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March 03, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-03-03

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VOL. VII. No. 116.



Received a full line of INo,-vel-
ties for Spring Suits
andt Trouserings
$Sometimes $
you have a little headache,
we put up a little tablet in
10c packages that will nsu-
S ally relieve it. Better try

INSTINCT AND IMITATION. Report of School at Athens. More Seats for the Comedy Club.
Firstof a Lectlre Course X11 The fifteenth anneal report of too There were placed cn sale at Shoe-
Heredity. at anaging committee of the American han's bookstore this coon 100 reserved
_St -heel eof(Classical Study at Athens 1bnlcony seats for the University Ci-
the first lecture enc"Heredity"' :-1',As recently ippteared. The nun ihec edy clubbs poiforinance of "The Uni-
delivered hbefore tn. .cndience tatC011 of studtents attendaigthfie school ha s vote Secretary," which occurs ki the
pletely filled the lower lea-lore te~n At necarly doubled since loot year. Tie' Grand opcera house next Saturday'
the inedietel btiling. Dr. IteMurrepti i ''ort says:'"The' work of the school night. The first two rows in the bat-
liret discussedi the doctrine of ('coltt- during the past year liasibecin as teats- cony, containing tmany of the best
tion, whtich mean simptttily descent witi l t(iotts as list of any ottier yea, in icsscalesttt the hote(' will bce reserved for
itettificatien. Tiii'sttrvitl.1ef th ehisltryiand ntiig hasts eucci ' to ladies with thire escorts anti inasniucth
titttet is at factacetateut by iraitaltyiniteerfele w ithtilte settett's etsef'tlite1ss as the usual hioodlnum elemcent will be
till thie scientists tat the itesenctay, s' ccitti tiec eatofort of its iieniers.' barrtAd fcomt the gallery, there is no
ttti by teatlutiont is ntittmteant Day. Iit'hlIe spiitt of 18.1thte miantagiiigreasontwtt- t h iese settesoulad not be
wititeti. Tita latteir tries to exli n ca ictitate'e will awuardtto fellowshipi- as, etiely stttghit for tie tin' seals in
evcoltuitn, tutdbetaaseauthorities idif- i Greka 'rufleology'. 'aclhof t' e the house.
for alitthe explcattioniof a iteory, i lvale f $00 s'obehel frn cii'yier. It ii'tst thosewhat intenad


