THE UIJMVEIZS rY Ob' MII{I- GAN DAILY. MAICHIGSAN GENRL Time Table (Revised) Feb., 897 'Mall and Ex--- 3 47 N. Y. Specia-- 7 30.1r5 m ; N. Y. Special..... 4 78 Mail - - --843 ta "/ rTc asen -5hN.S. Limted.--09257 . &tlantlc Es- PitS7 F5 acii S ---- 1P 5 x O N. Express--- 59 WesternE --_ 5 I ' Ft n. G. K.Expres.__ll1It ChiNt.E x __ 0 i 5y G . 3f" < vRne Gi. F. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt AnAtbr 3t b ~ The Oniig Slebepinq RAILROAD. , mb and bali 7. lthsOilg Sleeping a Time Table, Jan. t1, 189)7{' s 7:30 aee. 7:30a.e -----Th Maretta. 11:25am. 11:25. m._____T______s___ Onig Drawing R 4:30 p. ma 8:357p. m. Toledo, boll 'Run betweceit Aet Arbrand Toledctie wllenon cip Alltrtains daily except.Suneday. anlladdess. Pie: lla Stcixah E. 0.GI L9ItJRF ,Agen t qQ terpornt.40 em TE NL LINE will W. 3 Ir Ni7E T . P A.Toldo . ostiiCaalsgaesreeT/ Setween Toledo 7- W X6 1 OL SIISSCG, isa Palioa THlE ONLY LINE witl SStret, New ork. Sundtays beote THE KINDERGARDEN BULLARD HALL~ j THE ONLY LtMD wit] Ill~ny % Ihomal r(btena Taled TEONLY LINE wit] RAILHOAD TICKET BRKR etenTld Wholesale (Cigtirs, Tobaccos tind]A OSTIN Iia Bucwrus, G Cigrete.Cans be secued with SlatS. SleNall~y & C0, that will inggooire:turnsteto 5tan, et., will Se the C.or. Main and Liberty Sts. stdetMap is wnd el ia We elWi sleltteaentatises oe oarAgeof aihe Ohioentea C~a~ Opea Ho se.ALL ABOUT THE BABY By Robet N. Taoe, M 1 I., of Cicaigo Medicatl 'allege jus~t, isued, ithe imP Pl. no d, bohilas weadi loomn bar..Lne htwen oPS; a ashcIg.1Ihpet IF bakn Presenting a Spettacular Versioni ofRAD McNALLY & CO., Chicago. wudb upie t RAND, wuldsheseti-pisPdea Goehes Sblln Pom _________________________________________________'YOUi1Jonr generosity, hut U. OF NM. CALENDAR. A. A. & YtP. SIT. RAITASAY. you ?itcity'.addrsiThlie llglclltig S ofILetves TAUSLE we have to hustle forevsCoirs tref pizlti t The American Tragedian OGirldr"'"Sty lrst.. iwet. 71,0:0(:4,ad 10caon, 11 R. oIN RIFIH Stiti d rty, Mltrclt I6-U. oi1i -. Con1 2:40, '2:20, :40, 1:00, 0:30, 7:59, 0:10t MRJON9±.n.JJ1 oiy c(ii allintse Presto NSe :ctry," ad 1(:20 ip. in. g~becoomes ncsar oslashit The Greatest ILiving Mephisto. lit Mli xxoeralSll i tliotst. cIr os tAnAro S , ncsayt Prices: 35c,50C, 75c and $1.1 I'rilty, 91:: Ii12-Secn ti hlloc :0,1:0,902 11119:4 .II.,711 rightadlf _______________________________ i<< t it r~lutcr s. Tickets. 51 71:21),:2:00, 120, 9:10, 7:10, 5:30,9:0:11od Co,~ ,Section I for Engr-sicring SUNDAY TIM_\E. sqell .. E r Istirdilitle will bl it ve111 1, A'V , 11110 Leavest Ypsilanti itt 0:20 and 10:40 Bomt 2, at 3 lilock. Course 7, ia. in.. and11 12:10, 1:50, 1 :10, 4:"0, 5:5011 Classic Prose will hi givell in IRoom l7:1(0, 8:30, itnd 9:50 p. li. i . TH E Huronitis crossedan 18, lNo iting,ENtil -al at 10 L~eave-s Ali Arbor at 10:00 andil t1:2O)t thes battle cry is "The s clf -ayo t I ',.W1liii I. 1 . t.a711 12" : 0 (1 :50, 5:10, 0:31),.