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February 26, 1897 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-02-26

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Tlh L UIV+' S'ITY 0()' Mi(IIGAXN !) 'ILY.

Time Table { is dl Feb. 7, IR 7
Mail and Ex.- 3 47 N. Y. Special-- 7 0
.N.Y. Special...4 z, 3 Maill--------- 84i
Xastern Ex------ 10 e5 N. S. Limited.-.- 9 251
Atlantic Ex-___7 5. Pacific Ex---12 15
0 N.Express.._ 5 59 Wetern Ex-___191
1. l:. hExpres- _.11 0 hi. Nt. Mx-1__ 910

T SCOLLAc 15TI-i - '3 L '0
IT WILLO®UT iR:.1 -irrTHR 0
J' G 3,__~i'; p Ind

* The bib aneielumbu l Ta
RAILROAD.". -NS"STu T _. MARKT J 'leepn aro Drawing Reaca
yIjpia .t " stai oqToldo lob unsand
'i: .a. 1:5a.m 8 ,S @ @ @ ,@ @,@ , ThO,,@ ,@,,, @ ~ le Onig Drawping RemGar Line between-
7:AILROA. a a __ - To a 1 gle adonlnmbus.c Osstn
p.aug iaeT. aoiggcSloping o rwngRo a
All e taTs al e.ceaday1 8T. CW Laadne iunsletepenbeledo, Columbas and
iOR.1R. o tI9OR . AeR ayddae.' 7e'J T M aretLNta ls4ta. anh ayal
BENNETT0.aP.m . Taled5 0. me"® ®nod!i ®*ibQ aa + ® a ®c®® k he l meensraiea ndpRom ar lue ba.
W.H ENET .PUA TlacO.i O Gn , 151 8o tee bteeoda l edweand Cld us
teun,e~a. Tal ONLY LINB with 5 train, each an al
THE u SR13iUG, 59 Flton ' lnelal ee teeeledoian deoeumbsd
______ MgiONLYITith °i trlais each way daily
THU ONL1+Y DIRECT LINE between Toledo
Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos and PSIIN t eIn, Buyru. hanvilye adsieweb ark
Cigaettl. in aionrelaieetocraica, time o
Cnbe secured weih Band. cNally1& Co thitat i l:l tcxg od retallnsoAgetofthle Ohio enralLinea.
Cor. Main and Liberty Sts.: studentarth cciis workiiduri gtvacation.:l:We iihlclRexalnativeson see MOULTON PIOUK, 0. P. A.
___________________Atede, lips and othiepaublicatixn. TOLEDO, OHIO
ALL ABOUT THE BABY _____________
By iRobert N. Tocker, M51),t xl Chic:goyMeil oi i jcust:icsued, isxh ak H i a w ud o l.
booklifoxr Medicil SadetCa taloguil a d c irue: lars send oap :plication.lak H no old ol
This space is reserved' SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES t , ,.I bckU
wcewast alfnecOial 'eprc-cratt iles in telCilg. FoPc i l:xpositimaI
expeien:cd lboho m risensholdl write Cs al t ncstating lesperience.wudb urrsda
for the Grand Opera RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago. 1j our gee srsedcbat

