VOL. VII. No. 115. ANN ARBODR, 1MICHIGAN TLESD XY, MARC[H 2, 1897. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. W li) IL.AD ® CH'IICAGO COLISEUM such 0 0010outward Oarooosue txres- Summer Vacation Tour. 9 .n t Is sea in ainingscuptu toInrepone toao nctreasintg demotnd oMl1oI rII3ej d Rl yad orhteetoto he firt r uti for opjioootont to o-ott some of 01h0 ledngo eam. t 0vj0 o far stu o 1 moranttcities o ope000), under lto- o eto osroooooaovy. '1Itoo ad s, le c0(1 s5 '- I al ip s d rn ie s m ND I P R E ,ieial senfrted fadC ntI it los too'oorumooorehltilat M toltlu t IootcslO 0 oo ef.oddoob ettoo, AMso Ilrroott 711. ettoootr 00ouold poaoticttpate intoo elosCoiieueo noul h oncoss of ' ths ty, bool ofttoe oon gotonofo ,FULLONESSUIT A SPCIALT ,ovirtioooodo eue toer 300te ojoIF FL DI SS ISASE l. o t 000 Ctleooo a nd e i sod t O prt - s000 oe otte profesoro of te easticai _______________ ticoly decoel ot 00arelay el rm 1171',teooo o 00 oa000 oooottoi e ao 000000 t orrang ed to ic toiy NO. 2 E WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN oo too ooo010 0 oe t 'e 0 0 0.0t(00 ttoeo roa eol o l th o le )I1s 3Z00 0totrtooogo og +h liotoo heovobOeeno trototogtoe te Sort 001oot00nsoooog 000mify'oootano- ood IHollandot. run IS HieC1 tu t affirhoote e' t o) If( tooy00hoo tollowodeoluidolte ife- 'li etpory w-illenev NOvt oo-to JayloSm e i e.)u n e"- ---on te ta shpofl !cnal, lie itc~ra h hcg yooo have a, little ioeoadache, Alt bI to (Cbb i tioolooog t ho oooo 0 Chess Toornament Pans. too Iltobboooool Aooo ineoo anodooolioode ooe put up a little tobet ill ,baioOthoe leodng colees of two untroy00 BooooeoorMo, o olooo to pckoges thaott will 0000- 0100 b ohtoovtosl to lobejoort.of tee s.. a ooes l r, he am a lsly relieve it. Better tby ' , , lob dtoo d;00 o' t oootoogmin ctooo't'eol otoo ooy1. Ttoo. A 0 box nexttime. 0 'ott. lHeoatl olstes ottl o-ooootidteo'ons" Ool~t)too oootooo o oltve 10, o to 5p01tyRlgooto Lolnol ooood aftera PALMER'S PHARMACY. for tho' Cotto'ooo ni0e 0toofooo m 1, a ovos o loot habot two oso 000c0o0000o0sstop ot to0000days t oo,o. otoo 40-6S. STATE ST. Totrna e ne00000 000. to'tote to 0doo ooPaor'os.~ Is ooo t anotoer Sto of foor odoy, FieOlocoooolt ooooiu oor meeo' tlO 00 toIre '0 ooolo'ooo of Ihetoo' 0 o t tr t oo , n OnooJuob '?.t atoo y00 vwoiltpoceoecottoo l oool2Gand il Oooe of g''I'' e t oootu- os ootoodb g oooov eterooeiothtoor' clas s. ooooa t o'rco'Sotvteoctfoo. Sx toyo s -llho' C losiiig O u t Sale piau' tos ear thtoousuooaoltoo vio'ovno1100 J0'0 0000 lootall'010oe o l 00-re00t 000 Ooottoo'o'too andon00July 25 STILL0ON tffcoa w0o'nbattof iththe r0guta' uloroof0t00pAil. ooh 00 too eniAN-lli0'ociood t O r't. totovog I o-i o 0 o'oto'co ooool 00 'oio''o c: 1o tcoo'onotoo th00 Nwrotos, ltooisooooooo tolo r -0 0 o b s _,on 100 otoI.oa n d w'alwo ol PRCE CUTO