THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Michigan Literary Talent. A D ~ l u ir u ? f The liiiii( rosnfriends osatfAr isp iH. 6' AN' 'K N O V'eysey, '93, willtbe ipleasedi to learn ',)4sihed Diliy (Snays excepted) during the College year, at tlisit the well known 'literary interest yuogtt tedtepromneo m fi U_ iVERSI OF MICHIGAN. lie nmanifested ini eslege lhasIoriie yo ouhtoaen teprfmneofWn emTines building, 79 S. Mlain St. be- fruit ill the form 01' a novel, recentlyl Gillette's Comedy, (uea Liberty and William Sts,. se tyaNw okrbisso I T.Cuot sDITO lihose, it is entitled] 'A ('isesosiefor 4A.R Three Thonsand," aidtlis said too dis-PH n 0.HII ANd to lsily marked 'erigiiorality tisrOng;,lisoit, ITtORS to be fil of dryotoalie situaftions 110(1 E. L. GOImosRa 95 L. .C. I Soa, 'is. er"ccoingiyinteresting, We hope that F. Al. Loo.Ns, 8. H. B.10 MAN~s, '98 L. H. H. Coawee tO BULERoaLAso, '00. it marks for its author th'5 be~inning C. MI. GREEs,99, Athletic Editor. fB u ir oceflcre steTY THE ASSOCIATE SEDITORS W. W. tHugheos, 9S. S.V.Smith, 97. liield of letters. Isideedi, wtreti'ein 5'. A. iFucito OSE. uA. Campbell, '00i termed shot tir novel is alreadyr be- U F A. P. Mrih, '$o GtD. Loll , '0. ogL Y C AV. P. Smach 51 0 0Ci.odot, j '05. . iramasotizedl antsishalt bie uad to e C ® L The subscriptions price ot the Daily is 42.5001 for the collego year, silth a ruolar deliverry before nounechrlsdose. Notices, comsmuica- tions, and other matter intended toe publicao- tioa mot be handed ina st ise Daoilyoffice be- foees p. ms., orena oiled to the esitior befssr a p. in., of the dasy precious to tisat on uwhich they are expected to appear, Subscriptions may be sift at Thor casly Office, Mteyer's or Stofitet's Neostases, or with Btinsess IlMaaer Suberibers wiii ree- fer a Caotr by reporting promeptly at this office any falure of criers to dlivler poper. Itsisholt Ilie iiiw couse's of sipeciost isetisesrow 00es11g gisens ty Dr. Mcdisrrieli oisHeirodity is nsost isoisloor flt iiidtool slutlessis alone,histto'Itse generoaslipubltic. l-i is a5 plsilll sayingl ill in kin o 'i51 aiyane oil iytithatoll"tloost sill tell." ti slo nsly comaasstliely'l? fesw really knoss' w.'ty or isiseis it "swill tsell." Studeties in otheor slolsorllllOu515 oftheso inisersity Nstill lindolthaot tiso'leo Isres sire isot only 01s free a1s tosilll' of techoiclitersns, butt osf greost gesserosl intersta.IHe'reaofiter thy solltoo'-gisv'n st 7::30 Mosseisy es('iils. 'the'-, si'sills i thse1"igsO's'riss.- iso- psartimenit isosve ssosi-i o (55551wil' lelst spirit this year~ iii'ltssir senolavor los or-galiize'.1151 loslilli his' sososloo'li clubs knsowon a s'heTech. (t'ice'Ctiut snd 'Teos. Mnissoliin tlub.-Thseii' f- touts iiitlissdoirectinlaiseisissle555 sith nsarkedsucceit'-lss's1 foil',is lily have~s gone, andt it iss tobe lsotoo ohhot lie iiitcrest ss'hichlsoa slreadoy beenls llai- ilestost wvil constinueil, iotl:o1ily israsiglsi lie i'eimaiinoer'of till'colldg(e year1, bt .sodtii'this'yseors sw'ichs'are55'to feliow. To be sur, Ibis sissiarrot le to thelie eof lisise rslgoizthiol eosine solonew ics'for illses'igiusccrs herl', bue vec'sirthe'le'sosers',seeso beio'5' r'eson wily iliactodeipartmsent shsiol nsu oort sclubs of tlissChalractei'. There ssill ceulalssly tb leinty of sssoi terioslI to!drawss'froms if theo dcportinsst kee'ps cp the high stanidardtsw-iichliti alwoays smaintisinedl