THE. UNIVERtSITY O.F MiCHIGA9N DAILY. ICHIGAN GENThAI } Time Table (Revised', eb. 7,1897. a 5all adEx---5347 NY. Special-- 7MBa.f . Y. Specl---- 47 Mail -------84 Eastern Ex---10 U5 N. S. Limited._ S S9 2 Atlantic Es -___7 5 Pacific Es-----1215-t D. N.Expre s___ 5 5J Wester 1 0i. R. Express ---1 1') Chi. NI.. Ex---- 10 U G. P & T Act, Oco. St x - A to- 0. W. RUGG5LRS, fl. W. HAYES, t)a RAILROAD.11, I [imee Talelc. Jan. 31,1, 7 . U 7:0ca. am. ( * :10 a. .w r"___:_ ' - } r x11:25 a. nc. 11:25 a..e mo O"°im 4:30.m., *Run betwceen Ass Arbor and Tledo only, v raaog r~a use~r®~ra~~~o~ o All trsins daily except Sunday. We s ean narece E. S. GILMGIP, Apedntcods x!~ W. Hii ENNETT G.EP. A. Toledo 0J. ter nd,*40Se (4 V J otpi ataotre THE ysehonc S tooC' 59lone THE KNUDERGARDn EN BILIARD -HALL Id hicct,NeYcs.od e Z RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS' _____________________ Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos anti APSTO C.igarettes.1 1 r I l l I tCn be eeoredl cc h 1licand. MlNoll~y & Co , that sill tring good recleeco o Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. ;ctucdents for thiscorkdclodar vaceation. -We wsot epceetatiees on oue _____________________________________________At a'se,, Maps ,and cctherpu lic ios. ALL ABOUT THE BABY> By Robert N.'Iccobe51 1). of Chicago M~edicol Ccollege just issued, is tice t. ools Icr Medical1 Sltudesl~s. Citasiogo ond ceiruasssend on opplication. This space is reserved, SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES, We csant a fsle sial reprseentaivs cinclie C-Ilege.Cor Isis position capeiencdibok ctshou3:cld wrieous atonce statin~g postiexe ience. for the Grand Opera RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago. Ticsy, iiil° zal n-Cs oar Le btw en To- le!'( ~ s a., .si..7-Onl V ml e c +La"wh~ Theics 0nl w Orale ooGar ine between - Te ld Coelulmcbusan. icrmt LeiaseenToldoad Colmbusn TheON OngDrwng Rmis Gacrainehetayedoll ToedCee oledombungCaGestond THE ONLY LINE w sith 4 trains each way daily bee ceeToledo nod Cclabsn .V. vSanasi I terTLIEotlee noledous THE ONLY DIRECLINE: bewen Toledo i ria, I ayrcus.Granvieand Newark. Fuel i accecasion eelae o 5aes,time of teains,eto., csil [:ochesserfully furnished icy any IAgent of thecthisiCentral Lines. MOUtgLTON HOUK, G. P. A. TOLEDO, 0OHIO Mark Heanna wosuliloiily IFbock us Y U would be surprised of Y u our generosity, bot yoik SS E we have to bustle fori SE ourselves, no lT becomes necessary to slats ight and left Iorder to keep ons top. Coin- seIN sl House. ANOALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER R Washlingtonl Block, Ann Arbor. * ci l I ts Guintar, Mandolin, WsliurenBanjo or Zither. Picies hoc-ve ecaeled docns aesucclt of the: Wshoiburn's enoremcus popmarity so thcat cnc yocan bccyogenuine a~shburn ofthe very ltcstdesign From $i.oe Upward. ThecewccWashues Mandolins isoaerdieal departeree frocmforestsies. It ismcccneatesti, daiie-sitcanc lighteican cdolinsmisncble, and iits ceaprch:esle v-eycnearetoitht oflccinecoldlCeona Violin. Wsh~- bucccesoclclatixedoandscaifispicies by allfirst- cls~sicleps eveyswhcee. docsbccn e the xcacknsowledged standadceofcctlie woreld. They ore aced exclusively icy tleadinbcg Aptists, Techces and Glee Club~s. our ewoce 