1'll J [NIVERSIT'Y OF MICH 0AAN DALLY. 0) ul toal readCole M. TAEBLER, 01tpon . ) Onedot or at of 3ei til ouse, :F. J. Scl'leede, 20 S. STATE STREET itole o! Io t 20.} en tsand upward. I ' ofSM. S 'ee otandProfesos 31' ibs. Lin- en Pa tier for 50'0)) ts. Note' t~oot'Oe )oo~to pwartds. OF D ANNL 27 Thompson Street. I T tEQUWPWNT OF A STUDENTS 004M, f ote t t *iotoco' ceded )that a "' In n stru len is 11 ) o i, ~ h;lul +csi .T BAY STATE 100 B Yiilt ilsn JO.cw(flr )no T lt hiuit Hit ' o "i' 1!k1, t -' The Aluminum Guitar JEWE LRY -X - - - lil toot warp or cheek. Si~ 1 O ALL, 46 S. Mvain Street. - - - - Thoelotte is ftull atnd billiattt. PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY Ixamio itanti get the best service. ,ANN ARlBOR MUS10 OO.. Office and Stable, 32 Forest 21AD2 At AHNiIN8rt)T Ave. Telephone 106. " Branch Offioe at Paituors' Pharotacy DOES YOUR LAMP SMOKE? THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS RANK Capitat Staok, $50,000. urplus, $50,000. TRY RED STAR OIL --NO tSMO E totesttource st 100000e, l anki I fhiostState. tReteivesdeotst, boysoand S No ('It')))Wteloo, No Ofettoive Odor, No Toultog of Chimneys- t ettoOexthan~ge 00 tttopoineipat cittes of tte I UnitodStates ' )tlts ao heot po n 5proper A tWhite Lightt-B~urns freely to the lost tdrotp , f oil ttt thtolainp idontificoaton. Sofety deosi~t boxeo to rent, OFFICERo: )Chrittano BtteksPres.; W. It. '-('tear ti,;oprittg water-lac per galtott-De liveredtlittoureans tiarrimon, Vite-ets.: ChoasE. iscoctk, Casthtet' M.t.tFrtt sitat shitter. tttIttttttly 201)1 otly by E ~~DEAN & COMPANY. FIRST NATIONAL BANK raiedl6 41 South Mtaiin Street. setiltat, $100,000. Sorptuo aod Profits, 640,000 - ~ __________Traosacts a generotltotokingbuootos. t~orotgiieocaetoouhtostaottsold. Furoish S UNIVERSITY NOTES, Magazine Reviews. letteestof Ceedtt. ____ ____E. t). KINNS, Poes. ttAttttON SOULE, " :1 It' tlaw tO 111)0) 4! lI it' ' ntr'cOtt o i tl t'i so be t:tr tin0-11CLI-1 Nic te Prot> S. . tot' N.Coshtie. ,s .1t'tt o'. tlt)''t cLttoaais tootndIit.i o N tmtel',tttmit)' t le ~ f~ff~&fr~ni u c tt t r r \oit lios0 t 1 ' i r. l it' I tri ),0;, t l tt till.lct1Otl't, 11 at I 11 _________________ 0 1Ft' Ill.. Itt ''Olliba't'tl it't".i ti1t))oo-Maintl.' h roI Sreets / E tHEOPEC, PHOTO( Imotted . yI(It Moothall. e-It fae l 1tIr.t~ u. '1 1lt'oe O'ttl(Itt' 1. Ittstlti lt i1lot l to~l~r .t It H ot Lunches. T h.ere ) 11 ''' I''II ~ 1 1 ) \1 1 Il' :1'i'tt (lt't itt )i 11tt 1! ill I f e 1 ~ t t * i~ t . (" ''1 ? 1 '1 l l \v t l ( 1. i t i ll t t I 1 C o sts ,<