I)c tio of , 1m il . VOL. VII. No. 113. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SXTURD 1Y, FEBRUARY 27, 1897. @0 J L.I~ 0 AULD LANG SYNE." { Junior oratorical Contest. Special Appreoariations Asked. - There were but Lour coutestants i A strong appeal is being made ini the Leading0 Tailor AnjtrsiuEenn ihteinior- literary class prelimisiary legislature for a special appropriation Our Scottish Friends. hseld lost night, lint the contest was an. fsr the University, in addition to the g excellenst sue and deserving of a better constitutlonal tax of one-sixth ofa A.ND IMPOLJ R TERU~ . A Nve1 filled house listened tosfa u1 attensdance than was plresent, mull. The appropriations for extras clue entertainment held last (eenin The contest wais won by f'. S.-all for $53,000. Of this sum $22,0X) FUA1LL UHESS SUITSA SPECIALTY. In Fuss suosty Htallunuder the auspices Simns, wo swtis the ws-nnes of isis is needed Lor an electric lighting plant, U LL( °the Caledonian Society of Anno Alr- cla ss soutc.st last year, and the second $i0,000 for a fire-proof las' library P ibo,,so consuemoration oL the inni- place swas gis-eii to A. L. Osgood. .Mr. building, andi $3,000 for the University NO.2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. , scsr of lihert Burns. f'isioss spokie oi "itin Brown,' aod hospital. rise program, svhich swas t-toraughly the(- Subject of Mri. Osgood's speech S'fss-tenents have been made by the .Scotih, opiened with .a bag p lilleso- seas "Savaniarola." 11. B. tHarrison University authorities that a saving Som ti es lcetion by Alex. Gray, orf Ecdinblurghi. end V C. -Iooney. tihe other coolest- of $3,000 a year could be effected by you have a little headache, C (apt. ttobert Campltbell followed with lilts, hiailLor lhit respective subjects,, the state hav-tng a lighting plant of its # we put up a little tablet iin short remitniscences oL Buoms obtained 'Chill Lsihsr." ands "T'hi'Duity (oL tie own. A lprivate corporation now sells t0e packages that will nen- from iIls grandpsarents, niwh ("'r per'- _Moeico Sctohr"'. ga;.s for the U'niversity buiildings. On allyx re ieve. Btety sil friens ofthi'toet. Tts'ill's- Tb" judigis oil thoughttt anisicoisitosi- the showsingttse state would sav'e the PaLbxMExtS tHAe. ACY ,Ill551a suitntinuedl1 aissnouncedidn0tiolnwen-et'rofs. i. -At. Tlisippos, A. cost of a plaiit in Lour years. The 46S PAMRSTPA RMACS.Ttile Dal,'.aiss that it wvas folly ap- N. f1lo d 11Iev. . NlI. Gel.otoin;oat valise of the law library oL the Uni- 46 . TAE T. psei-ssed by tlse auience, was stoio cetisv-ry. Dr. Coleandi, -Mr. tingois- vernsity ts estimated at $100,000. Thse ____________________________________bytue liltny bursts if sitilalus'sn'awndlMr. tBrown-s. Their complets'sisart-lisibuiling nose used fur tae library is 'unicroIus encores. isigs gave lii-e5 skers thei foilosoinig iot fireproof. Not only tis, but it is Clo in Ou S le I3. shnly, is ils Illp-r "Sceitlnsl lositios. It. r Sisslosofist,MsO(s-lisghsted witsgas. A fire or a gas ex- in Iitillnt Literaturei," recallecd the good secondi, Mc. Haririsoni ltil ind lostin wosid destroy lis great i 5 J i' !T P 5 S 1 t t- 8 : S ,t STILL ON PRICES CUT DEEPER THAN EVER"err JACOBS & ALL1YAND, W &SHItNGTON STREET. Printing Frames! t To reduce stock, we will sell regular 25e printingv frances for 20c duruig thse balance of thtis wook. After Saturdiday 25c. See the South Window. s -X -a ~ AKN'-:- PHARMACY, -AT---- sr~insy sisiei t 11515illEnglish Ilsera- tains, stionig tImit the resason Scot- Landsi isdilproduci-d suc11 11011Nvasts lic tiii Scols,oswinig Is tie nastusie' sftheir coitisriy, list-c hadilto ight andisli sa re- sislt aipec-sliair cisitizatiosi character- il 1wb its sItsllbornlss, it-, irossy sissi hits vior,tImsgravenslt. 1Blittoday Scotlansd is undellrgoinsg ssrefor-matioii, owing,10tilte iitrodusctions oT she -sill- ri-sic, mnd tli ii- iiitiosiwhichtiis thuiss passinig siw-y is beiiigtireservedi for sis by Ian 'Isc~as-eu. 'Thi'e llterlailuilllt c-osesd siths 'AislsiLang Sy-sic" l by Mlessrs. IJar- sN aisd tiiRanklinlIs'rs. W. I-. ttay- siesi, liii- sssliell-s' loilulag ini ositile lis'sveisi'. Get Your Seats Early. li'e' sale' of suists foir111e ('sisieily fltfb's pesforissssceill 'ic' ris-sits' Si"eseiry"itbeneid at: Stic'ilas'-s;lisisk- snorieltiiiss1301nig sit Ito'clock. Ills- is'c1c-,sas Il~iily ltheater' ipsrtie' st're1t Ice giscisitsswoiiul Is will losrIthiose whtitentdsigoisng to lii-esinti-rlaiseit t1 si's-sre tLeirsesil