Bohylon Coal is THE HEST.
All g-rades of bard and soft Cool.
Camel Cool and Coke.
Teohose No. 8. One door East of Asmeri
can Hoous
F. J. Scitleede,
Sells a Solid C Id Fountain Pen at 81-01
loots lHord 25)cesrins d upward.
U. of M Srenesoand Profe sose3'lilbs. Lie
Note loows 5 res rsnd upwards.
1 1 1, hittinge Shoes 5illall the
Latest Styles.
B ect Place
A box of that delicious Peantut Brittle at JE01 RV
Half pounds and nounds, 10 and 210 cents. A fow boxesofo 46 S. Slain Street.
iVolvet Molasoses Candy, one-half pounld 10 cents. K________________PARONIZE _HOLMES'_LIVER
9 an~d get the best service.
Spring P Office and Stable, 32 Forest
H T ar re y.15 S. Main St.1 Ave. Telephone 106.
s HAT are eady.Branch Office at Palmers' Pharmacy
DOESYO ^ T LAM SM KECapital stock, $50,000. Surplus, $150,000.
DO SYU1i~vrS O E Resourees,l,10,000.
Organized so der the Ceneral Backing Law,
TRY RED STAR OIL--NTO SMOKE, of this State.lRecrees deposits, boys sod
sells exchanlge o the principal cities of the
1 NoChad WcksNo ffesiveOdo, N Foaingof himnys- CUited States lDrafts cashed spon proper
No Cail Wics, o Ofenove dor No oolng f Clinseys Identification. Safety deposit hoses to rent.
j ~OFFICEoS: Christian 'Mach Pres., W. 0.
A White Light-lBurns freely to the last drop of oil in the lamp Hlarriman, Vice-Pees.; Chas E. iliscek,
t -Clear ats opring water-Ide per gallon-Deliveretd in our calls, ahe:M ,FizAsatCsir
promptly-Sold only by FRTNTOA A of Ace Arbor
IDEAN &0 MviFPAN-Y. ,capital,silooSSoo. Surplus and Profita,W4,05
44 South Main Street. Transacts a general hanking basiness.
__________________________F__________ oreign exchange hought and sold. Eurnish
letters of credit.
UNIVERSITY NOTES. ! The New Nominee for Reent. E. 1). KINNE, Pres. IIARIJON SOCiLE,
! j Vice Pres.
- S. W. CL.ARPiON, Cashier.
Al hlao No 'Society ANill n111111 SalI 111111100 1). Lawton,11.wh is onii0
.ltlOX eigt.ll.aI ifoc regent atitheIiltepllicar Nfarcs..irio c~~sf
S lIt 1 ttldeliS:li .111 ltlllllilll 0I; o t stsate convenltionlu 10 s ~t e, is Salthor-In
litt f(t aly s Melt to A sililtltn7'u~lll.t15 c lil lt bliever i collcgecdducatilon, Htic a in 11111 d511nuronSt treets.
Catpital $50,000. Sueplotsi530,00. Transact
ol111'the lllRepub lilllb s Otrioll. ;Cl lI atellIi lliol collcg(, atr Sllcn- general bansking business.
! It. 1E0510, Fees. C. E Costs's, Vice Pees
1111 .cfll rstlltianti S ilvly will 1),_iEitl(7yN. X. 1 1: ; with Ilth e r e ~ t.i.BseCsir
1 is liils iloi rgitli Sill. ofl11. A..,1an111 hei 111t1ycear is civil
43 S.IMain St. - UptairS. lliflay Inigt>tI t ir s .71" itll't0l itltll 1(l.. Stlls(_l.lelll heitrececivedL w eys C oclts
last Thulrsdayl1's l)ily.t1tt'de 1e1 of 51. . o.ulIt'h Ils 1 t i,- ' Ejot LIunches.
A ANGST B B'fS I Tice l stelci'oetyl will hIl ti tiol 'O l is oldtl sn s 1 0a iaduatiof .. St
" o~~~111 1 11 .5 011 w eil tnlt iswLtwso I('(- h lt li i ll sA lrilrleiil'e ait l I +U T Y , 4 S t t t
't s stPh ~ is rontese('fndlisS. lile l ir s ityo l. iIi la~lstii JuneReucio
Absolutely Pure.
of thelhstoileies IofItt soics ilandithirdlis1wsill grdetetl olllill f~// Iteprice hereaftcr
Frsh for U. of M~. bottons
Al ay Feh!hei e i ~nv~'sly al.'1h p'-I ITsllie" si lei.still tanollter soli and'a ill itttterllswill be 50 Centn.
',i s tt sill illulsltat teI I t irl l "-I 11. l ttgtir are's lt l'iiti i011111 1 11
H n__istEer er li'li srt 1111lllsic. 11111 ilns' y. ircitth oi ls sidut ii st WM.ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER,
COR. WA.Sl;tCTO I AND FOURTH AVE. ATT IIN tIAto i 0 Io sAitigolttlttii
AND 20 SOUTH STATE STRtET, lottstnsow tttloltss'o ltt'httitiot cht:Ientineerl' tfa it titiM one L a e
Oi . Ileis ,A fa e Mt ),'el .1Illss511i1 toftillI Personatl Property. \Watoltes and Jese
. N I 1I 1), ttt t d(tlsy'. Iat ltlsll N. V., is Libt yst c A r tishedn001c at resideoce, 3t F.