IFriday, Fell. 26, Laiw LectueI il:. 22:1: . 1ff11, TAIJ. we have to hulstle for
--juiolr literaryiOrar~i51 ica l otel leveu 1:1IgScaEi cl ourselves, so
SktlirdcLy, 0-eb. 2:, 1Law 1ectiiri iiiti ___
lislllSe~::r id' :171011 III O~is (1500 8:20, l):40l, :111:1 11:00 1l 111i. 1a1d
D ANDALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER. s<iliii 1 el 7 ) ielll(il2:40, 2:20, 2:4:1(, :11(, (ilOl 7--0 4)10 P rl lca iesneceadary to slash
[ Wasinigton Block, llixiliV. 1 1 . 11.--S:1111:ii-lcsm lid 10:20rightaiid left
Ann Arbor. iidoor meet.LIi :1 }i lsli i ii .i ia
j illll 1 ' eIbl. 290, NewberryIIiS 111, : 0,1:119 , 1 90:211 31.1: 40 a.1 Ill,, aidl
- 1. 1i-i5 t~ 1 11I~ 21 1:1) :1.941 05x} ~ ~ oder 1o keep oil top. Con-
!E - sat111117Mar:ch-1(1, 111911111 I pli SU NDAY IE..J
I y/1- 10:ilsc-- 1111 Irirll 1: S cIl l i . pe ,-. e:lsl-o Xlrilllli a11 _0 0 nO 10: -
44 r seiil l bylie I.of lf1. G(aleidy C lub. I. 11i ll([od12:10, 1:0,(10, (1340; 111, lE Hrnfa rse l~
/~~~~ 141 :1 111 l9 1 1 the battle cry is ,Tile
- : Y I 9JUOI 1. I('e n -s iill Arbiriat:10:)10 1111120i
Th cure 11 \llhcai Citcl;.) 11 a. Ii)., alIld12:1), 2:3l0, 3:50,3,920,_61:0,K Y frONE DOL-_
110'd 0yncc I t ic leief rau/il e (11 citites (-( .'l Silel I 7:5i0, IdI3 l for.4 . L E" or es
;iio Rme ia Really Completae-oi, eresilliatil ri-hliral and 1111 7 911 X)llt,81 2' RATES T10 Vi toll of year
Withouta new I897 Model
phnilc 55-Ili will illel1:IIJI. 0Students INCAT(O-NFOt TILL IN- at eko ti
Guitar, Mai' ;,r iecslloil o1f ta . l ltis o llli Wil (-1x1J1I atact Weilo ii
*.ash . ceain a sensation
Baajo or i: - ;i--eet: 11oiday, .Siai-i-ii1st,, Itli C , at (Ill deeduilt of the p117111 loil crtin
Prce av ee1cae dw 2are -tt -1*0 or' 3 I). ill. ille 1111011 55 l ii ccEli"- tlralli'ain cerelll ics 91 irchi 4iii tile and liJking otir would be-
bu71enieWahunoftei r ats '111-191 1b-i-,ol.iui li o1n1. 11nn .Aitor 2. IR. wtill sell excursion Q fpttoafe
Fram f$iSnooUpward. A ..95N~I tickets fromli 111 staitionsi t 99-1lai11,,
Thene Wahbrn M9andlinis _ccA ______- - lu112rlridl010o tlte re buit businiess is bus'tlesci
feeom formier styles. I11i11tli e c tell i.tl cd rtr t ol.f r o
gihctSaici1 e.yil : l ,c1 ii .,I' 51 inii ifll 0-11l l 1 1 5 1Hlfil ilil til. 1'iiklsc l ~ iU 9 r
cass ic S( edater 5. -cd :1 ele liigriIltl s, olSi 9 Prii 1st, 2 and311 3d', limtii dci for tl 11 hu to I.
exe-,ie.I SendVahriilatand"Adrel cx
Wash iburn,,s are the acknoedelged eln" . -l er 111/l e tu orillli il l Dtyiitsa""J, cliSthi.
world.,The are see id eacusivelybyt. -I(illi h ue 1 o 1w l1',te "1di-ItfA0.H I
Artisxts,Teaches ndx le~eiClubsa. a hd I)11915ii 1n-:11 I% .HA
aned full iinfomin, price, elorain sEc~iii _________ :.ltsiies c tanagec..
aentfe e onCece: ecit eof:applicationI. IIi-Itr l .112 I-il-i-i tlisi,. JIU),iii. ot. 1111(1 cal,)
Esx mc:cse c ii e:i 5: t-aythliig topleae at 1 t'ctty iiiiic ihcnIct f IP
withiprivilege -Sof e ination,,direct i l : , " ,.w :Ae. B s f tbe b('1't
A Washburn improves wiih age and rik GoiodbPaurd, goo1d ietw'ice, ad the11-! C-- - I] t.ZSe-HIP
tGift that increaes in valoe as the ys 01LDil9i1 h tbet ep oiT eltTosn
Itis realy woirthmany iimes I i at.017 1 iecaocsot.Psa1 u cii fs ru~
tYN& -IAiLY, IP1/d il 0 11 -Pat ikgoioc1 il at Iho; Ic id lire other 5". per ne .Ilr OTOCs ' ' .
COR WABASHIAVE-r ADAS h0b. 4_ ; ilfr~~iiceciity. 11.1 F~: 1'1 liShed.i20 1) l. 11: st ANN ARBOR. MICH,
Headquarters for al College Text Books, Law, edical and Scientific
Agents for the Waterman Fountain Pen. Everyone warranted.
Largest 25 cent Note Book in the City. Best Linen Paper by the pound, 15, 20 and 25c.
Envelopes to mnatch.


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