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March 02, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-03-02

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s iulill 141 lOaOtio. Promiieuf aloug
11- ^ '-J LI ® 3,it ulit my eQOtl l ithigtire: "Sjiortoi-
ii a DyIog-Tuhe Poinftee," by Ed. AV.
fiblisxl+c t buy :Ooiidatysexcepted) during 'tiii1.ilyo, thic OCeaud if a I fity ititis5-
the C 'olt2'tv Pear, at I tli 9 ct eic's; "911:iiux," a cuplle:
fliE U 1VERSITY OF MICHIGAN. :t by Ad'nc Wilhti, io'"(' r aing
t o Kiile: liildieg. 79 S. Main St. be- ._tfte aiLk lb < P
cx ten iberty andxii liaiix Six.
SN111"tta Etiut ac; "SomiiithinugAbouIt
J.-. . l, 7,byE . ll. AIIltt, "TInholigti te
1iii1INo V x ..Itc n I' out) 1of the M.'r till iitf ," b.,Eiro
Q. 9Ii 109. tO. 9D'arni-"A, .aid4 - (?iioto Pit oi1ifhb
1',a lT0ia .0 P.O 1 " b- Dr'. tuba lNi-tl. .9tm'.
1. L. GEstiltx,'90 L.. V. S. SOnloaS, '9). I
1. M. Loomts, 'NO. H. u. CILLMI t, '9) LJ. P: c oy "ftcctic of asiort antI atlx-ei-
H. H. C oawex. N'99. iBUTLER aLxA, '00. c:cit'teot : t

U. 5 UREEisU9: 3uttic L)115r

I tioii.-;.

