLO N'111t ttlls-agillliie - ll'indeendely, ill thsyn t.1;s beinoilefr heu esto ea
uvi DE PE slnlier t01'rlH-llll lasItto-ilninglt befo1re11a
+ l u 'c one11 'I. ll ll h igh l . 1n s led o ile . t eco uit esi al e a tm s il an or , d he oo s il t e af e
V iJ I b ro ot, A iano d ob ue aoh' clfl nm onlay'' 11,1 o sedtlilg n11 t11l111 011e tL lelc 111k'
__________ O N___Pro10 1f 11. So t,- o thelt Engtlishi a t- u e toi lfr alsen-orlg ill hs iO 11 10111111 ile door-kee11 p111'er st owil
PRICgESliCUlBlDEEPERlllTHAN101a111on1101',10ril e c nWi 'thean 15il'.ru t e o li t h105011orprotly 11
p sensl asea l h ea 1 i~ii. '~t-S-IlI~trd111 11 ior 11tl'l t lIt illOresu lti tt 11 l 1'8a111u.i il 111 0011
ERoic, sn t.pyerr us o o s ." I n 'ltl~ o Ill i o l stlc ofglle e 1,i "e 00illlil i iro f ll' l1't lll'i'll 1 01110e 01 lTthe ' 1,1 b lll'of il c lbl 01111 be 1en
get 110 thi so soi, b tte he 5b 111UIniverit y1, stud1 e ntig lo l y propose1 dIb I ncllte 111 1101 l f 110111" 'till' id 1(1 1 ly 111111 i n thello- 1111 s -c-itw '
gin to lo o k At yiy10000' btsyo fP t1ch arl t , Olelll'tlll l'0 1 1 11 1' ' Il 1 1 11 1
eA COB, Sid& et i do n Dsi a" adois pelliiig lby111'11111' oo-itill - , ae(rpo ro stau g to bc Isue,1'. lx.. Thy haveb een5. lll ii ll'-t'
Tisoso whets vacatin coseesil olf't 1 101111 oxho 111'tOandiigill100prIsent111ll(l'llplay ll'l5100xcellentl
p i - 0111.' 1 tepirtmeit i isI'll abl till'nke itiUiA ai, istl. hec twa y ll elc dan
corep Bookhab uteanorasttahees along. brat11111 b 1' u1uIs111 c11 li~rwo h ulnut'(I 111 I'lIOb o P oll
p A p1 otllt's.i helo s nd rte ealo is. et t I''lllloi lls o 1101 ic01h
\Ve sA ttotlti-Il.rasIIallotithe Iyearll ('ll 'It.i l-li it c oo-tIII ' hc inI hostiodl or d h we tt o i thatO thte-s0 1 ib o ul-oigs, 'Iins t l x ol ca uiteir t
- A T-undInow. Ifoyouo'reogoino'toscoopiagel,511' whII i ch rlli ]rietO'e'lo i ec otf' lyl0 - 0lnotoufferin1111'o~n lisll wi thO 0 i el
ge o e hi sas nbete b - i osta iod o-th yt aking reqii. e tog otoolis: 'I'hr rsoioy. loe-to I-oioh'll-b
.nod h 51201 III 115211.tll]
W<r ' UiK S ~ L 1 P ils p ia ocey initt:i ,Muit] age aril to'liianiol i1losai Toth1s'e~
Neoh tn eoId-a nw T xt 3 iooo s otoiile isol bI i ven'o t il 0 o1 s,11,oitfsoi0p, hoIIlIIai'0 andloo n bill o oi-and 'sit-
eala d "eii o np t" o iossoeollety oficthe011'ur by I'll(gti, i l'l ,1 o 110110 iIlolloto 1,1 11l~ 0tor , gg i n r l'ues o r fujo ri'ing l111.
fo l cass.lloii o S !tincAeto'i,,h rt l Feoterallenint l erto i e di l'm ietllor d o't $21001ighs'tlo
i Then, w en vacatin comesiioent to lanofhat ie1is1goit to o'it
e onul-asi B oka Isscgtoollseo Ssaeseell-'s'lo'sst'st 011 -tll Sos
yo 'l b ed o ok brlol heo s tudesntM shoul As skdI'I ,c)l , 'o r lcb'fA.o-1.3-sloth Mc'allt 1 11Il. Ingl tr cs'Iollegiate $0111ws. lso
o n ecan ed taleotie htsi iste o o fllth o ur b.12 -l(eslieliso' tt oo' rand lle.F 1s o r l'111 1hllo'sst
Yv revse whtfhe list'ttcnand Vleol]Ilso'i-hairof ltteasstsl lOx
aoiskissenssiseesg'io.hrils IlTteses oo y at ii 'hi'nd1six nso lo til inx-od offert iso s e Prs., t
pTos - t- osTss- osc ob gisdiofss'ioso O I tis e iswhle Ihes;o mbl er is re 1;' use oEliti , 'oolly e t ie lt x inshies
r05 Slats st-opeOppositeth courteIloaseelo
AssAroe Mle t. ng itsiohey adlflive yea's smn - oe. atles

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