0 ' D I 0 IItsIs tltiil stnl'li 111o l te Ioa01. ,yot Mlshlor ichs. All bosi-
Iifir tlo .11(' 1115 tls ll tlluitllt 5 05'lAs tt's 110111,1111111801o It 11111,111d 1 ,, cnfdtial. ~llos, 7 atollz a. m. tod
C1t111st sLa 1t ldI s Ftoc 000nntitltty 1st, 7t . JSP .W T S o rg'titx
atty twottt assestOt ffit's, 1 of 5 a ticl soull'thrn lltlatitttl. withlt I 18 itth llmovedl to Ittatioll, 1-111 it Secostd-Husds tchletssd Diamoncds.
27 Th'ormpson Street. t' toes i'ttldstollslig'lht elf ts'Itandttl.115-Itiit. l.I ~lOllO1il s lx lsc daI1 s lgo
Illhes scoli ~t is a t I1151.', ollllI e fotri lgltetl tLi ne .oof New 2Pipes
1- 'ill ' -sII t ~l s 1 tf' . i l of1. ti1i.)s11(1. Pid w c l
I 1 til l ltlltsss'. t1,1 slg tl gltls 's l Il ,I1 st ortl Its'ai511113 Ici ttand Istid Itloeles Ittal ltsours. Agents
.1 I.erII O'l
- t 'i llts( see tills pited fr111111sketr(S v1hi f;to itnasist PIfnst l . 1 11 fsoluylers and Wiilliatmis asnd IerstaeosBoCoo
111,1.11.''111 tto1111, 1andtiis lls1 ?,esal P-trokst in'Itlilg ltogoosieitir- s IR.E O1LY&co
IlteIlttA tt lttss' t s~ttil It tlltllsl 511 e~~lt. Al j 20 S. State St., Sager Blockt.
D1th1fltitons LeeIatchez s titoaII ls111 i sSIby hGss. Alger ,lie 1101.1 Groceries, Provisions
® 1 tt 11 ith botls Osln l ig~tted upilt (.I 1 liyti 11110{ix1ll1. andliall kinds of Saiiitar-luit
tstsdttc fulll Isatlof Sltami. 1mte iat o sllilyytt 'lcs ite Ihts bctest Foods forsle by
Ii t t let 51i1lto gs tll 1011n. 1,iwi 511III srI t Sil ~ tliintisorl. & Co. >
(101 Ptosil I alldl I t11ll ;5151rt1and 1o-11
rir Ii lt sdranilatie. itt cplay i ilIic't_11 'st sisit oslisi 0 iS. STATE ST.
the ltibllal 11111 1at thesFourtee511111St. tI cai I tsrslt sb en 0h lis lllilcipai{l An-ton r euf±e10
l1110111cc Ntss' rk th150111) or. I 11 50't1.11111 f Illl~tllt05 11111 IllSettltd lit La,f1ttl, 0IEASQCAtTIITO R
It~ 5011 s ltl~llcf srtiickngI tltel slllg Otl 1111 ~l iy i runkivalises Dress Sult Cases
"1 ismelange of soligsa0111dances by15a. father.- 'Otlllass F1'ilsc.
trueof Cclorted boys11111gi111, ill ANIS TELESCOPES.
ellitwqatts. ' I I.E4 lI>S IN DAkNCING. Trunlts tan Valises Itepaied Nealtly aod
Pe PInlrsL~i . csllo lsosal aer-I Chteaply. No55 . Alainstx.
F00OtND-A Solorsis Ipinlat (111g. 110110; (i "entlemlen Satulrday nrn sIF L E & X8 q
tr's AcensMy after Ohie Iaclielor Chl)b andsi--Monday Advhllgi Il~rlianedF
rteotoion. The caner san hiaves1110-claisse~sfor lathes 01111gentlemleo nous Sastime sie Forailh
t :saine by calling 1a1 1110 Acatlells. It. sday 11nd11Staturdty eveninigs.'O
_____________ Gris'PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS
G__________- - (ralger 1110 timle 10 joinIl teclanses. Gagr
MUIILN 6 19AGNS'E thn t peseatPrettynans.Acasdenty, (I6lynisid St., one block 15CLEANING AND REPAIRING.
Eveythngto leoe t seshofShae S. 1525 SSae St.. Orer Rosey's Billiard Room.
Good boatrd, good service, and 1110 U.
21 ANS.o 5.Diy o h abet ep yon LIO-T-Ladies' silver ovatchi betwveen I" ll.lMARTIN, Fuceral .Director, Cloth
__ Fl AL iliedlerd posted on wvhat is going on at the camnpuu and 45 Packared at. Leave a+,0.j and Metallic Caskets acd Fine Grade
+ ___uxtil Commencement for... _ grceixtunivetrsity Steward's office and rechov reward. FourthanoemainaSpclt.N.1