essntefore it ssie a sOuarotos faculty of its osw'n. Thsesi againo ilsre is a ce'rtaiioaoiiit isf pride iin oie's llclolstilicnt w5ilis'il lils find exparession illsonsic iisasissar. Vise literary ans i sisydepiirtiio'iils ihav'e their debating' cocs's aidislss (oniC, 'wily oshouill notthe enigineer- leg departnment be rephiesented by ans organizationo which lb con truly claim as its own? bil rsepresentatioii. Oisders f olltis 1 hook (poie'$1.010) shouilo lais,' i thrlioel=hisli e' olliolrl'.175 N"stl sriss'' Newo r ok (Cily. French Description of Fcotball. Mos. lollies jssriles of ito' hughb f''stl teill ini is'Peti;Moirstiiloois swuls ili to' 'lbiiisolsmofta, ysounsg olonrtoilo iso' :so' snelswitsIsohas l ltely5 oinaded Franceo's. e its osl~ills thote Ss l'0'1100050'mle's, wstll nimble' 110lld t oaocious osiave's''(1h0111iticleso. 'Tso ''i011", passe0s" los illse'1elIeo, IIIso coosos mfoos tissoety drsoppedoo ty is) e'Zsoilo'otIlls itelrest. H110' aks ofthess i111i-o'.ls'har-iiosi"o'nbolos is ' ll\ 1110. isl ledsplooe 100ls'ls',1':, 11 oIes, scultivatol 105c101cs of oloer 5 0- Auslisigblists ois;a ihs ses'o'iloo'lb5toa Frso'tcssosooss. Als vs tysesi'' odilr' Aell 'candidolos 0f os' th10'rslatos lssits u's lo('licssO'os o is April 17, hsosid thi'' ilaiill'sssolo' ntoil(,-(50', 01n11 11150cr Ol 01,osioios, W'o'os'oliss'o and 0111FlOly, ot 5 o'cloook. II. '.1'. lbALl). ''rack Coaptaion. FOU'ND-A Sororss isn55att liliig- oi's Ao'ademiy afier e ocblelor Slosh rs 'olt ton. The ossnier coan havesIthl sail1's' by colill thue brsettoey. It. LOSsT--Loaeies' silver-svtcsh betweeo'n camsos and ool45 Packardt st. Leae i;'-01 Stewaors's othier andolreeiv'eseoard. Board at IPrettysston's, on N. ti- versity -ave.Yenuswill find tile Doily there be greet yotu each dlay, withi oil thse ltest colle-eisews.o SUPPLIES Spaldinsg Leagoe PalsMits, i:Basiks, etc. Manuiagers should seind for samsples and speialirate, lErery requist or'Trnnis, Golf, C'richet, Trsish end Firld, Gymna- sium Equipments and outfit . Conspete Catalogue of Spring aisd Summer Sports free. "Thse Name thseGuarantee " A. G. SPALDING & BROS., New. Yerh. Chicago, Philaelphia. UT OF M., SHAVING PARLOR and Path- U.rooms. All %ppuletmenen flet clas Imported and domestic dcer. Landies' artis- tic hair dressing and bathing purios, up lairs. Jf. R. Trelanewshi 30SS. State st. FOIR THlls? II'TOTE. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION AND THE FRUIT AND FLOWER MISSION. Grand Opera House, March 61:h.1 Tickete on sale with directors of the Athletic Association and State St., Stores. Reserved Seats at Sheehan's Saturday, February 27th. PICES. 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.OO0, THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT Imperial Quartet_ Oratorical Contest-___ Ex-Presiclent Harrison Lucius Perry Hills _-_- - John' Kendrick Bargs - _ -March 12 _ -Marchi19 -March 22 - -April 2 -April 13' (OEINEIIAL AD'INISSIO-N TICKETS 100 !I RESERVED SEAT TICKETS 10 SIIN(sLE .ADMISSION .30 EXCEPT Orateoral Conitet 25r. $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $100 $1.00 $1.00 A Tremendous Slash!!! 1.! 1$.00 The U" of MI. Daily at your rosinecury 100 day forthis rest of thse college year (stoogis $1.00 ~commenscement weel} for ONE DOLLAR. $10 $e dc s n d r s t 1 0 0 . H . H A N S, B si noe s M anager. $ 1 0 0 $1.00 $100 $1.00 $1.00 $1.OQ WHY DON'T YOU ADVERTISIE in hE DAILY