Telepit -me Ni
F. J
U of M. Si
en lacer for
27 / Thi
H I Absolu
AND 26
s-aldir IL
?it atotne5s
Ua t- (lo5 I5
'Ion Coat in THEE BET. A box of that delicious Peanut Brittle at I JE.HW 11,LRY
rdsohadadsftCi. BRO WN'S D UG STORE.aWWD I ' Ca ci o.e.1NUSTOR2E
S TAEBLER, i Half pounds and sounds, 10 and 201 cents. A. few boxes of 46 S. Mlain Street.
[o .One door Pas ofA Ci- Velvet Molasses Candy, oln-half pound 10 cents. __________________
can Sloane
Schleede, KNOuXGo dpe s and get the best service.
.STATE STREET Spring G o tp e ' Office and stable, 32 Forest
l; cit Fona pIatd. H TS155.Man t. Ave. Telephone 106.
Cci. ie- re rady.Branch Office at Palmers' Phiarmatcy
F'tcu tind tid p Sn
''')_e'_i s. _ HAT_ v HE AN ROR SAVINGS BANK
DOES YOUR LAMP QVET J'L' Capital Stoch, $50,00.Surplas, $150,000.
HGOLk Resoures, $i,100,00.
TRY R D STR OI---NOSXOI lirg-alozed anderhe General Banhing Laws
T1 tTYRDdTR I -N.MO E o thin State. iRecives deposits, bays and
Nl G I ;Yells exchang eon the principal cities of the
UntdSae rfscse pnlie ie' dln .$.0Ots ' i c 1.-rc ccc r No Chnand Wicks, No Offensive Odor, No Fouling of Chimneys- denttiflc-thn. dfcn boespe rt
A White Lighnt-Burins freely to tihe last drop of oil in the lanp tHarriman, vice-tPrns.;(Chsa. Hinecc,
.o son treet.' Y (fashier: M. JS Fite AssistantiCashir.
oi on Sret -(lfear as sprung water-0c per galloin-Deliv'ered inn our cans.
p ~I iroptlysnold Dilly by FIRST NATIONAL BAN K of Ann Arbor
,7'I Organized b1il
T R F E, US DEAN & C O NM P AN-Y. c'apital, $100,000.Sarplus and Prests, $4e,O
44 South Mtain Street. Teansacts c ener-al banhing busines.-
________________________________________________________Foreign exchange beaght andaeold. Farnish
60" F EC T 0 N1E A T' etters of credit.
Among the Colleges. 'I T TIlE GRAND OPERA HOUSE. E. D_. RINNE, ires. HARRIOON SOULS,
tely Pure! A nusnineniah tothillaite trsen t ui n)Lt i Ft um op01r10 Incie, hOethls-
W-alker is soonit li rethi ie-lb tay(elnSg, Maicin e~ al-
Always Fr esh ! vl ioflneMnn'i-nnn'.i Inni---nely ,"ThNne.-llnnkn, "slul Sic 'd'ItII't hant1T i+,i~An
c e of 'Ti-uiiolog't. It ia tunis len-in n n - lrnclci Ie.Sanni u stP0.eels.
anduS ~tthne li'nxn-cO.lniir10pm tsti- 1 Caipita1 550000. Surplas $0,000. Transact
'ig te f rs iiletS by ai ntniniinlln ofiitin tatt llil0general batuhing business.
9lhave 1In een- d slit, ~Xo'i'1111 look i tIna-fis.Cor oe-,VieFe
I NCTO3:lAND f il-ATH AVE. tolo 11151'a1butn t he ll corriil'ido f OWR.lie 'ones.C.nnGREnntt'it n o t if tillsentoil,.. 't711nsetc tFoEs. ii. lBEtnEn, Cashier.
SOUTH -1STi tf 00 RIoT. It i;o s;no h ildiitg. 'Pbis wrill ins lltip- t1e" f ano hnel Ninsnnn elno ino Im
pin ctolely $10011. o itnio ne kindse O troutble sldflnl-li'a 2sy Lowney's Chocolates.
tnIli otnii lioiti t $i10l l I 5 'l ttnn en-ITG o?1 ultllillt 'ilionn 1 'te H ot Lunches.
O onop mm n-.I"nall sxcel'nt into':ill fecl.
yils ''tt nmnin(iae'res11111 i111 .01n() 't lt e nesonthelii-roiad,
Danniel IC. 5-rele oinc l oOeigni liii ' - and idncude n aci~ oss Ma'tinitti, I 1-s0ill 'rJ IE'S, 48 S. State St.
innl. -Mr. Frecit"-i ntie(,-culptor if 11l ulhl 1'-r.,Annam Body. Caie il' lmi-I
P3IES"il'wMiini-to 'M01a11" at Conlord l - rCiftf(It lnt ils lt. Ltit tl id-I- Rdcto
ne-el'.FS. Mon-cy-.Lilin ITor0ienĀ°il-sRdutin
tt.,itM nei- 100a5c11101'fr'1ind of (it'.ll.tanlkor. iike 110 iililhn tte.___ ,cheefe
ticP 110 s( -tmliorte inp ni nd 1-' io'i ti ttli n noliit FIh (lO h A CNfor U. of M. buttons
l'oTe-I, titdi t-Sld, ttttit- Mn. andO in. ( umgn ii-t 1 all patterins wiii ho 5O Cents,
411S arenn o , f 0tielit "'Corii erteG a g r ivt l
N ttle tsCttit n i- 1 a- rivnied t a 1 ai nottitealllnng-' Sil' IV. IItL
d .'TT'- E PI6 - - - - ifies'110 'till (On oti'vis'101t____the______
>A1.T) i\sill i R ('le.ts i ""1,is i" .)~ te ltt,. , -ao e at ai-Sls Teiine' ot
5.-se SY r. Chiciago, I'hH1_Retphfit. I ttne -ni' o-nexc-epteid, ati ll-tntf'1 (tshn i n' e hargo,'thirieedllhirse for blailn6ot
an it-v:1tn' in dtual gamest. T 'l'li'Itlil in l'(i ff lt'eneasn. Thnis in strictly a-snoonln.