W. W., iaoiies, '9). S. W. Simib., '97.
F. A. b' acib, 98 E. IA. Oxeiptitl, '0 ' : ychtol:o>'y n ' i)Pvl:'t' ('tltitc'. 91 '
WV. P. Macitt). '9). it. 99. Iiaiinittt'00. IF~u el 1 alc lto f "
A..l ii.x h9, '97. 1. Lxii, jr . 9 '=9 9ct . t~il'k iitt f 'ii
t'"" iuc9 tioti oftie(Cnttial Nervous Sys-
C0: oo rtell." 'illso boot: presen1 t,ottiOJeic
--- f1 t' y iloloy ini a1, plaiin i :otal.,0ill-
Thiexaub-."ciaitonpeice itte Pili 02.0
lxi' the oxlcac e'eah' ith: a tce xi::c deli:very 1 '' 00 :1 a i)tiittt i s toposItdc. U
befoie toot: { ott dae. oticl . :':. unr
Gt ond :otthiri'.atte inttenddttfoi' public a- (otit,''i) 1texat-iookso litte too of taui
ttinxust beihandedinxat thie ity O'itce be-
foe e cp. mi., or anaited ta tbe edutor befrtei3 t 9: il i .itttd'eof a:1901 c'tioil,. ftti tt'
p. mi., of te day prevousix to tha::t onI~i hickb
then aceee ctedto atiteut. 1:.1-)' e 1 ot:::' especiatl effort let:s 1:':' n
Susxciptionsxmay bti efct t TheuDilty
Office.,bleye'sor o O:t)ai: Neiixiaii0. cr t n ii.' t 'i lii':'ii ile i:d:i r~l vo Iy
witit Bus:: 9ine aagteSuberibecswi ott-
fer it favor ):y i 'potiog pcoimptt tl at Itis ft hsoif ti< ie'7il' by >iitilo',i:o''iiito
Ofiltcany failure o a rierscto (e fiverpe r. t i risa ( 11(d tS to elm1.t
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iif the canro': of ittstrution vill99119 otaI'1:llsti 1)1purpos' of lt'eiauthor :io
boe phiblistted ittthe Daiily. 1:''1 the I' s tdy :of 1109711 tog'9')lt
te Comedy C9lif) inits19benft i. iorvii'e
Athletic AssoO(itiioiantheli:'Fru ait) Ad fi':A-Book of tPtnie t)'Sl'i'9''ii)by
Flower Oissioit reets'icedit1 i1)I1il9itiamu Ct. l'i:'11l, t'iof(co:co;'
ptheco I at ltu ofd hexia l ' ai fx'oC : )::Oc Itattii:':ttt: u ;li itt' 10)110
feato 117)' goiug1itittidlyltiti 11I theile:11
i'cveithat the 9110)' tu'oittilhavice0'he19 ofOii
Bok viw. )ii e Ittot 1iliig'lst ii.is o
teres~t ofthsico of orlicte: clt' 1 .''
oett e it li _tiigi aii. nd fomihtig' 1?ii'.: e ilatooc t-oto lt :ti ..tI iiexticr'icit':
tnicaisiateathich give:'wilei 'tt:' i:nIio'tidill Pctoimotte l''eu(i-
tii:teidct o ttt' argr otm.ttaltoi fli c:thos of dliila ti~ ltti to(oI1'to
Buaiie o-a ciiok liagP'rev e .tiew.the1lf itrofero tvi; istte ofi o O"
itugla faitiarity lositli te oi i i of thook raCItn i'ide t ilc fitlg b'l1x
lvtlrtlttt'~' lfitl.'Vit itlitI doptied. 119 . iicrcai Bookf(ourtt hlt9. Ncl
ofe firstarof lat inkoofrow yhost OtcAta ro alotl1-1 :
ittat o Ilfli~t botiesocxiirifii'1- i(o t ondefr ceafr .tne oiiid ri9tn
fmorternf'serisoferti''esat Jatipr-ot t'evle thArlI n 7
moewhih e-cr tiroa, io~lV~riitiu-litiiflthoerofinsArilr 0tn, t)'Critite
1:10 liet l ik iiptrh i gh lazne \ ita a s itof t4lt aO f' r ctcltd.e~ il
thee libiici wrl, ill in g ifes a' aot- To Gandcate tobeMril.,esatch n-,
iun te ideaofthe ilagerTisoerions ofin,,Itihetodtoretern iliItei 4Sto, acu.nt.
business-tlain-tug ian ev-erlyoung tide tr avwllabxe elft tilet
of ne ftte fr uchwo-kby ho- tndttatif-or and utinforthge rlontid
1The0bookustnentering business life and
ong fa ilirit wih U0 -ubjctsof tr i t S.houias , Mieb., for M t ichoia
nacuhsey rtevaluttcl il tr.Aerad ocanwBooticfor lMichnv
M~icliCosopoita on"Th rlethtll'o1st nEiang. uhhan Synod Apiti
of th~er.larryitbns a f wealth o bea-E . iL EAet

you ought to attend the performance of Win.
Gillette's Comoedy,
......BY 'RE.....
Grand Opera Hou~se, March. 6th.
Tickets on sale with directors of the Athletic
Association and State St., Stores., Reserved
Seats~at Shee1 n's Saturday, February 27th.
PRICES:- 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.00.
1 ~ ins'Lnt Am'OlF___a

Imperial Quartet
Oratorical Contest.
Ex-President Harrison.
Lucius Perry Hills - -- _
John Kendrick Bargs_

_ March 12
_March 18
-March 22
_ _-_- April 2
- April 13




tlSSOON .0
orient Cootest 2$C.

'$1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00
$ 1.00 A Tremendous Slash!!.!! 1.00
1$.00 The U. of Mt. Daily at yor room ever-y $1.00'
day foc thte rest of the eollege yealr (through
eoinieeceenet t woehfor ONE DOLLAR.
$1.0 edrohadadrs o$1.00
$ ® i n a h a n d s o10 0 O . H H A S , B u s i n e s s M a n a g e r . $ 1 . 0 0 -
$1.00 $100 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00


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