UIlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Babylon Coal is THE BEST.J a.R All grades of hard and soft Coal.- - - - - - Wilntwrorcck camel Cool and Coke. W STOREr r hek X" STAEBLER, T A ' O 6S o~ tet Teehn o. 8. One door Eaot of AmeriT-I S AN T L,46__S.____ain ___Street.___ can Honuose. - - Thse tone is foil andlibrililiant. PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY F. Je Scitleede, Examine it. and get the best service. 20S. STATE STREET ./\. N .AiR.B IR. JM USIC CO., Office and Stable, 32 Forest eI I Slid Golddosse.ain Pen at $10) Ave. Telephone 106. Iick hond25 'eels and upward.21t AND 23 EAST. WASHOINGOTON STREET. Bac fiea amr'Pamc U of M.Seessand Profeasors 31/ lbs. Lin-BacOfiet lner'Prmy 640,(00 '77 Transacts a general banking boniness. } It oreigs eschange bought and sold. Furnish B ent Pinge Oxford University Extension. ItED1tRI) 14.aTES,. letters of credit. -o .... The Ann Arbor railroad will sell E. 1). KINSNE, Pros. HIARRISON SOULE, - Th Unversty xtesionSa~n-iltickets at sine fare for the roil tril) S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. c rs -Reaiin Meeting of the Unilversity of llxfoeii to(reens-ille, Mich., April 0 and 7, t will be lived illntOxford Jolly 31i to A-llimilted to -returin April 10th, alcoulit I urii I.tatr &I~ gust 25, 1897. fise meieting is 01111l(~ of G. A. It. anei W. It. C. anntual en- oil Studntls, .Eng"lisis asid Foreign, 111jandI nlt Cptl0.00 10sornOeca ili-itii h otce (irlaaend R Iapis:. Miels., Marcel 2,1, Capial s0 l00. Onuplus 000-0. Transanet n,." ~linmited to retirn 'Moreli 4th1, lleeotillIt, RoerIP, Pros. Cbanki1e bosine followng stlbjee ts: of N' liolsol Denlieratlie State eons-en- FRsE. 11.,CBnoS, Cashier. 1. The tHistore of Ihe IRevolutioany tion. 'This roald will also sell tieketo 43 S. Main St. J pstaar's. Fiolei.1781181. at faIre anld 01111third for Ihe rondLowney's Chocolates. . Thiteratulre of te l llell cilsig to St.fLoulis, Mli., for Michigan Hot Lunches. ' N HEEQIPEN O A ' Elselisls, (icrinall ilndl Frenllel). Farmiers' Inistitute, March 2d an"d Of 0 i~p G 4U :usie andllFine Act. . lllld 10 Sagiliow, 'Mici., fte 51 o n STUDENT'S ROOM, 4. Poliical ecolloly aiid Indu~lstriallDtist. Ev-ang. Luthileran Synd-ijI T U TTLE'S, 45 S. State St. IthI enesallycnee htasrnedi- atiy _3I t My41*srmn s almost an sss 0 toneceessity.,fo 5. IHistory and Theory of Ednealise E. S. G If0MORl AgeReucio seeure the g raost enjoymient fromo lhe ttsE ct1r1 '~((,t e u to no ''r 01 a se 3he besC yenr money will affordil i 1tiMi eo erele 0Klllr_ state" instrumnsthIfin est 1inlie orlil- g Oar pri~e ilEreafter 6i. Anthrlopliogy, Bhiology,Boay fifolillf Mlbuy.n Anecletiitunn sthe _desire; I swill give (ollrse . 1 Hfris.oftorbttn Asaende olsmo i 111 1ill-lil~nlies sof Natlerl18i all 11patterns, will he 50 Cents. BA T T i~oOf PolIitical Leonionis -, tttt " ti i. A Speciall (lass fur Ftii-ien;coill f AROLD [ . J0 (t~eInlspLl~u .llillo lsuld eitciliRoom 11, ROD EDIGJWLR Bh ie nak ~I njc)heaper RililUl Lalglilge.Isio al l.oail1I2Oin lill I____________ 5 o se Ii toe elsnoe linjos I'r ,-sto 3nes 0111all illfiiI-l111 ho, 1)111c Ialo om_1 thnth;rmet a t e )-,snas?. 'AI( M one1y Loanlied! coomparede witot.ii A.Uns-cit itt. RS AOn OTCP (SG 55 scc1100 isdsfsheels on othes Sen for illusrated cs-alone,5;1o11 Dilegacy, Oxford. BatItery meni'la0111canldidaltes foe fist Pesonal1Prop5ety,. stehles and low- J~NC IY E O.elry llesssiridd.Offcc at residence. 