THE U N tVPRS['I'Y 0 t MiCItGAN DAILY. MICGHIGAN :17 IL -771 TieTatible eised)Feic71i:7" ; HIS COLLAR " ..L EAST. WST. S" -A1 IT I '11all and Ea--347 N. Y. Special-- 7 E0 0 M ARKDX Y pcal-= 5 al--------84 Fastern Ex- lie- 1 W N. S.Limited.__ 925j Atlantic Ex--._ i Pacinc Exin -- 12 15! 0 DiN.Eapres----559 Weterana----1 55 G. B. Eapreas ---11i11) (hi. Nt. Ex-----9 1! 0 0. W.ReI neOC3Fi, ii1. g. W Is 1G. P. & T. Agt.. &hl.'ao. Agt. Ann Arbor RAILROAD.;7 Time Tahle. Jail. 187.NOTHSUT. ' .Jv1 1 li J ci./ °yZ ° z/f 7:30 am. M7 30a, a: 11:15 a. m 1rn.a m i i *ian between A::::Airbor anti Toledo only. Weniledoeetp iof 0 t. a sample ta All transdaiyexcept Sunday.aydresPiesP E. S.GIL(MOILt .Ageat .n ~ ,utd, * t-80;aua- SiRBRene , 15 a ln t THE KINDERGARDEN BILIARD HALL f Sret'aeYaet. RAIL ROAD TICKET BROKERS Ter aigthiepin a O am~r in bet eT TheOni Seepng &r rawnARnnTar LelhaweaP Tled, ea la n Tha OnigBDrawing MniGar Line tenT tehaClumbusad. iaietn TnieOIca SeeperngbeteenDtawinRoomaGar tLin ewenTleon Glmusad The Only LINEwil Roomniae enebtwedail heeenColdobadstamb Gaestn Nimodaa i hle-beeon leolandbusoman. THlE ONLY LINE wilh 4 traine each way daily hetween ToledoandBowlinemeues. a THE ONLY LIE will Straianeach way daily between Toledo and Chaeleetoa, W.. Va. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE betweea Toleoo --I r1iIPOP$ULAELINE s:n en Toledo, Fostie Yhlsl(galbiee liAPOSITONFu~I alinformaelrlive torntes, limeo Cigarottes. ii lePOSiITiIiOiiN.M~lyhlol:: nil~-idcoeto-nt einelwl oobeiiyo itdyn Cor. Main an Liberty Sts. studlenit fith is-porkti dot cat~nion. We ilohepeent-tiesonour entnlthe 00100 tralLite. At~asec, 1Mine andothtiee liiillietitions. - MOULTON NO4U1N, 0. P. A. Cad 0 aH e.ALL ABOU T THE BABY _____________ ____________By Ftiliceo. TookterM llt) f Ch-a ;o MedicaliiCollege jostissoed, ile11 book:1:foerMetlical Stodents, (Cata~logue :nad crlet-solendotion iapplication. IF arie Hantna woldtIOnly WOENESDAY EVE, MARCH 3D SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES,, lltio.oilion I back u THE N ANcY UANKS RAND, McN1ALLY & CO., Chicago.V(Y UT woulid le oiirprised at A(TOYOFA.ATE.BL.M.E~- II~.L our generoity, buit A STRY O A ALTE GOD MIE j U. OF M. CALENDAR. I .A 11I S.RIN'Y o Comtedians I-i Martinetti Tannehull 11:1rid', ltilt- t~teti7V111-,- 1l > -o t;t t 1lIl , ite~. T lt-9i(e-e o- ':1 119 '1 70 ' + we have to hlitle foe° An(I n o: ti p tldito-) ty)tie, 119nk:0Jr.) it.itfl~lr,"b Il-o.iiv-t.crn~,YiaC~nluigA naX :00, 8:20, 9:40, taod 11:00 a.10in. adl Boyd, Cr1 d ilit' r+t 1.Gi-son' Pe, NlSa tu y, -March (iI '.of itt9.(oiii- encee Lillitan OtICelte- 91e: IFeanik A.