THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sudays excepted) during the Collet vear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Tr1E:'imes building, 79 S. Maia St. be- iweeen Liberty and William St. .At IN MiNG EDITOR J1 .TRCAS, 9. IliSINEoiS )IANAER 0. 11. GAs, '8. EDITORS . L. GOcixoRc, 'ISL. . S. Iox, 'I F. M. Looxis, '8. H. B. SKILLA', 'I L. I1. 11. Douse, '9. BcTELAB, '0 C. NI. GEN, 91, Athletic Editor. ASSOCIATE EDITORS W. . I.Ilughes, 'I. S. I. Sioli, 'x. F. A. Fei, 'lE. I. A. Campill, '0 I. P. Mrrill, '9. G. D. Iludut, '00. A. M. Smit, '7. c. Li, i. SI A. Thexsubsripionxprice oflihe Daily i q"20 for the college yer, with a ,eglr deliery eore eoc each dv. Notic, e comnixce a- ions, ad termatintixIeded lee pblic- tiox mut be hacided i at, he Daily offiebe- fxrx a p. ., or nailed 10 the edtoe beorer3 p. i., of the day prvous to hat ox which thew are expected toxaxpior. Suscriptions may be cift lt The Dily Oflice, Ieyre or teilet's Neetd, tr with iBusiesoilulaier ubrieexowillc- fer a favor by reprtiiic pomply at the. office xxx failre ocariers tu dceaer paper. The patt ithIls'yunglaies'oof ill) anti 100 ooki inte Feclli. Siopoielio'indoor Iet last Strdcay y iosicl hi' tkeni as a viltabe becilc cult toerte college ants to folow iii the futuroeei oler like eveits. If i culid betne:ill iieisiabeleleison in ceebinlatlticievexnctl foe the col- lege gls tn ake aniiatie ilacest hy sitiesinigIte conesIs an iiiesent- lg etioieeiixt1o it'e sihwines ii wiuldlcaitdigrealy ino1110 inlresinii thiose ivenits ani to the ilecliivi' io wi. Iinerolege iitleis iii" cinly poisible' ri'ard fci e loniig 1 anilg that is ieessar- fileathlees io go lrongl, i thle hollr that colors bli wiiiiig, surly such ai aliriieiloni by the ldieo would dd iiiieli itie Sml honol~r Wci 110,p1101t1 ourall- ite. acc'ountlof ie worhig of Ithe onr systemn of exionililox sviewei by vrilouisprofeseors wxsei i'lasiescarcii. red onteirh 'examinti nshl'iin 'this naii'c-. IJudging frontileinall theroe lri'eid, iti'he 11lan S BIgoS tse- eosfuil bthiin to iiciaeee of lii" iwork (liiie aldin thei lltioaieffect wiiilil i ecsarily ipouice.It ec- taiiily inut be .asiiirci of stisiifa- ion fote fclchiso whichhalos tkeii Iis imipoetint slop 0and foi' thoei 11a1- 11011101' wioiii'efotsn- tre rspnsible teerpnttiiigctheieiieai of iliiecxs iito tiagibe firm, 1oLnow that iiih' reeults have Dbiei so stisfactey. rle ex- pe'iiinico gainedl by'thisiltrial oethDe iioi'r yseili xill e of inalable ald tao ter clasexs whcih in tin'fii- tiuroeimay consier ltii'aviablity ut f'iiiowing in thic footliepii of te'9f iiedics. At otiy' etolhe insolijudge that Ite syteni hall011110eDo a, and we uxcy lok oe 11s extesion to iiiher departmlentsin the inea 'ftre. Subscribe for the Daily. S Bill May Be Abandoned. 'Dile Detroit Evening Ne=w;5 ef Itst night conlaino the followeing tl of new~s froii Laninig: b''linilihe. boarid of conitrolof thllt Stattc tloiliioliathic Society ileetlJeil to ateilnipt to coecei'the regenintoii niix- lug Itie lhomeopiiallic detlei'lliul i f the D~niversiiy to Detroit, lt'eineiiberi to 'laced fully '.0iper centl of thie-pioe fecshinfoxvorecd reiuuovl. Coloecilieol. l'- the Jlason bill, niaking thii one. sixtlo iiill tax u valuible 01111 Ini 'eae of relileval, m95as introduldii. Prof'. Cilliloill, iif thei'deptin nli, l~crsiiwctetl thii-boaril tolnimkc'