93cic- cop, cctaogcuce ecotiin cpotrais of ove100Aemists andid fuliformatlio, pies, edorcsementsc, ec., cvll be ose ree eeiptnopplication. Ifiyourslcalc~l colce cnnoctsoc;yyoncseccwilcend-Wccslice;Cc. o. 1). wcihpriiegcfIexamccinatcicon, dirccetccccctcoryce. A cvashbun improvs-e with age and metes a Ouit thot inrenses in velue as the years go by. It is really worth many times its cost. LYON & IHEIY, COS.. W.. Z ASH AVES. & ADAMS ST., CHICA,0O U. OF M. CALENDAR. I A. A. & YPSI. ST. RAILWAY. Satsirdaiy, F'clc. 27, Law LectiirlTIE TABLE. Itoli--Senior lawt-cratoical ecnlest. Sostrday Fe. 2 WatVerman Gym ~Leaves Coaigresstreet, Ypcsilantsi, at imsunl 3 ). 11.So~llol~oe-#r~rlllla (1:0, 8:20, 9:40, ansd 11:00 ain i.,lancd nacildc,3 ~. ii. Sc~colocmlc-sliloci15:40, 2:20, 3:40, 5:00, 0:30, 7:59, 9:10 indoor oceeit. Siinday, Febc. _2S.Newbcerry halouand10:20) p. no. 1935 a. i.-Itev.I-MelIrcy cii rjn escecscolrt bo1socat A.1111 Arbor 1at (lintof Mebcjcls~a.7:41), 9:00, 10:20 sod 11:40 a. mc., and Phicltofy, lethor:-l n llllel" ~ 1:20, :00, 4:20, 5:40, 7:10, S:30, 9:50 ciety, adcdress, "ile 3Memlh imniof an: ld 11:00 p. Ill. Girdcers", byPriof. Ncet. i SUNDAY I'tE. LELeTa)N~-. ~~ vecs Yisilanti it 0:20 antd 10:101 - Huron is crossed and LER O AC. a. iii., sod 12:10, 1:51), 3:10, 4:30, 5:5), a- Granlgers, Acoiclmilc, laist termi of 7:15), 8: i0 acid 9:-0 i. ii. Atu he battle cry is 'The se:csoii. Ally cwo claisses per we~ek to Tere li ro t1:0051P:1 Masy 1st, <$3. 011cc at Amadminy, a. n1~. and 12:50, 2:3(0, 3:50, 5:10, 6:3l0, f~~ op ONE DOL- grolind floor, 6i Maynard st. Prclgl-.ll 7:59:10 and 10:30 11. in. D A ~IL ~14 A"frIs 1and oreliestra every Sasturdaly eveing, LR frzs tree 10 members of Mle c-his5ses. T"hose E7XCURSIOsN I PlATES T1O WASHI- of yeail 110memer B1lllcO c nrcoicle. ISINGTON FOIE THlE IN-afctWeko its FNOTICE. (JO accountof lbs presidccnpial ~in- A , creating a sensations FlItt ST YEAR ENGIN IiiItING 1 1111g11ration ceremlolnies March 41th, She ansi saking or would Icc- STUDENTS arm urgently advised fcc Alln Arbor IiIt. Rcsill sell excorsio competitors feel 'take 1SISIICS, tOURiSE1I, thed cone- timkets from all stations oSowasning-s rengemtr. hsei e- tbunsssbsses toPnc-tr togetr frteical 1Eng-ieerillg do so, thiey- will Pbe P01und11trip. Tickets csill be sold. March delayedanillenitine s-ear ini their eleclri- 1st, 2d anid 3d, limoited for return to Sed{{i n ddes1 cal wvork. IENIZY S, CAIIIIAILT. Marmch Sill,___________d -Ca.H.nHAddrss, PIEINC"I.A-, very slime fronit suite for rent at. 1lBusiness Maniager-. Cccui~e A, Semtion 1 for P~ngiac eliog 1ST/2 -orest ace. Path, hcit anld cold q, dens illbegivn EIAV , 1 c1, n l11lle. Best of talie board. F F. in 1Room1 2, at 3 oclock. Course 7, -1( REN T eUjrLERc, Clacssic Prose will be given in1 11:10111 ToI hc-t-Twocsinlicrooms,Glue 2. IS, Nortli Wing, Nortll hall at 10 c andI 11: oilier 75c per week. 1Ba11-thsOO P ~ omclckb:NW 11115F. (:113:1l h(".at1furnished. 20 5. ANN ARBOR. MI-H. Headquarters for all College Text Books, Law, Medical an Scientific Agents for the Waterman Fountain Pen. Everyone warranted. Largest 25 cent Note Book in the City. Best Linen Paper by the pound, 15, 20 and 25c. Envelopes to match. S3 F11.bHAN 2Q S ( . Staff Street. Arnn Arbor, Mick Leading Booksellers