[atn- Scrt 12:41) 2:2 1) , 0 , :030, ,7:0, ).10 chill, Cl-ayetanP1t\tite. L. -llr Go . etilt -iib 'ill 1-The itoe Se:-i-t111S"l-9-:.' becomes necessary to oslashi:ecadohr. tte(rn pr al .ad1.0p n Lrcs ~ 5 n ~feavtes court 110110attAnnBArbor 01at A.right and left ____________________________________ t1 1tl)P1 1,1)i. 2:401,1:00. 10:20 -il i, and i Ni I ted Cittiee in P',.9 eolao. the 1:20, ::00,>1:20, 3:40. 7:90 S9(5 9s:ode0o ed:3i:50 (~ol the c I et;ill 1lii tinIii n ii21, 1U. IL.UDA 11 sroitly ____________ I.e:lvel-I Yplsilantli at 9:20 oiicl 90:4i0 I 7 iI;NCriI. a. ll., intld 12:90, 1:531_0 {30 , 50 "i Huroii is erossed aiid r t ffilc' A.Setioni I firLeuEngil eein :310, 5:30 and 00 . miiithe lbattle cry is "The 15 elilie te ill lie git'eii 91W. T1. 1, and . Le eet~AiiiiAribor :1110 00 a11: l20 a .avanJ 0' ,ii7. 11 etti li t 73 oclock. (onese 7, 1 and 11:12:90, 2:2 0,, 5:10,I 11Ifo NE D L "oete-Owrnotlo 010 ete::('1-19010 lrose 1't1 eill ie n it'i ll::eooi 7.50:31l:0 lid 10:30 1). oorne. 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Ilietstofroiii tll olstiiosto ATasiin;g- 'Ctge yltnriTloeittteti19ii.10111111floir at3:713ocloek.- I "tl r uiesi uies Th e asbr ~adlns aialc tir rluantd retur-n it oine fre for the r u ooie0lobeoe fotfrestls Ititenetsdit tulG.A 1I II C p.lightes titadtli~n wim a ie,cnd it toe:appro. liesroundltip . Tickets ttill lbe sold ZMar . burste so eldatfixed and iformtrie s bytlIeilt N TICE-AxI11 vwio desire to take a:1Slt, 2d intl 3d, limitied for reteirn lt ~ ld(ahadA des1 Wa'lilbtt:"sae e tacknowledgedeitanad fth1ie I colirs o if fencing lessonso ripply 10o 91iare'h Sii. weold. 1ctheaoteedexclsively b hle dn iCat: l eiinTrit,$9fe0. H.H ANS biu t t t Slttl'eottgo tatt titte, II tilt. te iinii. L s oii " r\ li1011 , .very niee ftriilsuilt: for rant It B sies Mia'r ra ro el : t. tp of tee licae:t :tio eef our loctilkul:tz'ng stor'e 9ednetday 1 F oi-est ate. 14~tlt, tot antI10 ttlltl %V a rtl t-if etitelttilt:, diectfmtiie: s 1 :1tel I - iiand 'tuoitiy afteriioon n 1111eeig i ite. let of taible board. A tlhauraioi roesnwith age teed cakbota t.__- ]EN7'S( IHLL 1111 1f tn~rt F*iesin alu~e antshe yeas ohe. I n sOen-facedilvier tt'3l oil ii To leii[ c-itw siiigle rotite, olie 23.1)( tet i- ei~v , f anay times itsea cos0t.~PH S'ON & 1-IA i. , etinitis, Retulrnito R..BI. 951111itichl, I,;etilte otthie 75c tee teek, Ill~ttit AVE / . 'AA1ST~ to 1 p ; 7 9 oein t. lit e dolars Irottari. id11 bliut Iflurnihe. 0 21)S. Inga'llsit.ti [ l lN ARBOR. lalCH-. Headq arters for all College Text Books, Law, Medical and Scientific Agents for the Waterman Fountain Pen. Everyone warranted. Largest 25 cent Note Book in the City. Best Linen Paper by the pound, 15, 20 and 25c" Envelopes to match. 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