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March 04, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-03-04

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/SSISUMMER SCHOOL FOR '97 tlative Analysis. . Inorganic Pr- HONOR SYSTEM A SUCCESS.
- saiats. (6 Organic Chemistry. T.-
Wi'- L
Courses Offered in the Literary' Organic Preirationo. S. Mlolecuar What the Medical Professors Say
Receved ful lie ofNove- iWelig ts. 9. Advanced Qantitaive
Reevdafl ieo oe- Department.ofteTil
ties for Spring Suits--Analysis. it. Organic Analysis. i.ofteTil
anuru e igsA'htrntncln f h 'nmi'lttittWork. 1By I rfesso C(auth No little iterest has becn aifet-
a< i 1 i toiol. itaaw5bell. Midessr. Iigley. ~iirty and edi tot by the adocats an! the o)
18It ..y elc I d ihirnman aiid E. I. ileiis.'l lro o'ttritlge ts en ts of the iea, in the first trial b
1897 .GnrlCus
5t( er tait . Professors 1. AIt. aylr Zolg. 1. ten't Cn ' .tie '9ill)iclass of the lio r tsystem o
NO. 2 E, WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. J It Dra eandid M . I.- F Gats tr e t' ohns 'to.8n Pe-i ' 'its' i examiniatioii.
'lihte eti iitiiiti''of lbhe ixet'tti' eti cog Jlnsoi tnisnedaly tupn rii ig the
f 1e flor nitie il eofre oy Y~e . Moipli.o Algy ,anti dlv o- ristioii of te medical fautlty the
'PS'finm eitiemstswiltiesfti't Is'-tftl'eroais 2 la ii lass leteil its "esurt of trial" ant
Sow T ueti ~'' A iiictgathe tonin soitinit'.InBy.
- i ttetconningesueuaetl(July 7tooor. iotrged to eonucttall of mensreant
you have a little headache. .Xtgtst i6); Ar. titllock. seiiister extmiiitttio., nter tt.e nes
wepttpaltlrtbe i' leek-1. I rolaratory (leek. . Daig 1 leincl 'sit.regitti. Al the Irovisions of the on-
l0c packages that x'.'ll ns- FehnPesetvPe.rdIk
alyrliv t. Bterty 'li'I'-ties of Aristotle. Air. 3Thad.. reeti esetveteiatl ti sittion adopted and sbsrid to i-
alo ettm .iath. 3.1 l'r'pa rttry Ifati; (i) Ideiotv'fetiir. .Si t's a 11by tie iteitbers of the citas
tudS ao s.Laroo y BLt tit I'ros) ('iceto' Oratiotutu verr'cariei out.
PA.LMER'S PHA.RMALCY. tcaittttre ()Vrgl . l n . . reeland Lttering . 'Piecisttistotiftsuin lii
46 S. STATE ST. It' 'htiteetitineii(citil (Voter CslsrgDr Ttw hlitetitsss ifat ti ysten athe-
* ittidini. 3.ntroduction i to mntietti htth ytm saSe
________________________ Pol_____ itic tal noitniions. -. II liiii ii M tss Weitae at ess ans uitsartiui e-i ry.resiete Ii
tt~n( u 6 a e i mna3 b sitn rfs o otldingeialatadpioti it Is rceivd hb '
C lo ing 0 .t S le i .1 ii ti' b AsistitiIatgmcietittis. I leeits itf ile-
Ittilt ittald'ti., t.'ader. the los. 't' riatlinss twith ts'iel.;
t'cr'eli.-. Begininer's, 'titire. dtu.i adia ta i thesttdetilt aapt te eIts 5to the
STILL O ldr rs.Gr~CDaa .Hsooy .Agtb i~nr
itleeri Prse. Clssi hitama II siiitt~ 1.''igltil" tisioltgi estore'of ttthin, .nl-the gouinett
P RICES CUT DEEPER THAN C h iti 5 it f'tufi II 'tytit'ie- tl ed l ado'isuit n~ndr
EVERtory of'P Frentchinluiteoirataioie.atByu-As'fildobtthieo 1getietg iettl forihi
1EVERtiItii' 2 t'h Iii tittiteled ttittiitlr t i wts' sisis tc'spitir sak
~ is lTh linnefre s muolc'i 1erem'lk )Tem re~ fterc aut
,itt tsel. te le rg 71fit ti' plilhae thi'ol-
'WASHINGTON STREET. hEnglishi :uhd htlettrit.-I. ''telit' 3 1 uo'ilof the ' ftttttyo rtely loiigt oty: hDr. iTautintiiistbjec