< Clock,7:51, 1 2tll:50 11. 111. _a' ISASEIALI, NOTtICE. 5O ,91 a(y1:0 .(l or ONE 'DOL- 11 h!-do you lay?" gt fshbua 1 (3Ltcry 111 dB 1cailndlidatesfor Oral Sl1tLOS01IiY 2b. iD ILY LAR" for rest No Rome is Really Complete bs-e itre requnested Io reporteaittSite Seconid Cose ill Psychiology. Theth of year Without a new 1091 Model c-eey lafternoaon it 2 oelole.Altlaliuch e i~oen011ialged. Heteastier Guibar, Mandoli', 1oilher canditdatesoill report 011 111e theclaiss w-l 13illltioomll21, U.n IIi.'c.9 itfact. We kinowv it is a a~ or Zithcr. 79 nllalililloBort at :30 scloc k. FrI.and1111h~., a17 1. A1-1.ILLOYD, 1.LIcreating a sensaltioni Festislytsed flOG. A. AMtLtaEtI,(_"apt1. - -anid lmaking 11ov otuldbe Piehaebe sclddown tae a eesula f b tO, p..1.5-Al eni-fr tt sil lver siaton It xv shtluaen's lendomu l,,, a rity tht now, 0 o .lI C al, II- o1111 An iopen-fi ae.d I111 1 ~ buyi Spelina shburnll of01 teey att des-ign ndidttes fth le relayis calli ' ,,. a ( eur o l . o b~hr ompetitors feei (From $,a.o Upward. .o Iao(Jlticago oil April 17, 11and1thei' Ten 1 Za. anoi s icldp ru7 Vallitldt o. tive dollas'11e0twabld.t-tes sloi~- fro fo a-i Wslts.o-o ittte c.eate t as eitc 1 tta Pi il' iil lr veyI , c Ilto Ita t oi e dCeonaoVioin111sh Oil burs e~d t xedan uifom ries y l frs- NShe r.ilyai na- trick di h y ri h a 5 oret ave.oBath, liIot tnd ced S r I 4ass11 1d( .IBet . - Seiid (laslh aiidAddress 1to Wasb t,; - e th ackowledgedstada fthi' e tot c lock____T.______________ 0.Bst o tablObordS, world - i } t are sd excclssi bythe1ctt bun rctl t-s,; 'cen s einiotasoo-I l Tr-sc CIII l tro Sent-losi0111l10roaoms, one "tic-: nlzkl irll , rcs~iel do l ns~tI a' t s 'O tICE'-AllIw0 od110 re to t . .3lsinl-ss IStln gel-. -il. Io. 'It f pplieton.: I f,':Iro (.: i Illirid te Ioter 75ea per os-oe. 13:118110 i t u1ct \wil-w wil esd,t i 90 cci,,:5 t ( it 1) (tioure o5f fentcing0 lessons 7111119 to ld 17 rlelil 05 1111 . osihaeae oLa apt. IE.IBeaumllont. Telrls $15 feor ________________ )° istin Sallxe asste yets tru ?s' . threc eioth~s. JLessonls00give 119 neomIT 'he Daily osill Ste deliveredl at -ouan' I PIr q! ov00rII Usullls' drug stare WednIesda-y 1001o1mlthe rest if 1110 college 9-tar fartI II ' M. , o e: 3 iii 0 ad Sturdaiy afternloonland9111 ning'11'IOineDollair. AN ARBO'R. MICH. Headquarters for all College Text Books, Law, Medical and Scientific Agents for the Waterman Fountain Pen. Everyone warranted. Largest 26 cent Note Book in the City. Best Linen Paper by the pound, 15, 20 and 25ce Envelopes to match. SHEE-HAN & 0.. - - 20 S. State Street. Ann Arbor, Mich. Leading Booksellers