VOL. VII. No. 13. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1896. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. o° YiYI ILDy O FOOT BALL THIlS AFTERNOON SPECIAl TELEGRAM. LaigTailor Mananement Has Arran ed aAS) l With ( from the ChicagoNore Dame foo- Game With a Strong- Team. bll game at Note Dane 3yeserday AND IIPORTER. The gamec reslted in at score of 14 to AND Michigan will meet the football 05 in favor Of Chicago. As the P. and tim of the Ciago College of Phy- S. team that plasoThere totay ilfeat- FULL m~SS SUITS ASPECIALTY. s0.1 lns anotisSurgeono at the Athletic edl Notre Dame by ascore of it to 0, PIeldt ils afternoon at 4:5. totays gae will gve a comparison The mranaement lta ownobon-t of the strength of ichgn and fli- NO0. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. ietrable energy in getting the ganeeao 1 s r lt eie so soon aod it mill take the A TA! T RRI # tplace of the ler saite which ithey WRINKLE WILL APPEAR. ~ AGOO IU I~ th to get for W1ednsday. 0 at a reasonable prce Otn Saturday teP. and iS. teant won Freshman Number FULL Of Fun A isn't always easy to get. 0 For 25 cents we give yon from Notre Dame ty the scot' of 6i Will Be Out F'rdav. one that we can Warrant to t .Te aebe lyn eli be satisfactory. Better look 0 oI.Thyhv ee lyn1wl t at 'em net time. thtett gies so far Clss year ant will The firsit itie of volumetotr of aiottcllyitgive te'Vrsty sotsc Wrinkk-e apprs Friday, and jttgittg PALMER'S PHARMACY. 0 "ood wok Thte fact t ticagto by this mnmter Wrinile bits fair to 46 S.SAT T als oaye tt retDamttty e strd y otdotttall previuls ya- itsarttic. as 1 g itdinter netotto tothays itchl s literary mttct. Wrinkle has TIL S TU IJIPUT am, ts lt itwill make i t o sitti' tcotnttlettt a vt-y stit-cesuil tilt-e IILL SAIOR AY ~ UI~ifotit totes tomparOisontweensthet-tlt .ts andttt its ttott illa positioit 'arsity andt Chitago. witihi few- coltsege fttnny papier itt We will give a discount of ten per cent front or already cash 'Te Oractice yestertty as tn" of te- t-t tu ii los-, been tbletlto reac. prices on Reliable Footwear tie best of the yeir andt tatte fast Th'lis ytsar htaslrttglt to lilht soet on the following goods' $000 Shoes at $5.40, $5 Shtoes at $450, iiw11rt:iii si te eslsetIsthistatftrnootti.ttew-atists hoisemt'ttw-ll tile t $4 Shsoes at $3.50, $3 Shoes t Cr ilpoal etida ur ln( rnl' ae ,atatv $2.70, $2 Shoes at $18t, $150 i t1 t-latyOt't'tt tgtr ttk-Wrshc o' t iiatv at $1.35. Ito is W ti tti lo tbchs's- at eet't't ,"'as evt-t. fie tostr ii t id tlt' tiit- J ACOBS & AILMAND I Te(tittilocleusssp frttthail vrstoiy dlt-lst'at'cotttiilttst-.lby J V.M- to ill obily hi- is s folowsts:Visits-Ptll. witsstill be rt'tscili-ld tolis- Washington Blk., Wasington st. ttacher c-tntter:'Cr hualdtBennett, ing apetatredl sever-l titicos last yair. EVERY:rS-VUDENIT 'lranFanaedlilad,(,anC.L nnosasoper SHOULD --REGISTPERltltc-tn "ttttst -il;liitrl.101.11h1t1tttti isill't St .Stel, ftt1111otck. tt levtr dait b amsII. los-ll. Sro-vv'n .s Drw toe Telieuno te11godS t'le itittitciconti-si'a livrsto1r1i t costs yoa nothing-.'Diolut-tilnittthe-t'.ittu S yI--i .1arilaetild"Ih Corner of Minandsur luon sts sill blit,t follows: Citmatiittiticus; Nrve tf the Tin -' tIt is ittneditout Co Ll an em atyt-s snmith m actl -, guard's: i- hveit tveyitntumbr cotai- titishort sontanth Myer, tackles; Brewer ali t otry twhit-h w ill maitl iesing fa- Fowler Combination. Lady Sits Bustk. emi; 1Wvnehsok (captain) ra id t t hi t'htthebiatin. 'h'he ittr- ios are- god.teaig wiith the fresh- Behind. IFor Rent By Blavte, Ialis; STrier' tqiarer; toi, thlotis and1thebotlhsiiiig ttts- TUCKER & CO,, FIFTH AVE. Keiher, fullbiack. istis Of liii'clay. C. W1. Fracits again Elect a Football Captain. iappersutte.c. trikles' htistisu UiNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING nOdEgad tltepaei hl'le titeb-s tf last ,yeas itt) foit- his inttbecr of tit olt "Atiquhtity tf OPPOITE Law BUILDING ball teamtt'hell aimeetinig tsterdai~y Jokes." 