DEEP& A L TAN ', 1 00 r000ytoitoc'tl o10000 oO )0theo 1000 oft lta'ttoolo ototooo 01e ato hi0000tlc a' l o'oo ' b aot es bu0tOaO p7:110,1otsoih''o t nso. 00 'ootnraoon a nti 0 00 go i 34 Ooo'ex noootooiot ottl 0-0 00 EVER wcel, e 0 ooblot fo000000')' 000 to t o a hy, t 0'ct :s uo ln lm wllb le o oi a oooo11 i 'acilfo s 10 o-01foormy 1 o"ss~ erTe e.l eio ItoolIo'.tcoooowi -. ('000sttoo '010, il a 'In bolth Oo'oiooo o uo itoo 00000c01. )'toi'tg o ooi t oi p thei t o uol'lo oBi 00 olod !4r~i k t oog rtack theeo'laty ot l nnit ho 0 o000too oo t tt00 toMoo, f'toool' 00(1 o''l . otttg bo 03 0)00 00 0 05co 0 s00ooloo. 0iotonoto-dlo0t' ' ('0,000' 0.00" oosiL'"0n o d l e, anuo otl '0100 ahre u;ti er htisi Wo'ui soil1 ('..illtoguterothes oilinihotrcltott cn m a~ s a~ a e" fa~ s V a 0 00 ttfl tt oo'il oof)0 ' o ,t o o ' t too'11 ill'oIs huo '00I toodlt too (.ll l.00 to', o l to' 0 Io)., soil 1 a. T i at n y p sil sil e1 a,1 got 000 tots eosol, b1Otorbe- Oti t 11 m o loo' sio it (000'to't ' patd bu lvetwe5 ldonrt; 17idIS ri wll em de oItll- aa 6.to' eoo1 o'ito 1iolog toot(5 0010 0000trollittot.itoO.e'(tooorociool(too' a a ctu t ti iht "cc I lot' h ctft aH la d,. O h,2dtewrywl ear00indoowcoIf'yo 'rtogoing tooot] 01ucut n'Ioooarrive - a "oocs botot7)otocoras forillte a1) il f o otedta aded1 ca t_ Th n- u a e onahi ea o , ete e t oo o 10 000 00 jtttt'Itoo' aa o toutoo 000000 ', bo otot.00 Att Ato gi o lo i ip n wbyit °o aI0n0 r0, tafocototeb soibi, Wad-oCy pt.o' oo o n,___________ t a iot lt0ia -t u I a a c tooto 0001 'to toy'fortoo ooobi to tiotoos way besmadeto0sVespor Services. ao BokOtitC m rsfo h ,tv,~ ot 'ot t osorolmpOingti oleootoogte re f rm (.1o111('1ioc.,o, ttoArso' Ha I ---0- STORE. totootoog scootaoti or tlt teoo 00 ,Hsoi Vse evie.U IER IYN T S a o th Ob h mre e J . e ttooro' OoO 00te polot- bo ~ o o boo o o' oottoo 000t. Ot be tsocos i.A Bokq ot i earm ns Hoa ro toeo.I lf'oorooo'. 1 34 1 3004.) 010gat otlohandedoomoy to te otobt'toottd'o odo o t'- h (bitt eObo' eortooo oboo or Ito A. II. otfoa too 't Ii. olego's 10000' -Aoroil citatoitses. s1otoe boolst ugoctohetoenof lIto"retootly "r0f'arob cooose0005o leai ti;tore bost toid gio e Sec nd- and Iuo S TlO REt o to'laui c t o Polob s otoloat o' . 0000 ( t ot i u tt~t). P onXote ) stated lohat ooolAootlt'I0 or se~c i l, w deelo moe ieI orth s gt re" tO o b oave e r oy). '0000-ix to'beo rst.ae. 2nthevy. tcontyT. A. evetro T,000m"teroilifor theo t Eooj tooteed"-0iohe ,Ouh MooooisiitEary-otalo of D laC i asafrco i WoosAHrallBOOKatOent omnofart eee. ih hsPatoQOt0les'Ptotria.(12n15-1) a qCntre okiitheoiundestaipgete Uop etn to DownfTl w n t'UiyClbCoe tsCus. Cijrci nC.Itot O odo;SymnCos e stdoftObo coonidat es "3-64) ASaty01 ppot cur Huse yar 00 I mino. .oi he. enin wihavne cedtnLti Ann Arbo'. Sale O. 0 Iopreoi slive dMi ss t moydfie i 0 oe 0ob