3"s 5. JONCMAY}S&CO, Nr. C. C. Michener eo Speak. baiscseaeri'cslisllol to rep-lot .Iitisse Liberty st, -Asn Arbor, Slick. All bosi- 4S3-463 Wa~shngtsonsrert, Restona. -cages-ary- lfternloon at 2 O cloc1k. A11 e -onfido sissl. Iloisr o Ita. m. and silirelodlbte10I)9ip. --. Ji-Iro I C. WATTS Bargains NIE ST ShO loloy vinsslllg, llreil I, at 7:ill ft2'C. idiaeiwill report onys(i-nlSOceond-HadasslWatchesoind lDiamonds. ' Y IT "' 'ilo,1 011Mr. C C. ielsene, Illiareol- ;tnni11001oorat :320oclock- ' (lgG .A. Ot1ILLEII. ('a01)1. Junt lReceived a Lareeand Elegant an .1seIls." 10" 100(II l ay lo iroSi lilarly of Ihe Young Men's'NfC. f e---Pps t}posteLaw ~nidnz $.0 uti r~ay s( Crst~lin .ssociationl sill sl()all: i ll 1 I1 in f O 0ie any till lass .Office, eI ( sl23 Lelc (lltl rsae Ilsosssnd ColdIunsses at alnlheosrs. Agents hal-i i ltstch rch, 111111r 111e lllspil.1 C use1 -Lctrs ite.rvae foe Huyler's anid Willsams and Xsers aaCo.'a 2 7 Tho psn Sree. th 1 liLife of the Ancenelt Athielnians will lie Chocolate Bos o ns. Ste t - - lscit- Y. A1. C. A. T'e t' ti- . giveen011on esdays a0 3 p. In., ialis I R. B. JOLL.Y & CO. i'. ts 10h11) licoart i r. Mielseiser at of \Moeday s at 2?1p. 11D..11n theseu0011 205Sltte St.,OSger Block. bakseisnea ocwhen lie st-reas il-C ui Oldling. TPis coursce is open to alt W'=aol s pinslsg -will tie Flail o tdet. llLl'O TIF IPRA fl1 IWF R. 0 ~ls . llblo .L 'SO.Groceries, --Provisions 1._1.:551 .t.lls 4.l_..oc 4_llilt 1 Of neol.llig 1...11FIE C . Oat farnishlanu itO a first-lass Fosa lain Pen. Pen asad lst repsair ing a speeislly. --GIVE HIMl A CALL.' PHOTOGRAPHS --tacini raeto SIs enaoroest llerryman's E. Huron Street OT Mh . SHAVING PARLORl and Bath J.rooms. All appoantmnsist class.' imported and domesuae clones. Ladles' ortis- tc hair dressing and hashing parlorsn,0up tairn. J. Lk. frojanoaski 300S. State st. NOTICE. FIItST YER lI ENGINEERING STUDENTS ore urgently advised to takse P fTSlIGS, 00O101CR I, the conm- ing nemester. Unless those In Elec- trical Engineering do no, they will be delayed an entire year in their electri- ceal work. IIEN RY S. CARHART. 2111tiill i. 1e svill sleck oil "A Cls 011Course A, Sections I for E.ligil'1slig its. atdef s-ll11111r01tssc tlulenltos till bs g is-elsM, -W'll, 0111 ly spireadingli ls 1nolice'aso-sielys- 0.111.inlRoom 2, at 3 o'clock. (Coturse 7, IClasicost se twill be gls'el i 11110101 hi e" 18,_______ 'o01hIin~lg, Niiriith aillat 10 'Subscribe ofor 11e1D[lly. oloc kStV slid Ft. UNTIL MARCH 1ST---WE WILL CUTr PRICES WAY TO THE BONE ON ALL IMPOR I .OVDTIRO USEINGIS THESE PATTERNS CAN NOT BE FOUND ELSE- WHERE AND ARE NOT MADE IN CHEAP GOODS. w AGNER& C IMPORTING TAILORS. and all inids of Sanilanlsla Foods for sale by St .insorn & CO., ,0 S. STATE ST. A .nton reufeI, HEADQUARcSo F OR Trunks, Valises, prass Suit Cases AND TELESCOP'. Trunkos and Valises Repaired Nooatly and Cheaply. So. 57S. Slain at. FULLER & HIXSON A Slatsh In P'ricet. For ashort time we wli rESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS CLEANING AND REPAIRING. B2 S. State St.. Over Rosey's Billiard Roam. 0 M. MARTIN, Funeral leector, Coth "ad Metallic Caskets and Fine OGral. Coffins, Embalming a Specialty.N. 17 S Fourth ave.