a abox next titme. 0 iii atettitient agauiot tie tt 'c'vittitf ti v.1,1" ",c ' c'" -'11t1 c"'ur 'c (1U'cc .ccccccc :,c-, c-c ccc
PALMER'S PHARMXACY. B ty at'ct'ptiog the idattrinte, we hatve for 'lore of act tcf tic'v'i'sittt's ael clecges not <as yet securuad their seats, te knots'
46 S. STATE ST. It otairitgapoiteiitodtay, cc-larwas otte " I.this cutrity. 'lT'e u'xainitohIu that: the entire carqtuet has tben sold.
w atscei tr ie yil ehe tidalniiflay' 2t, 21.ad 22, Thitre ytt eticait, howsever', taany .1hrtnei ee boat ni10,a tes ~ne eln n ncietsasi h aqe icex-a
otaii tc s.cc:teie~ 1 w97, aat t al ny ctltie ihlit, ati iicalh'ii s-e i t ed atet c'e t a t i
o' ---o t' ut ale taethieartic ttt 'laiits thei' oaticci' cA ttet ti'atlcia vicit ae'tu t'ieaitt t1 eus ti
lit Vdoit of tpiniatus a pliitiits cOP- tc iiaty 11,1-:eatact ti'11i1totig le in:ititi iipelt(ya t hlay I l tatiageniettthat !the
TILalao u th e~ o-opterata' inithe etlalasel ga Ilt'i-1' stits ccillbefvoa lo kea
S LLO ' ltinitIfci' could ucla' telil i10W'tao fi oookeh d
a iasa iitatitbr icuatte at iccetatof thet'scls. cfacl cauialt mt usateet tltee.atethey acetiot only ciealra
PR IES UT DEEPER THAN ft i il i rltttt tooitritig, . a tiuln efil tl l il tt' co its ittetaitn act ofher'itg bytianythit best iii the 'hoase bit
tic ttil taoitittUs himoselyffo at.ttiiliti totatrleaf. htalici be es'iervtd eslaecialtly at Slic-
tVR<not heltr sflits. out-l "is h e o - l f' . 1 - , au i e' no~. ttl t t'e hacl'sttId otily atie nyti ets to
lir'Iseehigee etPha.n ItiiAitril 1, 1897l. (itltm i llcetibe soittas there are seats,
itlaitil thingthiattsot''ciit eItt' iithusitalian 151nytalceatusVespers.
JCOB ALL aND, Iu cit't eda'etatlly 0111t 11iitttiiei. Bty'~tu
WASHIN TONTSREET. t stsinig t'xtcriaiieits itti.htaaa 'ltia'1, le ftheit' iectat r tar at-c~
a-hssitIhaNGTceONslStTRcaEEtiget vices iastiaalll- auraattatd fsal:t tic' Aluni Banquet to Detroit.
shw htth itntveBn fa--
'tlaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaa e atird i tt lno 't lped btax hid ilt-.baitlkty eiert atl ttta'iitaaat in tIitt s tl' -\ ratagt'i~l s t a tiid.'cr stacy'forthet
f ' y . , g sr ttlis tuu. lnce utis' tt't'i ialat'i Ii-cit h l iaTh etiattie a' c -itaslaiger thtanilirest aliticail tiattitta of the t'tttcec'sity
0 frot th ie parettbirulsca-len 'atrucielc'temty tii Ilt ie-suuiu ~'t a'o l'i~ct Ascilat f D tot
0 0 ttoubttteshkept:nitit utinor''at tay. 'tu i' a-tact1t0tu 'as itaic' Cu 'actn atatuolutee
W 'e soil('atneras allthue year 0 devoionauser-iutah'e ucoica'e tutuandaretuiltaitatk pessititar
0 - ~ ~ othulae sontu birtds. It usaustoutucltltt
0_aound, now. If you're going to 0rlPreusidentt Atictuli. ra1teict. . he. i b'tanueuit-ill bleluha
0 tt'e distinictive taunt sofgt,. eies-cr ait,
met oetiheseason, better be- 0 rau. InCii eas auuut1- i c iet' siut' ctih wascl c .'larli ITauhiatl iu u-otc'- cact 4heev~ itug of FrlidatcMar-ti1I).
0 50It T e00p t icscut1-1t1 teuhtt icascti suxuctt tt iu hotce V
gin to look it ,up now, bud' it :of patuluaru' heicus sit tilt- ae ds turace lle> fI i xetd htH n ihla
eala0 'eStdwi et : li'i-' Cd iutcit f Ihu le i jtfit '.- cc-liiiNc-tue t hi I el"1ic's Palmuer' sc-ltaci te as tastuutaster. Dolt
that'Stlyuuh stjI"geti'.itldown Ipactt."atu.ni'ccivuligbatiatittisitontuolathiettlhueu
'ot e rad o vr : ciauuuet cue s''~ eu0Iitl n thtsolo'iuus'rcuug stlrS.usta :o .ll. Dt cht ii'ckins an willateegt idout icofthcel
ood s ab utCtneu0otth litli f t i's-etc utirt', it li I hII(! ' cttS"icc i artt1-M'adl ut'ci1 fetli i utuutce
sttTheni, wte'. Tht'recuretctacomettsni
sktr tile iai~, ii u'uu~citl tuit c s Ciii ii oftctciiic flle tln ic-it.01There(" atedtit ituscuutob cble t00t ihere
strigci iibCiergeiiy'iforutuw'hit'et0l I b ili tten ia' of s' s at l'fle .trtsa t-cw itt eutch aees dst et ega tittfrom the,
0 0 oat i pilla ife vnm re eh, t lian fat 5
cciiik liiutCamera forutes9 lIi si ttiuitS isignr"(t odv frcy),u't' t h sis' Ity fc lty incc a'Ittu ot ofCie.
-A T-heritali'. Th-rthrhi'woitic-ihed,
St ' .% nHeeitwde. I'. C'.lilehtti, d itt eepoih T her ir t peepo t Society. rsi
W0 HRS BO T E utaed. ii rtuicuesithuxgetuctiaeg oica nprethroyiihtedn iu ii eri
-_0 Itiai ic-ig h e iset-chi en l lt.- Se-ec ysa u .1.C Atusu's- ,of hl 20
t of rll one of he.or-n . P lc t.us arhiological ocityescitiobe hes
focal lase. . ia. IA ttendeflhas tal eeecveto frsom aihgee l shugoesito reat impve sp e atkhevswl eg caelyPof. t. N
d ° wthou at uciossonJOfltheeeover42000deie- ofd teveralota. Fournsecgeitutiessde-
Secod'Had Boks ougt giles teeent 2 cere ie firthetcp-uvle hir tuneaCo he vstainfthe ttgIohi -sityxticeueie uoldrs"the
WAHR'SBOOK STORE conlueng,"Dre.o esioaltitutehre- toisitMol iteolegtase etistgy.tE lg iig aehdsieacr
collge en, rea stuentceisersof Ctetoildforlahin. t trll e ineretingtoMca.
Pp Tows. Dews TowsIne dllelatls hsloAlice}Socety
tasl S.Sttesl ppsieCor H us thergeothlio , 11x-O S Sertpasy ftea .and a .halt , lande-s ut s c n - ad Tattthe otafabtuerliineswhich lie deals u-hilthe his r
AsdAbruSlar.IChcgo s istogMs.L A SrusSatI-raesc hioofngwe ujet

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