flirgiliilt Veilng. . Irisi'titihiti Now n stnntu t in' Histarory. tbi it' tiii vitee fett
.. e.s..... (.ai..i..a...nih ..t.e.year f I.11,146,ii 't'etr'atr.i 11rs ri'ititttlt titt Ii i' ii 1toiieticftiitelu I-i iii i
e :1 n erei u( 6 ire br d, fie i u e A-t a o l h cci aged l iti i cittit' ll yt'h'XIati1,llfart lia t
yo'rioig o I Itut it m id t. tAuiIss.cI uh I ntsi -it vi it utr-esc
i0 ud iPoavaghif lhi'gt'.iProe'. iii'.Ne Ins tc ts'in isit tr i hdn idu hae e fcut
g e sl tismeasaln beter e t"af l . r I; i. Ir~e ti eiitttp a. d l' 'Ci u lrlitit h i e i a i- is-. eii mitt tione'' D'
r lsAmitge i owt at'ii5'1lst me -. itothIita artiBl i 501ii. A tt o tpac-
't ou , 'inow. -aao'reioingcoes I caiiM'.and Ali tfis.tItrEar''tile; . lttiiotiV(11it'l .1st ul eel' the.I besitik rdch iv d -
yni'Ihhi' toayufr wrk
et one isg eao , ete i'- tuIlstil . ~etititIttis Miott d IIi1.111t% lth ~r i i rohit..I ittit~itii nbjthat Psu voject. yD ''
lain tootoklit'p owvuy i1. Dxon.i'r' I is)'il'1ttl0lXi'rti1i l 1 itlrit hiitocl tn ioiinoft-kngo
o0~ 0 Pl't osopi. h is ort he titrc~lDc r nsuiSiysleui iiiAs 'fn is myithlex-
00 ii ni hmasnds"retilittdiens'.atit- titi li" tau ye ian ltl st-id'' t I su 19v-'I t reluel 1 tu bs- o )) o h
O ALKhe n S'hen PaRn cmCY. ~ i ii oe 1tlli rl Ideso . 1'I I tiiisiof 'i -utit in it itliil li'tto 'uts tthe h iorsstem t au o
r94 loy. 2.l yl'itrofsi lilri t t iessor tu Suiit is ibmnd O ee ti r tucsI i nk tliii' ea r n tht
i'iitiuitiiial i ono Ite l'ii'ul.2.'tonet' uxaD:tutituatittbje t s ittro o lci "
v\tsltttl (ititiDy...,itii it frlii itoti 11his gailtdi Drt tsuith liii s i tu m utt mm's un dtit g hs
0E---xt-t 0 tht. (3. cli'utet'uttttrexaist-itti 1 iin"(h isst t o tiltutemht sing tirili-Itasi
Nex' mutheon-oanfTet- Pr ujelsesutluoet . .Byiturt.dlh rga . I li 3 lulti ue'hug hftoi
tuuiimihht' Si'riePH A R M A CY 0 lino, huvinry taught' tiers'll w a " Itradi e d b tu li' th tern s 0o f h ea d
,ook0fofal derrtm ntseorne an1. dC DmmlsDinc ia krrinent flu or'ef htlt mtty ritig i lt uuiiiSl-t 'simstic 11'iu~iiu fhehni
st-h hisutl hs it-t. lhetis Hai,'-neto- s li i. i 'tssa ity .aote
iltero c. .Ittrii hll uh.t itlarl viwa.esul ityttofemi ylo "i ?im
f o r a l t c l a s s e s .l l a e t sl e t ai us' si -iIi mun
Glox-er. Auittiti qulirtel;mi...em..u..i....ofv-
I r. 2 rp rtr leri 1- I . b ti"thec ndm u t o hami ls i te.. tt
Secon-Han Book bouht ti~sic ~ Prhut''.iots' tht ~1si a. r g ts-i, esen tr i threisientoad lime xxiitItntheoil wasit llathoio o'at it--l
ansi onI' e i Codm dvacei-s e. buito ry ' cugital tiiliess ti. J. v ite wriry e letis" tr iut, ibc. f by
g Antca l M'(Do iiet ind. t.heo oit. dubahpnIi xill holduatore fromHaetI ysntaid as aself at by anthe s-
w .AHR'BOOK S"TORE lteiir.-6. emi fryela artie. ae in nle-leiaeconetslauosreasoisate gu~ ci Desuces.Ther
C.iroetivey. 2.Ge o ratmy. . i 'u rk io foobl, lfrntvi. .Jlmsn.ett o haeiem n ilnm m
UpBowniks ow uelIorganicdeChemietry. c. Qo al- I C aB. iiey nt: iv Ae A J.Hi o toll n ier e a dptions. fThe ho or di
isrs) 10. Slots ott Oppoite courtNoos
AnnArortMan t. iatve nyss. 1.BeinnngQu lm- a ld .taLel iesFein ocli. 111 * inols tectmlbyt-Ie.' cl>.assimps." ohe

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