THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daly (Sndys excepted) during the Cllee ear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN tlrrenretTimesrebugling, it)S. ulenSt. le- twereaLibrty ad William St. 31LSc.AG IN'tlEDITORI J.1Vi. TteeeS, l7. iiUSt'.'-;SANACk, t0. i 1et, 'ti E leTO is . L. GEsmEee, 'at L. IP. S. 'iteeccs,'. F. N. LcOeee,'li. t. B. SeILAeeeeeN, '8L.. H. i. Coteete, 'lil. BrecERetLte, 'Cli (. M.GREE~N, lilt Atletic Editr. ASSOCIATE EDITORS IW. W. liugle, '(ci. S. W. Sith, . i. A. Vucic, 'teF. , A. Camipbel. '0 W.P. i.Mrrill, 'a. . 1). tiudett, 'V. Ai mS7. C.Luj.99P. Tteubcripionetrpcerofathte tDaily i i 1 for te ollrgr year.twith a rglar tliery bfrae oatee Idty. N elo .etics omnctia' iens, ad ter mater iteededefotr pat i- tione etst be handed' itta9 te itDaily oeie be- fae r p mn., r naled teete editer betoec 3 p m., oethe dty ipreviustee thlaten whitith thley areceted to ea .ser. Subecriptionsemayeteyehrtt acTte Dail Offiee, Myer'e r Steiie'e Nenanicd. or eitS BesinesManae Sa'rilere cwiii con- fer a aste by ieprietg prcetply lt hit oficee tey ailure otecarrcier t delier peper. Now.thatlth le blei tll reahi ftr ter t'dllfigllt' ttttttbalst itt'u'ii ttlt't' tis i Loted thalire ill bleill ll citt teIt Uniiversiy eliecanciibli' f cise' wilipe-' cte . 1ba11)yer ith e vetia Iliit soa Pef ueten ttie'outellregehtltly Ptr tie till' ii 'the epo ttinswr ritaitttl'lly ttttcltl'ie't. IRat tis'tyell' ,III fi tosite'onsiiiretoencuf f e'veirit' gtoitd liii'v''ariy. itere' tanti1I1lit i ani abilute nitt ilteetythat lite' lme-di~ ilitH veti lilied huete clIt teil' 1liel1crit11' t st tert.frotmeeii te'e trrI PROGRAMS FOR ESPTtES (Cntinued reen IFirt Page.) St'leuiitunei t1810bSi-856.) Pteicile, Fuegue cOi .11. . 1.ISolit:;, Ul.e dr. tt'epf. Sr. Ierrymlitl. Iettliact. Iiallelcjei ('orenls (" iotilo tOlive'"). Voni We'er. AiiatleD'I)muiir itoeta. Spilibi. "ategiet.' Srleccie.eiele. a. Siuiy frPer edel ilesice' . l. l'ieieeeiieec. Serzo,. I inrulrSymnhlilicac. IX-Gernian (VII). March 30. .'ediitlsetelii. (18041-1'47.) tet-lulei, Soaet, 5' cintr (hevoe citteelnrlil). "Mlijal." Aree. "Lre)Got of Are- le(lam." eWrme. (Aalptle). tfy'iiii, "Cunt (SO 'retor. Siitrl ble.' "H-ymneoPIrise. Deitti aiii)Ccre "I 'aietlfPr tlee'Lotr." Setrne, "Came,, grarcis Siri." 'tlllel' Snate ice A majr. Slis:, Atea Ill" Allistri' imePoler, Mr.els. S-French. April 1. Gnned (181-1833.) trelu, "V810ia Suore Jteiiiis.' "Jrustleiie Coelet%" (Maca et Vita). Sl, "tc- pentan~ce."c Gloria (Bese Slecelle). Hymn,Q(aCoe, 0 Cane, >Emiian I ver." "eh-'iitltDtOri" Sentencet, "Idlest p.1 Ile ttrleu C ranietli"'; PtledE', "Seue4.