OF II.s1iiAVINtO PAILORanRth ! (tittingiceP Aenldritni.iSjecil oh rl
" om. Aii -ppniitteeits itst class, . t itli Sin' eneenllillht-differenilti colnt
ltepolti eintl nutiest ncletlry. > ludiet' rtis- aniS111-1tin ti'tSidtoy eveiniig.
tie hallirleeesitlg insti itithill parisrc, up tt'ti lt'ne rie-nint} Itietenn'nh i1ttti li 11(Vhs
tlets. J. it -i njtnesshi3l S.S tite'it.I
X11int1SHarv-ar-d. Wlii' it lit, sInottinyt l'lhthI'I , ElNIIMOM U
____________ -If-a S 1f i int n umbtllter' of ntuntzt
tieo cllly ta tlltn n1 dit ins
lenire, I osillI--'dvInonre'12, lllelory
V / tlt- clitnnilllno hhtro-n uotto~t of.1 I slittrith lr-tenntt- thlnnil it In
n1( tPi fuml 11t Iil thint itntnts 1s-lattitinti . slinllitttntiili'1596-7."otot
111hst fal Iloill' to gte fVclllth-ri- 'h'tih~inHthold tbetOmilde latl'oom11
1- Ilt'rsite111 lilgiet hI al t 1) SI1.tESTly.
I I 0 ittenl 'if ln Vt il teie n l' Sul nily Re to F D it ni
=Ii ' < t' tintr'i ri I1thatl sh -ie canil, e 2, 11 ssliei ino nnnni
SthenWrd f 'i' 1~it1101 tle ilti 01 llg111-rgnml3ItySt~d
th Wrl i ) t h ' te ouseil 'he + i- ihIn orcesetrta soill funrnishi musit'.
'it isthotol extndnedn ln'iit hree' i 'lns' -tlrhot- to',to .iri nt
Uealeftt'o'r'lyear.,for-l t'e't'tne'nns Inn I 1 frene -t onn'memers of the elaen. An tat-
tUapproanhednttn s-ni lte n eit lt'n trt tn Itinno tt l'nne lh'int-utg ttn
s~nTO ALVat'leiso 1lligetoh innetnes snl111-nil liCec,. 1'tutionlfor' thon'so clsimb-
S IUStKF to jotiShe classes in $3, nitil Ala1st,
ha-a .fu ea olre il 1( 0 Iltithee thnt' uililto tlt5e tinnidy
POPE MFS, COl, t i nnttl i l'inis'n'n'itt - allnecnd,:1titwI o etI sen i'iring ltne 'week. 1
Money Loaned!
Oti Watchies, Dhianids, Whleele or other
P'ersonealProperty. Olllcili'sand Jen-
t-Icy Repaired. Office at residece, 3ai E.
Libnertynt ,Ainsn Arbor,Shin-h. lull busl-
nesconfdtlia~tl.iHors, 7Steoh1 ns saad
7 inn'9 p. ,-". JOnFinmC'. WATTS.Hargains
inl Second-Bland Wtlcttes and Dianuends.
I Just Received a Large and Elegant
Line of New vPipes T
Hoit sand Cold Lunchnes It t lnaors. Agents
fnn Huayler"'sanit li.1a medOWeineels Ce.'s
ChocoeltelSea Seeoos.
205S. State St., Sager Blech.
Groceies, Provisions
curl all kinds of Sainilariun
Foods for sale by
St Irnsori & Co.,
Anton 'Teufel,
TrunksValises, Dress Suit Cases
Trankso and Valises Repaired Neatly and
Chleaply. No. 5 SIMll lst.
A Slash i Prices, Foranshort
tinme see sill
-11 S.State nt..Over Rosey'sOBillard Resin.
0 M MARTIN, Funeral Director, Cloth
an Metallic Caskets and Finn Orade
Coffins, Embalmaing a Specialty, Na. it S
Fourth ave.
21 S. MAIN ST.
NODTSCE-All who desire to tnake a
course of fenciug leasn-s apply to
-Capt. E. Beaumnt. Terms, $15 for
three months, Lessons given in iroom
ever Caulkins' drug Store Wedneaday
andt Suaturday afternoon and evening.
jte itteilIbers if Stns Slielliel Seinlut lie
Sceitoci 511'e10otplnisenh 1upon1l t'e anllu
hive so the student,, nof tlieAiei'iic
DCeial intent, oing t10tho 'f iree tenar
coutre. loeos-er, theyatenot1 illowo-
tot rpslenta-tionlinmuthin manage'ment
of thus thletic brnchies, exceptnos nn-
inily in tile mnatgemnt of tile Junl-
icr Promo. or the Sophiomotre German
All candidates for the baseball team
slush report at leust three tinies a
cook at the gymnnasiumi for She regu-
her clasas work.
ttter'iy mentianloteandlindates forti i-tin
bastnt null'rlieqetdhIoreport t line
cill' so-ery aflternooinuat 2 oclo~1t. All
othier ya-i tueosill report 511 thin
gt'lnasiiflSoor itt 2:30 o'clock. !
G. A. MtLSEII, CapnS.
Course ill-Lectures tn She triv-ate
Life of tie Aneient Athenians will he
given on Tuesdays at 3S p. in., tistad
of Mondays at 2 p. in., in the musen
building. Thits course is open to all
students. i, L. D'OOGE.