'flit'vesot is cntriibuteds Seilattention pald to begitnes. ot thitily syHIt. B. -osvmtat tnttA. Al. 5O~tt~it call as itohand eltctd C tt ,Iotah Pult si c-it itsttaiitiit'-otht particulrtaiattSmithiTh Flit' nmbr n 27 Thomnpsoni.Street. fain for this year.ltosglar paticis oe isitht grtat thtoretn ___________________________________still btehelti Saturday isrninsg. It it fot-tlt-cfreohntiut nmtr. -AT-srongly urgeth that e-ry one turn Thetesst.xt utniths tiill iihtlt'ii on thi / 9oteeth ioss',ti-io tithnot play last dtyt ofliiht'higls~acgeise itrot, WAHR'S BOOK STORE.yeit.iA.Iseveitral of itthehl tan0r1nudlls be11thei-illlcftotbtlliss a - bertanit- ill t' ti annitol st sihoa lss- We invite every sttudent to visit trying for the 'Varsity nw men are football story. Wr1iklt'wisihsos also our stores. We have a large supply reee of second hand University Tet te-lt for their ptoitions. to anioiince that tiers' itt still at - Books for all the departments.- - ties ots the boartd andthcostibutiois Law and Medical Books. German 'Varsitygls Playing Fat. its'eirequstied,espetc'alh ot-iosithit and Frondh Classics.clsof10.Sottriskch, We sell thec best sttident Note esterdays lractie tias perhas c~s f15 t ilr iots loslts Books 20 cents each. Cieps xiihotmti,.authontersatmttt jet,' iill Tile best Linen Pape 20 cents p e mstexitng of tie year. Coaeh-bercevshisstststts. Tos pound.tosuitiardad McCauley both play-edsholtwiishs to otribtst ts4hinests We buiy aind exchantge second wit^ hcBorsoat e-ea hte sssho lont eihiluiietlt hand books. tthReevsadsvrltre ubeshudenalmtrilo Agents for the Waterman Foun- the 'varsity jst saved itself from be- "W'iike" by ctoteler 22int. lain Pen. Mathematical Instruments aud 'lg scored pon. Board of;Control Meets. Drafting Supplies a specialty. The play at titles was very fast and The best prices to everybody. This Bordt of C'oitrol et las:ovi'ss- Give us a trial the interferencestat exceptionally p v a vig smithorganizedi by isaking Prof. W .&HR'S BOOK STORE good. Feibet and IPingree both isade J .C. Know-lots ehairsmain. The boaid Up Town Down Town sooiie very brilliant runs for 'this -ar- accepteilt-e fototall schetduilt- lre- hi . State St. Oppsite Court Hose Ann Arbor. Main t. sity. t enes by Mna~tger IHuges. FIRST OF SEMI-FINALS. Lamb Wins from Russell in an Exciting Match. Tise tennis tosriasseit fforsed few- tnatches yesterdiay asd only ne 'eiting msatchs ias hlaye, that be- ing in the semi-finals of first class singles. No touhltsstre played andl only one issatth s td secitetdin the c'onsolations toncnnssseit of first class sinigles. This paucity of playtSwtas tdoubttless tdte to the filt that Tennis Mtanager tHt-cick wu-aseont frosimthe fielsd hic greater tatt of the lay. The ima~tchtwittucreatedth ie msost excitosiseise sat inthie semi-finals of firsticlass sigesti-hitit hRtiselmet Lamsnb. 'f le ltter ws overonfident t the st-it andsilot the fict set t-. Blut afts-rt fslss atsoc ste-iy inst plaed 1harsh forsacts oit. 'Tie ctstlt iwas that Rusissell ost thesc- t stndt set 16-2. Islthetlirtdset Lamti staritet in iistthisa rushsanth tootshash the scott' 3-0.ttere tRsell ook a brascs-;1isti as -, 5-2 - tiastcallei by- the susspire':thet'ctottds'west wild. Bitt it ti-it thet lasthficere of the can- tle ansithLatmb itoite net gamie and5 010 sttansi tatch. Thse only thics msatches were in se- "n ltass sigstwhere tRiltey- l .Itkintsoniweti-otsournesd st-tners. To'- titOti~Owi tnts' tatch inithi s stl-fluas of fitst chits sngles,itefirt roucnt of ss'condticlasst singles. andthue hrelihh- uast rounsits of boilhobles anti coi- tolisiotit of firsts-as sigles sill te Leste'r tatler, tilsotias to hatteply- s-t Hterrick in Cuhe seni-final of firt cas siges. itas sick yes'tertlay, auth so the mttchi was hostponed uthto- tay. Followting is siinntat <- of p1010: tFirst ilastsisngces, semii-finalth oiliss-Latih, besat hussohi 2-6, 6-2, -3; scondliclass singles, ittt-hittia-y trsuns, Ripley hibettn it t6-2, 108; fitstroussds.t kiisostat euItatistass. t-, -4- ctnso-s htitti of irst sctss singles, isslt-esi- iuty roudl.Akinsons beatBluist 6-2, 5-2 (detfaiult. Gams stoitoshuhl dforitisoo-rr t-are: Firttcilists siugls. smit-fin-al round. Hsetrt-ksvs. Slaher; secondticas sIn- gleg s.ittrouttds, tiantuo- ss. Itetis. stoos; conssusatons of fist clts sin- ges, prlim~uinary 5-roundsi.Caulinvs. Ibtututy, Prentissovso Ra~ymiond,.Nj~jrri ner'c ss. Harv'se;sdoibles, preliminsaitry uoud.l.)tabosr ainsi Iavittonsi vs. Adtamisoansi hLambt.Prentiss mnd At- kiiison vs.tRtiley ansi IKennedy, Ruts- sell anti Biiit v. Danfoith iansI foul- kins.